Chapter 6~StarCity

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Isas Pov
I made it to the lounge. With Oliver and Dick following. "Hey girl!" She says hugging me. "I seen you last week." I say with a small chuckle. She's two years younger then me but she acts older. "Your not gonna drink?" She asks me shocked. "Not today."

I say as I drink some water. "Your hilarious when your drunk." She says chuckling. "Yeah don't talk about that." I say nervously as she chuckled. The person stoped singing and they clapped. "How about you go sing." She says smirking at me. "Definitely not."

I say sternly. "Worth a shot." She says as I chuckle. "Damn, Look at that." She says pointing to a guy. I roll my eyes. "Then go over there." I say pushing her. She glares at me. I wave with a smirk as she walked over to him. "Isabelle?"

I turn around and my eyes widened. "Hey.... Zack." I say uneasy. "How you been Since we broke up?" He Asks. "Good, Kinda with someone at the moment so yeah." "Oh." He says raising his brow at me. "Bye."

I say sternly and he walked away. "Can't believe I dated that." I say shivering. "Wanna quit spying?" I ask as uncle and Dick walk over. "How'd you know?" Dick asks shocked. "I got senses from these dark powers yeah." I say as uncle chuckled. I laugh once I see Stephanie and that guy dancing.

"Let's head back before someone recognizes you." Uncle says as I nodded. We walked back to the manor. "Where'd you go?" Bruce asks. Jason and Stephanie broke up on bad terms. "Meet up with one of my friends at the lounge." I say as uncle nodded. I walked upstairs.

Dicks Pov
She seemed uneasy after her ex talked to her. "Izzy?" I ask knocking on the door. "It's open." She says as I walk in.

Isas Pov
"You Alright?" He asks sitting next to me. "Yeah, Zack tried to rape me and well, Uncle Oliver came and beat his ass." I say as his eyes widened. "It brought back that unwanted memory." I say shakily. "Don't worry about him, You have me, And I would never do that to you." He says reassuring. He wipes my tears away and kissed me softly.

Bruce's Pov
We smiled at them from the cameras. "About Time you guys find out." Oliver says as Alfred chuckled. "You knew about this?" I ask. "I'm surprised you didn't." He says as I roll my eyes. I turn it off as we walk upstairs.

Isas Pov
I chuckled. "What?" He Asks smiling at me. "They were spying on us, So they already know." I say as he chuckled. "Doesn't matter, Were 17." He says with a smirk and I chuckled a bit.

Dicks Pov
I can't believe how much she changed since she been with me and I want to continue helping her. She's so dark and cold, And I'll do anything I can to help. I look at her and she fell asleep on my shoulder.

I smiled as I picked her up bridal style and walked her over to her bed. I placed her down. "Your so dark and cold, I wanna help you the best I can, No one should have to be like this." I whisper and kiss her forehead. I walked out closing the door.

Isas Pov
I woke up early cause of what Dick said to me last night. I heard everything he said and it makes me smile. No ones ever wanted to help me as much as him. I snapped my fingers and I was in a white crop top, black ripped jeans and my favorite blue leather jacket.

I walked downstairs and no one was up so I went to the dance studio where no one can see me. Or so she thought. I open my locket. I take it off something I never do. I sigh deeply. I felt the back of my neck. I say a spell and the scars appear on my face. Tears formed in my eyes. "No one can know about this mom."

I say softly. I say the spell and they cover up like nothing was there. My phone rang. "Hey dad." I say calmly. "Hey Isa You ok?" He Asks. "I'm fine, Now I gotta go." I say hanging up. I speed around the room in a blue blur.

I stop in the middle doing a flip. I sped downstairs. "Morning to you to." Dick says as everyone laughed. "Someone's ready to kick some ass." Jason says. I shrug as they chuckled. Oliver walked in. I gave him the 'I'm gonna kill you' look.

He chuckled at me. "Alright let's get going." Uncle says as we get in his car and drive to Star City. We walk Inside. "Izzy!" Auntie Canary shouts hugging me tightly. "Hey auntie." I say a bit scared as uncle chuckled.

She let go of me. "Sorry girly." She says as Bruce chuckled. Someone jumped on my leg. Uncle Oliver and auntie canary had a kid surprisingly.

No one knew cause they looked at her shocked. "Cousin." She says happily. I look at them confused and they mouthed 'go with it' "Hey." I say smiling as the 5 year old girl got off me. "Go play." Auntie says as she ran off giggling. "When was I her cousin?" I ask. "Shes 5, You kinda are our niece." Auntie says as we laughed.

We went up to there lab. Auntie started her hacking. "Nothing." She says annoyed. I knew It was to good to be true. Bruce noticed my reaction. "You know what, Tell me if you find anything, I'm going see what Amira is doing since this won't go anywhere." I say annoyed as I speed downstairs.

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