Chapter 30~Selina Kyle

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Isas Pov
Today is the day we tell everyone else. I was excited a bit. I was looking out the window when I felt arms wrap around me. I smiled. "Morning Love." Dick says kissing my neck as I giggle. "Excited?" He Asks with a smirk. "That, And I just need the secret to be out."

I say as he laughed spinning me around. "Well, Lets hope he doesn't freak out that most of his "kids" are mostly grown up." He jokes as I laugh. We were already dressed as we walked downstairs holding hands.

We see Bruce talking to Clark. "Wanna tell him now?" He whispered. "Yeah let's sneak up on him." I whisper as he nodded. We sneak up on him. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!"

We shout as Bruce chuckled. We gave Bruce a group hug as Clark chuckles. "How old are you 60?" Dick jokes as Clark chuckled. "No, Pretty sure he's 35?" I guess. "At least someone got it right."

Bruce says with a chuckle as Clark laughed. "She has senses, And it was a joke obviously." He says as Bruce chuckles. Dick whispers something to Bruce. We laugh. "Congrats." He says chuckling as he hugged me. "Don't tell anybody else."

I say with a smirk. "She wants to scare Barry." Dick says as Bruce and Clark chuckle. "I know the perfect way to do that." I say snickering. "Don't give him a heart attack." Clark says laughing. "We'll See." I say as Bruce chuckles. I spot my dad. I smirk. "I'll be right back." I say as they chuckle. I walk over to him.

Dicks Pov
We went outside. Isa was talking to Barry. We laugh once we see his reaction. He nearly passes out. She smacks him as Bruce chuckled. "Geez almost gave me a heart attack Izzy." Bruce and Clark chuckle.

Isas Pov
"Not like you haven't had one before." I say with a smirk. "Not on purpose." He says as we both laugh. I cough a bit. "Weirdly I don't get that "sickness thing" "Wish your mom didn't have that." Dad says. "I have powers one kick and boom."

I say as he chuckled hugging me. "That's why you were here 2 weeks early." He says as Bruce and Dick laugh. He remembered something. He told me threw mind. "I'm deleting that right now, Seriously." I say as Clark laughed. I cringe as I delete it. "He actually recorded when I was born." I say glaring at him as Dick and Bruce laughed.

I see a picture of me and mom. "Yeah I Put a few in there." Dad says smiling at the picture. I show them and they smiled. Someone looked interesting. A woman in a tank top and black jeans.

She was looking at Bruce with a sad expression. "Who's that, Shes Been looking at you the whole time." I say as Bruce looked at who I was talking about.

She looked away before he saw her. She was talking to someone else. "Someone." He says a bit harshly. Dick whispers. "That's Catwoman known as Selina Kyle, They have an on off thing." He says as Clark nodded. I frown.

I got a idea. "Your gonna Get them together aren't you?" Dick whispers. "Keep Him distracted." I tell them as they nod. I walk over. "Hey your Selina right?"

I ask. "Who's asking?" She asks me. "Isabelle Allen." I say smiling. "Ah the one dating Dick Grayson, And Barry Allen's Daughter." She says shaking my hand. "Do you like him?" I ask pointing to Bruce. "You could say that."

She says nervously. "Then why don't you tell him, I've been here a while since my dad is friends with Bruce but I can obviously tell he likes you in a type of way." I say as her eyes widened. "My Dads Flash And I'm Lightning, I also know your Catwoman." I say as she looks impressed. "Maybe your right then." She says considering it. She looks away as Dick and Clark smirk at me as I give them a thumbs up.

Dicks Pov
"So Bruce, We can tell you still like Selina." I say. He chokes a bit as he looks at Isa and Selina talking. "I have no idea what your talking about." He says sternly. "We didn't want to say this, But Selina was actually looking at you the whole time."

Clark says. His eyes widened as he looks at Selina. She glanced at him and back at Isa. "And Why is She here if she doesn't like you back?" I say. He stared at her for a bit. "I sorta... Do like her I guess but she's a criminal." He says flatly. "You think that stoped Canary or anyone?" Clark says. "All that matters is that you like the person no matter the background." He says. "Your right." He says looking at the Too talk. Bruce looked away and we give her the signal.

Isas Pov
"Let's go over there, I'm sure Bruce would like to see you." I say. "I don't know Isabelle." She says. "What's the worst that could happen?" I ask. "Your some smart for 18." She says with a small chuckle. "I finished school at 14 with advanced Science." She looks impressed. "Alright." She says as we walk over to them.

Isas Pov
We walk over to them. "Hey Bruce you meet Selina by any chance?" I ask with a smirk. He noticed my face. "Will leave you to alone." Clark says with a smirk as we leave the Too alone. "Nice job." Dick says hugging me as Clark chuckled. "He needs at least something in his life." I say as they chuckle. Let's check on Bruce and Selina 😏

Bruce's Pov
"Those three set us up didn't they?" She Asks with a chuckle. "Yep." I say annoyed. "That Isabelle is interesting." She says. "She's been threw a lot, Shes been staying at the manor." I say. "Yeah, It was easy to notice, And Congrats by the way." She says with a smirk. We looked in each other's eyes. There right. I don't just like her. I-I love her.........

Continued In next chapter.

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