Chapter 14~The "talk"

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Isas Pov
Jason and Stephanie were talking in his room. "Are you mad at him?" Dick asks. "No, This happens." He Says. "Sorry Damian but he's kinda something that happened." I say as everyone even he nodded. "Do you know what there saying?"

Dick asks me. My eyes glow white as I Listen in. "I'm scared Jason!" Stephanie shouts. "Babe, Will get threw this together." "He has a heart that was adorable!" I say as they chuckled.

I told them and Bruce seems impressed. "Soon to be grandpa everyone." Dick jokes as he rolled his eyes but chuckled a bit. "It happened after the lounge." I whisper to Dick as his eyes widened. "Right after the lounge?" He says shocked. "When it started."

I say as their eyes widened. Jason and Stephanie walked down and she came in a hoddie and jeans Cause well her stomach shows a tiny bit. She wiped her tears away. Bruce went talk to them as me Dick and Damian laughed. "HAVE FUN JASON!"

Dick shouted. "SHUT UP DICK!" He shouts back as we laugh even Alfred laughed. "Finally getting the talk poor dude." Dick says as I laugh. "My dad had to explain that to me, That was the, Most horrible day of my 15 year life."

I say as Dick and Alfred chuckles. "Demons next." Dick says smirking. "Definitely not Grayson." He says sternly. "Yeah, Sorry but everyone gets those talks, No matter how grossed out you are after."

I say as everyone but Damian laughed. "He's 12 So he got 3 years left of innocence." Dick says chuckling. "Should have been there when Bruce had to talk to it with me, That was a train wreck." Dick says laughing. "Master Bruce was... Nervous and sweating."

Alfred says as I laughed. "My dad was way worse, His whole body was shaking as he talked about it." I say as Dick laughed hugging me tightly. "Poor Steph." I say with a smirk. "She already had the talk and she's getting it again with Bruce."

I say as Damian chuckled a bit. "Ok can we stop talking about You know what." Dick says as me and Alfred chuckled. "Sing a song that always helps." Dick says looking at me. "Then sing with me, I know you sing."

I say with a smirk. "Alright." He says as Damian and Alfred chuckled. Play top. Bruce Jason and Stephanie walked out when we started singing. "Who knew Dick could sing." Jason says impressed. Their faces were flushed. I snicker. "Had fun?"

I ask. Bruce chuckled at my reaction. "No." They say nervously. I kept a joke to myself Damian sensed it and chuckled. "Couldn't use a you know what?" I ask with a smirk. Bruce and Dick knew what I was doing and chuckled. Their faces were flushed. "That's what you get." I say smirking. "I'm done don't worry, You suffered enough torture."

I say as Dick laughed. Stephanie ran out the door as everyone but Jason laughed as he ran upstairs. Damian left before he was talked to. "You scared the kid Izzy." Dick says. "30 minutes we talked about the talk and made Damian scared."

I say laughing most of the time. "He's 12." Bruce says with a small chuckle. "3 years from now, Better prepare, The way my dad had that talk." I shiver as they chuckled. "That bad?" Dick asks. "I wanted my mom there instead of him every.time.he.talked."

I say as they laughed. My phone rang. "Hey Uncle." I say chuckling. "Why you laughing?" He Asks. "No reason, Anyways why you called?" I ask as Bruce chuckled. "Amira's missing."

He says with pain in his voice. "Amira's missing?" I ask softly as their eyes widened. "Y-Yeah we were hoping you'd search for her." He says. "Of course." I say hanging up. I speed around the world and I found where she was. I stop in the manor. "Where is She?" Bruce asks. "Joker........" I say as Dick looked at me concerned.

Their eyes widened. I call uncle back. "Where is She?" Auntie asks. "With Joker....." I say concerned. "Dear god." Everyone hears uncle Oliver say. "She's only 5 she can't handle that." He says very concerned. "I'll get her." I say. They look at me shocked. "Are you sure you always freeze up when you see him." He asks concerned. "Yeah."

I say hanging up. "She can't loss her life by a insane freak." I say as they look at me concerned. I snap my fingers and I speed out the door in my suit. They gave me a ear piece since it's their enemy.

And they can see what I'm seeing. The sight made me want to cry. Amira is tied up hanging from the ceiling. "Oh my god....." I whisper sadly and shocked. I look around. "Well looks like no one is coming to save you little Amira Queen."

He says laughing evilly. I blast him with my powers that send him flying. "Lightning we meet again." He says laughing evilly. "Don't kill him." Bruce says in my ear. We started fighting and he threw a bomb at me. I sped away from it and smirk. I punch him in the gut and flip him on his back.

He coughs a bit but laughs insanely. I sped and untie her while he was on the ground. "C-Cousin?" She says weakly. "Your ok." I say softly as I hugged her. Arkham came and got Joker, Again. She coughs up a bit of blood. "Wheres daddy?"

She says softly. "He called me and I came find you, Your safe." I say as she hugged me tightly. "I-I was so scared." She says shakily. "I know you were... Trust me, But you're fine, But I need to take you somewhere before we bring you back to your daddy ok."

I say as she nodded weakly. I speed in the manor with her in my arms. They looked at Amira sadly. "Bring her to the cave." Bruce says softly as I nodded. We walked downstairs and I carried her while she hugged my shoulder.

I put her on the bed. "Don't leave." She says softly. "I wasn't." I say looking at her sadly. Bruce smiled at me as I nodded. Alfred called Uncle Oliver cause Aunt Canary was asleep after she been crying. She held my hand as she got the stitches. Dick smiled at me. "All done Miss Amira." Alfred says smiling at her. I notice her facial expression. "Can you leave us alone for a minute." The noticed and nodded as they walked upstairs.
Continued in next chapter.

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