Chapter 24~Anniversary

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Isas Pov
It's been a few weeks and dad left. Dick asked me to move in and I accepted. Bruce was happy for us and so was I. I woke up and Dick wasn't there. Weird. I put on a black blouse, black ripped jeans, black and white flannel jacket,black converse and a maroon beanie.

I walked downstairs. "Hey Isa." Dick says with a smile. He's up to something. "Hey?" I say as Bruce and Alfred chuckled. I stoped drinking as well, Which is super shocking. My phone rang to my song. "Yeah Jack?" I ask as they laugh. "I need to talk to you,

Can you meet me at the cafe." He says with a bit of worry in his voice. "Everything ok?" I ask as they look at me. "My d-dad He uh, He's in the hospital." "Ashton's in the hospital? Is your dad ok what happened to him?"

I ask as their eyes widened. "H-He was in a car crash and he's in a coma." "Oh my god." I say shocked. "I'll be there in a bit." I say hanging up. "Yikes." I say softly. "His dads all he has as well." I say as they look at me concerned. "I'll be back." I say as they nodded.

I speed out the door and made it to the cafe. "Need a hug?" I ask as he nodded hugging me tightly. "Hey it's ok Jay." I say softly as we let go of the hug. "Thanks bestie." He says softly. "How about we visit him."

I say as his eyes light up. "Even if he's in a coma he can still hear everything you say." He says as I chuckled. "Want me to speed us there?" I ask. He chuckled. "Why not I need to feel better."

I speed us to his room after I signed in as we stop in his room. "Hey Mr Lynn." I say softly. "Hope you feel better and get the energy to wake up." I say as Jack nodded. I got a text. Hey babe, When you get done with Jack I need to talk to you, Meet me under the tree.

I smiled. "You'll be ok?" I ask. "Yeah, I'll stay here with my dad but if he wakes up I'll tell him Izzybare stoped by." He says as I chuckle. "Good cause I gotta meet my boyfriend, See ya Jay." I say as he waves as I speed out the door. I made it to the tree and I see Dick waiting.

I sneak up on him. "Hey." I shout as he jumped. I giggle. "Almost gave me a heart attack." He says hugging me tightly. "Yep, Your kinda easy to scare no offense." I say. "Oh really?" He asks with a smirk. "Don't make me tickle you."

He says with a smirk. "Yep, Your easy to scare." I say with a smirk. He tickles me as I laugh. "Ok!" I say laughing as he stoped as we both laugh. He chuckled as he put his arm over my shoulder. "So why you wanted to meet here?" I ask. "You don't know what today is?"

He Asks a bit shocked. Im messing with him I know what day it is. The anniversary we started dating. "Nope." I say completely curious. He looked a bit hurt. I kiss his cheek. "I'm totally kidding Dick, Don't be so down."

I say as he smiled hugging me. "So where you wanna go?" He Asks. "Doesn't really matter, As long as your with me." He smiled and kisses my forehead. "How about a walk?" He Asks. I chuckle as I nod. We walk down the street holding hands.

People kept noticing he was Dick Grayson and I was Isabelle Allen. "Wanna go to the mall to get away from this?" He whispers. "Yeah." I say as we walk away quickly. We went inside and people noticed us. They went back to what they were doing.

I sigh in relief as he chuckled. "Dick?" We hear a girl say. He looked at her shocked. "Hey Barbara." He says. This is Barbara? "Who's this?" She asks looking at me. I felt uncomfortable. Dick seemed to notice. "Barbara this is my girlfriend Isabelle."

He says smiling at me. "Your.... Isabelle Allen." She says. "Yeah, Hi." I say smiling. I was wearing the promise ring He gave me. "We should be going now bye." I say waving with the ring on my finger and she looked at it shocked. We walked away as he chuckled. "Nice job." He says with a chuckle. "That is what I do." I say smirking as he chuckled.

Barbara's Pov
Seems Dick moved on..... That's why he didn't want to get back together with me, Because of her.... What's so special about her besides she dances. He gave her a promise ring so Seems he's very serious about her. It made me a bit heart broken but I'm not about to He his crazy ex trying to break them up. I decided to spy on them for a bit to find more information.

Isas Pov
We stoped by a fountain where no one else was. "This is one crazy anniversary." I joke as he chuckled as we sat down at one of the tables. "Yeah Sorry you had to go threw Barbara." He says. I giggle. "It's all good, I've been threw worse with my first boyfriend, He had many Exs and one tried to kill me."

I say as his eyes widened. "Good thing I'm Flashes Daughter or I would have been splattered everywhere." I joke as he laughs. "You and that speed amaze me sometimes." He says as I chuckle. "Amazing being a blue blur when I run." I whisper as we laugh.

Barbara's Pov
Now I understand. Shes a hero. She's Lightning. I have zero chance with him again what so ever. I notice the sparkles in his eyes, Ones he never got with me... I just have to get over him, He's moved on, Time I do the same. I walk away.

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