Chapter 5~Green Arrow

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Isas Pov
"Isa wake up!" Dick shouted walking In my room. "Go away." I mumble and turn on my side. "Don't make me do this." He says with a smirk in his voice. I started falling asleep when he jumped on me. "I'm up." I say annoyed as he chuckled getting off me. He helped me up
As we chuckled.

I sped in my closet in a grey sweatshirt crop top black ripped jeans and white converse. I walked out. "Look at you not wearing Mostly black." He says pecking my lips. "Will stay a secret till they find out." He whispers in my ear as I nodded. We walked downstairs. "Oliver's gonna be here in 20 minutes."

Bruce says. I smirk. "I wanna scare him." I say as everyone laughed. I use my nature powers to fly above the door. I sat down as they chuckled. "Your gonna jump on him?" Dick asks as I nodded as they chuckled.

He walked in. "Where's little blue?" He asks. "UNCLE!" I shout jumping on him as everyone laughed. He chuckled. "Hey kiddo." He says as I jump off him. I laugh as he hugged me. "Always nice seeing you."

He says as I chuckle. I never laugh only when Uncles around me. We make a plan after we calmed down. I got uneasy during it. Dick noticed. "So you guys come to Star city, You can stay with me for a few days tracking Zoom down." He says looking at me. I hold my locket. "We'll get him." Uncle says reassuring. "Yeah, It just been my life mission hurting him is all." I say as they nodded concerned.

I walk away to grab some water. Dick hugged me. "You Alright?" He Asks. "I spent my whole life, Training and figuring out what would happen, If I get that chance to find my moms murderer, Would I kill him or just hurt him."

I say as he hugged me tightly. "Im here for you." He whispered as he kisses me softly. Oliver was spying on them smiling. "Yeah, Thanks Dick." I say as he smiled at me. We walked back to everyone else. "I'm fine." I say drinking some water as they nodded. "So I'll take you guys there tomorrow."

He says as we nodded. I walked away. "You alright?" Uncle asks walking over to me. "Yeah, Just thinking." I say looking at my locket. "I saw you and Batman's adopted son." He says with a smirk.

My eyes widened. "I won't tell them, Secrets safe with me." He says. "Were gonna tell them when they find out." He chuckled. "You might scare him little blue, You should tell them and get it out in the open." He says. "To closed off, But, Somehow he helps, Which I didn't think was possible to be honest."

He smiled at me. "It's good your starting to let people in more besides me." He says hugging me. "Your the only one who didn't drink, Unlike my dad, He doesn't even stay around to notice me anyways that's why I don't tell him anything anymore, Besides, I'm 18 next year."

I say softly. "I'll get threw to him after you stop Zoom, If it makes you feel any better kid." "Thanks Uncle oliver." I say hugging him. "Anytime." He says walking away. He's staying the night anyways.

I sped to the couch since no one was in there at the moment. Uncle was talking to Bruce and I don't know where Jason Damian and Dick are so it's just me. They were watching her down in the cave. I open my locket. "Almost There Mom." I say softly. "9 years."

I say softly. "Even if you did teach me to sing, No ones around to know mostly of what I think about." I say sighing. I make the board appear. I take my sword out. I throw it at the picture of Zoom. "If it doesn't work, I'll hurt him deeply." I say coldly.

I take the mini sword out. I smirk. I crack my knuckles and I make the sword disappear. "Death or Coma?" I ask myself. "Coma, I'm no monster, Unlike the lunatic who gave me evil powers." I say sternly.

My phone rang. "Stephanie." I say chuckling as I put it on speaker. "Hey girl, I'm at the lounge right now if you want to join me." "Sure, I'll be there in a blink of an eye." I say as she laughed hanging up. I snap my fingers and appeared in a red tank top and black ripped jeans with red combat boots. I make the board disappear and I sped out the door.

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