Chapter 33~Final Dance

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Dicks Pov
Bruce and Barry got here early. "So how'd the doctors go?" He Asks. "It's a little Isabelle." I say as they chuckle. "It's not a Little me!" Isa shouts as we laugh. It was just us right now. "And it has powers."

I tell them what they were and they look impressed. It was the last dance and Isa was next. "Isabelle Allen doing her final dance for a long time!" The person says as they cheered loudly. Play top. We could tell she was dizzy after that. She waved and skates off quickly. We went find her.

Isas Pov
Everyone was leaving. "Wonderful dear, See you in 9 months." She says with a smirk. "Bye Miss Regina." I say as her and her daughter walk out. Milly was 4 And still kept that necklace on. I snapped out of what I had on and sat down. "Dizzy are we?" Dick asks with a smirk "Don't start."

I say as Bruce and dad laugh. We made it back to the manor and I sat on the couch. Bruce and dad went down to the cave and it was just me and Dick. He put his arm around me. "Better?" He Asks with a smile.

I smiled and pecked his lips. "Yeah." I say as I lean on his chest. "You know, I found a place." He says with a smile. I chuckle. "And I got the keys and things for it." He says hugging me tightly. "Sounds good."

Is all I say. "What you thinking about babe?" He Asks. "Names." I say with a small chuckle. "Caitlin left something out, Since it's half meta and half human it's gonna be here in a few months, It just doesn't make my stomach huge till next month."

I say as he chuckled kissing me softly. "Then how about.... Valerie?" He says with a chuckle. "Settled." I say as we both laugh. "Wonderful choice Miss Isa." Alfred says with a smile as we chuckle. "I'll be back."

Dick says walking down to the cave. I speed up to the room to throw up. "I get it sometimes." I walk out my bathroom. They had the cameras on. I look at my Locket. I laugh sadly. "I know I haven't talked to you in a while mom."

I say softly. "Just wish you were here." I say as I wipe my tears away. "I got somewhat revenge for your death, But it doesn't change the fact I can't change time to prevent you from ever dying but still ending up here."

I say softly. "To fragile to do that." I say softly. "And with the people I killed back in my memories, I won't see you when I die someday, And it." I pause as tears fall down my face. "Just doesn't matter." I say sadly as I look out the window. "And now with this gonna happen, It's good but scary,

I raised myself most my life, It's a reason I run when things get to stressful and make my heart pound fast, Is cause I don't have much trust in people to believe things will be fine... Cause I trusted dad, And he started drinking everything away, Never noticing me when I needed him the most."

I say shakily as more tears fall down my face. "And I'll continue keeping that from them, I can't be such a damn damsel in distress or weak." I say shakily. "I know I'm weak when it comes to me secrets, But they can't know, And even if they did I don't want to be asked about it, There's many things I think of Dad, And most are horrible,

Just have to keep things hidden forever." I say trying to calm down. I look at my phone. I make it appear in my hand and I play some music. I lock the door so I have time to calm down. A few songs passed and it lands on one. "No no do not play that song." I say nervously. "And I can't stop it, Huge goth stage that was a horrible year." My eyes watered as it stoped. Bad intentions played and I made it louder singing over it.

I laugh. "Now that's much better." I say smiling as I unlock the door.

Dicks Pov
"That song describes her a bit." Barry says concerned. "But what she said before, Why didn't she tell me?" Barry says concerned. "She tried telling you, But you were always drunk." Bruce says softly. Barry's eyes widened in realization as Bruce looks at him concerned. We walked upstairs.

Isas Pov
I was humming Bad Intentions as I helped Alfred clean the dishes as he cleaned up the backyard from earlier. "Hey Isa you ok?" Bruce asks concerned. "Why Wouldn't I be ok?" I say forcing a smile. "Your sure Izzy?" Dad Asks concerned. I was getting annoyed. "I'm fine." I say sternly as I walk away.

Hard to keep secrets. I take a deep breath as the blue aura appearing around me went away. They sat next to me. I let the song play a bit. "Why do you like that song?" Dad asks. My eyes widened. "It's the song that calms my nerves down, I played certain songs when you ignored me every damn day."

I say with venom. They looked at me concerned. My phone rang with the song that made my eyes water. "Like this one." I say as he looked at me concerned. "Hey Ashyln." I say ignoring there sad looks. I put her voice on low. "Did it happen?"

She asks excitedly. "Yes." I say walking away. She squealed as they chuckle a bit looking at me. I roll my eyes. "Shush." I whisper. "Sorry." She says sheepishly. "And I'm pregnant but do not squeal." I whisper so they won't hear me. "Aww I'm so happy for you?" She says a bit unsure as she hangs up.

Ashlyn's Pov
"Sorry Barbara." I say softly as I see the tears in her eyes. "I-It's ok, I just need to move on, Dick created his family with her and not me." She says softly. "You too are my best friends but you need some comfort let's get drunk." I say with a smile. "That's the best idea you had ever." She says sadly as I chuckle.

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