Chapter 31~Trust issues

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Isas Pov
"The plans working!" I say excitedly. "How?" Dick asks. I smirk as I point to the two. They were kissing! "Never thought I'd see the day." Clark says as Dick chuckles. Stephanie ran over to us. "Wanna sing a song?" She asks excitedly.

She snickered once she saw Bruce and Selina kissing. "In fact let's sing a song for those too." She says. I playfully slap her as Dick and Clark chuckle. "No but I kinda promised we'd sing a song." I say. She glares at me. "Don't glare at me you'd probably do the same thing." I say. "True." She says as we chuckle. "Then let's go." She says as we walk on the stage.

Bruce's Pov
We stoped and smiled at each other. We heard clapping as we see Isabelle and Stephanie on stage. The music plays as they start singing. At top. "Happy birthday Bruce!"

They shout as everyone laughs as they clap. They walk off stage. Selina chuckles. "Selina I... Fell something towards you." I say looking in her eyes. "Yeah, So do I." She says nervously as she looks in my eyes. "Wanna.... join me for dinner tomorrow?" I ask. I watch as she got a smile on her face. "I Wouldn't miss it." She says as we smile.

Isas Pov
"Yes! He asked her out." I say excitedly as Dick and Clark laugh. We walked over to them. "Hows it going?" I ask with a smirk. "You set us up." Bruce says with a small chuckle. "So what if I did, I used my senses on you too, And they helped as well."

I say as we all laugh. Me and Dick walked away. "You are some genius." He says putting his arm around me. "Yeah, I get that a lot." I say as he smiled bringing me in a soft kiss. We break away smiling. "We don't need to tell anyone else about our child yet just the main ones." He whispers In my ear as I giggled.

Bruce's Pov
"Those too are a cute couple." Diana Wonder Woman says pointing to Isa and Dick. "Yeah, Shes actually Pregnant with his child right now." I say. "Even more adorable!" Diana says as Clark chuckles. "I was the first to find out cause she was dizzy when she made it to central station." Oliver says as we laugh. We spy on them from afar.

Isas Pov
I notice my dad drinking water? "Never thought I'd see him drinking water for once." I say as Dick chuckles. "Cousin cousin!" Amira says running up to us. "Hey girly what's up?" I ask. "Get back here."

Auntie says out of breath. "Sorry Isabelle she's kinda hyper." She says. "But I wanna show cousin something." She says giggling. "Quit giving your mom a bad time, Your suppose to be inside cutie." I say as she giggles. "Come on lets get you home before you eat everything." She says as they walk away.

We chuckle. My phone rings. "Hello?" I ask. "Hey Isa I know you can't dance for a while but I have one last dance for you." "Miss Regina, I don't know if I can dance at the moment." I say nervously. "It's only been a few days, And it's your last dance for a while."

"Alright one final dance till after this thing isn't there." I say as Dick chuckled. "Great I'll send you the choreography, The last shows tomorrow you need to practice today."

She says hanging up. I roll my eyes. My phone dinged. "Yikes, Hopefully I don't get dizzy." I say. "You'll Be Fine." He says kissing my cheek. I roll my eyes. My phone dinged. My eyes widened. "I'll be right back." I say shocked as I speed off in a blue blur. Dick followed her. "What the heck was that text?" I ask shocked. "It's true I saw Dick kissing someone else." I gasp. I look at the picture. I felt everything stop. It was Barbara....... tears fall down my face. I end the call. I dropped my phone and ran out the door.

Dicks Pov
I picked her phone up and my eyes widened. Barbara forced herself on me that day and now Isa's thinking the worst. I have to find her. Good thing Damian somehow put a tracker on her. That's how I been able to find her every time. I press the button. On a roof?! I need to get there now. I ran out grabbing my Nightwing suit and grappled to where she was.

Isas Pov
Tears stream down my face. I was freezing but I didn't care. "Yeah mom, I don't know what to think at the moment." I say softly as more tears fall down. The wind was blowing a lot and I was freezing. "Izzy." Dick says concerned. I make my tears go away as I stay silent.

I know he's in his Nightwing suit but I wasn't paying attention. It was dark out and I looked down on the city. "Please look at me so I can explain." He says softly. "I rather not." I say softly. "Barbara was the one that forced herself on me, And someone took the picture, I'd never do that to you love." He says softly. "Thanks for explaining that but that's not what I'm worried about." "Your worried?" He Asks concerned.

Dicks Pov
"Why are you worried?" I ask. "It's just, When something like this happens again, It makes it... Hard to trust you sometimes, And I hate that I just said that but it's true." She says with a hint of pain in her voice.

I noticed she was freezing and I wrapped my arms around her. "The whole time I've been here in Gotham, Drama happened every single day, Then we got together and, A lot of other things started happening." She paused shakily.

Isas Pov
He turned me around so I was facing him. He didn't know I was crying and he wipes my tears away. "Hey, All that stuff, Is something we'll fix together, Cause I love you."

He says a bit nervously. I look at him confused. "I was... gonna Wait but." He got down on one knee and my eyes widened. "Isabelle, When you walked threw the manor for the first time, I liked you right away, You were this Dark cold girl who needed some help, I never thought I'd love anyone as much as I loved you, Theres no one I'd rather spend my life with, Will You Marry me?" He Asks hopefully.

Dicks Pov
She nodded and that made me happy. I kiss her passionately as she kisses me back. I put the ring on her finger and we kissed again.

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