Chapter 19~Isa's Birthday pt. 2

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Isas Pov
I walked up as they clapped. I look around. Maybe if I sing he'll show up. Bruce nodded. Play top. They clapped as I seen my dad. I motion to my dad as Bruce nodded. I walked off stage and I went over to them with Bruce. "Hey grandpa, What has he been saying." "A lot."

He says a bit concerned. "Dad you in there somewhere?" I ask. "Yeah, Yeah." He says shaking his head. "It dyed down." He says as Bruce chuckled a bit. "Barry, Cisco told Isabelle what was going on." Grandpa says as dad looked at me a bit concerned. "Yeah you three talk feels weird, See ya tomorrow Grandpa."

I say walking away as they chuckle. "He's calmed Down?" Clark asks. "Yeah, Seems There Gonna talk about my mother." I say as they chuckled a bit. "Your dad likes the song you sang?" He Asks. "Yeah it's his favorite song, Which now sounds like a clear visual of his feelings."

I say as they nodded as we watched them talk. "If they need me tell them I went Inside." I say as Clark nods as me and Dick went inside. "Wanna spy on Steph and Jason?"

Dick whispers. "Or, We can have alone time if you want instead." I whisper with a smirk. He chuckled kissing me softly. "Alright, But if we see those too were spying for a bit." He whispers as I nodded. We spot them and we smirk hiding. "So, I have a doctors appointment to see what the gender is."

She says. "That's great babe." Jason says. "Idiot." I whisper as Dick silently chuckled. "Do you want to come with me, Since your it's dad." She says sternly. "Get him." I whisper. "Oh, Yeah sure." Me and Dick look at each other worried as we listen in. "Sure? Jason, You think this is a mistake don't you, Cause I can kill this thing now if you don't even want it."

She says as tears formed in her eyes. Jason's eyes widened as he makes her look at him. We nodded as we quietly walked upstairs. "He better not make her cry again or I'm gonna beat his ass."

I mumble as Dick laughed. "Calm down Miss Fire." He jokes as I chuckled. I kiss his cheek. "Yeah I'm calmed, Shes been crying mostly cause of him, They haven't talked much since she told him she was pregnant."

I say as his eyes widened. "Could have been worse, We could be in that situation, And we won't do that till your ready babe." He says kissing me softly. "Those two were not ready what so ever." I say as he chuckled picking me up. "Yeah well, There 16 And were 18, Huge different."

He says placing me on the bed. When he calms me down, I love him even more, He's always there when I need him, He helps me with my problems, I feel safe around him, He's patient with me which I Love the most, And he's my first everything to be honest,

And I never want to leave him. "Izzy." Dick says snapping me out my thoughts. "What were you thinking about?" He Asks curious. I smiled. "Who else would I be thinking about." I say as he smirked kissing my neck making me laugh.

He chuckled as he pecks my lips a few times. "So ticklish." He says with a smirk. We sat up chuckling. "I love you Isa."

Dick says truthfully. That made me look at him in awe. "I love you to." I say smiling at him. He smiled big as he kissed me deeply. We break away slowly. "Maybe after your party we can watch a movie." He says smiling at me. "Alright."

I say pecking his lips smiling. We got up and went downstairs. "Before I forget, Here." He says handing me a small present. I chuckle. "You didn't have to get me anything." "Open it." He says smiling. I open it and it's a promise ring?! "I love you Isa, And I don't love anyone but you."

He says smiling at me. I chuckle. I hug him as he hugs me back. His phone rings. "Be right back." He says pecking my lips as he walks off. Someone was spying on her. "I don't deserve this mom, I just don't."

I say softly. "I know I don't, I killed people and I regret it cause it was those evil powers." That person was Bruce... I shakily take a deep breath. I look at the box.

My eyes watered as I put it away. "I was a killer, There faces was horrible, J-Joker controlled them when he wanted me to do his stupid job." I say as tears streamed down my face. "I don't even belong be alive."

I say shakily. I clutch my arm. "There way to nice to someone who killed 20 people." I say as my voice cracks. "What kind of hero killed people." I say softly. "Oliver did." Bruce says making me jump. Out of all the People he had to be the one spying on me.

I just stay silent as I look at my locket. "I'm not mad you killed people if that's what your thinking." Bruce says softly as I nodded. "I keep many things to myself, When I'm stressed or upset I talk to my mom like she's there with me."

I say chuckling a bit. "She would always make time for me while my dad was out all the time, Never really made time for me, And he doesn't do it now." I say as he looked at me concerned. "How does it feel when Barry doesn't make time for you?" He Asks. He was asking that for his "kids." "Worst feeling in the world, I love my dad but, He can at least take a day out his damn life to notice when I'm upset or angry."

I say sadly and with a hint of pain. "And when they don't notice." I pause. "We turn more closed off with the world, And start keeping things to ourselves, That's been my whole life, He wasn't there when I was kidnaped he wasn't
there when my ex tried to rape me, And he wasn't there for moms funeral." I say as tears fall down my face as he looks at me concerned. "That sounds horrible." Bruce says concerned. The party was already over but the Justice league was still here.

Continued In next chapter

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