Chapter 34~"I got you guys"

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Dicks Pov
It's been a few months and we were in the waiting room while Isa gives birth to our daughter. "How are you not nervous?" Jason says shocked. I shrug as Bruce chuckled at me. "Cause I'm not You."

I say with a smirk as Bruce laughs. "Well Miss Isabelle passed out but you can see your daughter." The doctor says as Barry sighs in relief. Bruce chuckled at him. We walked in and Isa was passed out which made Stephanie smirk. Alfred was watching Lynne. "Not fun is it?" She whispers so she can't hear her. Bruce and Barry chuckled at Stephanie.

Bruce's Pov
We watch as the doctor hands his and Isas daughter to him. He smiled which made me smile.

Dicks Pov
"I heard that Steph and I'm gonna kick your ass once I'm out here." Isa says as we all laugh. We already moved to the house a month ago. "She has powers that probably hurts more then a normal child." She says as Barry and Bruce chuckle. Everyone held her and I give her to Isa. "You were a little pain in the ass." She mumbles as we chuckle. She had Isas hair color and eyes and a few of my features. The doctor told us we can leave the hospital and we went back to Bruce's house.

Isas Pov
We walked inside with Dick holding Valerie Marie Grayson. We got married last month at 18, Yeah crazy. "Now about earlier." I say with a smirk as everyone laughs. Steph runs as I use my speed and stop her. Bruce and Dick chuckled. "I'm sorry."

She says with a chuckle. "And?" I ask with a smirk as my dad chuckles. "And I'm sorry about the joke." She says as we both laugh. I speed around the room. I flip making everyone laugh. "That is much better." I say with a smile as Alfred chuckled. "Felt like years when I couldn't do that." I say as Bruce chuckled at me. I say back down.

I look at my locket I can't take off and Dick and Bruce noticed. I think it's time I move on from this locket. I have amazing family and I'll always talk to my mom. I take the locket off making everyone shocked even Damian. "Why you took it off?"

Dick asks. "Cause I got all of you, I've had this thing on since I was well Her age exactly." I say to Valerie as Bruce and Dick chuckle. "And I somehow know she's watching, Which sounds weird but, I don't really need to wear it anymore, eu tenho vocês." I got you guys. I say as they smiled and hugged me. "Proud of you." Dad says smiling at me. Feelings are still there. I nodded. "I'm going for a run." I say speeding out the door dropping something.

Barry's Pov
She dropped a notebook and I picked it up. I open it and it's about me....
So my dad doesn't even know I exist, I'm not even special to him, He ignores me everyday, And it just made my darkness more dark, I will always hate him! He doesn't even care he makes me feel unloved. I look at it shocked. "D-Do you know where she went?" I ask. they notice what I read. "Yeah, Follow me." Dick says as we walk out the door. We stop at a flower wall. It opened making us shocked. We walked inside it.

Isas Pov
I was under the tree using my nature powers. I make blue roses appear on the ground. I make one as tall as the tree. I snap my fingers and it dies. I shiver as I make it blue again but much smaller. They were spying on her. "Now he cares, Very interesting." I say with a small sad chuckle. I use my powers to make the trees greener. I smile. "Isa?"

Dick says. I notice everyone here. I ignore them and keep playing with my powers. They sat next to me. "You made all this?" Bruce asks a bit impressed. "Yeah, I also made it protected with my powers, It opens to people I can trust." I say as they smile at me. "Isa I'm sorry I didn't pay attention to you."

Dad says concerned. "You know if your gonna apologize I don't want to hear that again, But I do need to show you something." I say. I create a white orb around us. "This is where I can watch any memory of mine." I say as everyone but Dick nodded. I make memories of dad appear and they look at me concerned.

I make myself not hear them as they watch every time he ignored me and exactly how I felt. Once it was over I make it disappear. "There's Nothing you can say, I raised myself, You barely did anything Dad, Your the only person I had before I came here I don't know how I can get over that."

I say shakily as I look away. Everyone walked away except dad. "I'm extremely sorry Isabelle." Dad says hugging me tightly. "I wasn't a good dad and I'm sorry for that, I would love to turn back time and fix all that, But I can't, I know you tried to tell me and I didn't Listen." He says softly. They were listening.

My eyes watered. "And I'm extremely sorry." He says softly. I hugged him tightly as he hugged me back. "And your not sorry for anything, I'm sorry for everything you've been threw and I wasn't there cause of my drinking." He says softly as he hugged me tighter.

Dicks Pov
We smiled as we looked at them. Stephanie had a few tears in her eyes. "You Alright?" Jason asks. "Don't you people have feelings, I wish my dad was still around and was like that." She says with a small chuckle. We smiled at her. "You know I always wanted you to say that." Isa says as we smile at her. "Your my only weakness don't tell anyone I said that." We hear Barry say as Bruce chuckled a bit. "Wasn't planning to." She says as we smile at the scene. And me and Isa have our family to take care of.
ENDING!! I loved writing this story so much. Hope you enjoyed it and see you guys later💜🖤💜

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