Chapter 25~Jokerang?

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Isas Pov
We made it back to the manor and we walked inside. "Seems you to had fun today." Bruce says smiling at us. "I Meet Barbara today, Seems interesting." I say as Jason and Damian chuckle. "Yep." Dick says annoyed. My phone dinged.

Bruce turned the news on. "Joker has escaped Arkham by digging a tunnel." "The hell, Sorry." I say as they nodded as we watched the news. "But seems he left his girlfriend Harley Quinn behind bars,

Lock all doors causes he's on a killing rampage." The newscaster says. A gunshot was heard and she was shot in the head. Bruce eyes angered. Joker appeared and laughed evilly. He shot the camera. "Damian you stay here this time, Dick, Isa you to come with me." Bruce says.

I didn't question it as we nodded. We walked down to the cave. I speed in my suit. "Might want to change that." Dick says. He motions towards my hood. I roll my eyes and came back in what I usually have on. "There I'm a blue mannequin better?"

I ask as Bruce and Dick chuckled a bit and nodded. We ran out the cave and I speed walk on the buildings as they use grappling hooks. We run towards his location. I flip lading on the last roof.

Dick silently chuckled as we spy on Joker. "Sir what about Harley?" One of his goons ask. "Does it look like I care about that brat?" He Asks coldly. "Just sad." I whisper as they nodded. We jump down. "Ah batsy Nightwig And... Lightning?" He says a bit shocked. I smile darkly. "This should be fun."

He says laughing evilly. Creeped me out a bit. Bruce charges towards Joker as me and Dick take down his goons. I didn't use my powers unless I needed them. A goon throws a joker rang at me and it hits my arm.

I groan a bit in pain as I kick him in the chest making him fall to the ground. Another charges at me as I jump over him and flip him on his back making a crack sound. Dick smirked under his mask once he heard a crack.

Three charge at me as I smirk. I speed around them making them go unconscious. I stop and Bruce and Dick look somewhat impressed. I had pinched a certain part of there neck and I did it to the last one.

Dick smirked at me. I wink as Bruce throws Joker to the ground. He laughs insanely making me and Dick cringe a bit. Arkham police came. "Make sure he's watched 24/7." Bruce says in his Batman voice. They nod and shove him in the car.

Joker smiled at me insane and darkly and it creeped me out in so many levels. They notice the joker rang still in my shoulder and I yank it out. I held the spot as they chuckled a bit. "That's why that's a bad idea."

Dick says with a small chuckle. "Been threw worse doesn't bother me." I say as we jump back on the roofs. I hand it to Bruce and he examines it. "He hasn't used any of these in years." He says a bit shocked.

He hands it back to me. I look at it more closely. "Wait..." I say noticing something different. I say a certain spell and there eyes widened. "There's cameras in these." I say a bit shocked. "Did you keep any of these?"

I ask kinda concerned. "He might know our identities." Bruce says angrily. I take the camera out. Dick takes it and smashes it in his hands. He threw it in the lake as we walk on the roofs. A memory came to my mind. And they know when I get a memory flashback.

I hand it to Dick shakily. "Memory?" He Asks concerned. I nodded. "But it was of me... I-I won't get into details." I say softly as they look at me concerned. "It was when he controlled the dark powers that use to be in my system."

I say pausing shakily as we stop on a high up roof. "What did you do?" Bruce asks without his voice on. I make a small memory appear on mute. It shows my eyes black as I Had a joker rang in my hand.

They look at the person and their eyes widened. "Ness al Ghul." Bruce says shocked. "We won't tell him." Bruce says looking at me concerned. "I tried to stop it, But I couldn't." "We know, It's ok." Dick says as Bruce nodded concerned. "How many people did he use you to kill?" Dick asks. "20."

I say shakily. "Guess I won't see my mom when I die someday." I say softly as they look at me concerned. We made it back to the manor after we stoped a few insane people. I snapped out my suit as they chuckled. "It's like I'm a Blue fast mannequin."

I say as Jason and Damian snicker. I glare at them as Bruce chuckled at their reactions. "A mannequin?" Jason asks with a smirk. "A mannequin who can beat your ass." I say with a smirk as they laugh. Me and Dick went upstairs so they could figure out things.

We went to the movie room. He pulled me in a passionate kiss and I kissed him back. It lasts a few minutes as we break away smiling. I lean on him as he turns a movie on. I snuggle into him as he puts his arm around me.

Dicks Pov
Isabelle is someone who I can see spending the rest of my life with that's how amazing she is. That's why I gave her a promise ring that she keeps on. She probably thinks I don't notice but I do every time. I kiss her forehead as we watch the movie.

Bruce's Pov
Me and Alfred walked to the movie room but stoped once we see Dick and Isa sleeping cuddled together. "I'm happy for Dick." I whisper as Alfred nodded smiling at them. I took a picture of them as we silently chuckled walking away.

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