Chapter 13~What?!

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Dicks Pov
My eyes widened once she said that. Tortured?! She looked on the verge of crying so I hugged her tightly. "I didn't want to tell you." She says shakily. "Shh, It's ok." I whisper as I kiss her forehead and let go of the hug. "It was 3 weeks of blood, Sliced, Hung." She pauses very shakily. "I-I'll just show you."

She says as she creates a orb around us. "It's invisible." She says as I nodded concerned. She makes a memory appear. She had it on mute. "Just watch." She says shakily as she looked away. I didn't watch most of it but it was horrible. She been threw way to much pain then I first thought. She makes everything disappear. All I could do was hug her tightly.

Isas Pov
"I'm sorry you been threw all that." He says softly as he wipes my tears away. "And it was right after my mother was murdered, The world just hates me is what it feels like." I say softly. "Hey, The world loves you, It's just bad people doing anything to ruin amazing people like you,

Don't let them win, If you do, They'll always fight back harder." He says kissing me softly. "You have no idea how much you help me." I say chuckling sadly. "I'll always help my girlfriend." He says smiling at me.

He never used that word before....... he noticed and he chuckled kissing me passionately as I kissed him back. "Will you to love birds stop kissing and get breakfast."

Jason says with a smirk. Me and Dick chuckled as we walk out holding hands. We laughed as we walked downstairs. "Where you too Been all morning." Bruce says. "I'll tell ya, They were." Dick smacks him. "Like you and Stephanie aren't the exact same way."

I say with a smirk. He looked at me shocked. Dick laughed as Bruce got what we were talking about and chuckled. "Were 17 And your 15 doing other things." Dick says as Bruce raised a brow at him.

Jason smirks. "I'm not mad at it." He says as Bruce rolled his eyes. "You'd be surprised how much she tells." I say as his eyes widened in shock as Alfred chuckled. "15 Remember that number." I say smirking as I walk away. Dick and Bruce chuckled at me. "Dang she won that whole argument."

Jason says shocked. "I'm at a college level in school, I just never bring it up, I finished school when I was 14." I say winking as Jason looked at me shocked. "Was I The only one who didn't know that?" Jason asks as everyone nodded chuckling.

I laugh. "Should have asked about it, That's why I'm with my dad when you people go to school." I say as Bruce chuckled. I sat on the couch. They finished and sat next to me. "What do you do with your dad?" Dick asks. "Detective things Flash things,

His stuff he makes me do." I say as they chuckled. "Since He was promoted by grandpa I got his old job, Which isn't fun." I say as Bruce and Alfred chuckled. "Finding meta humans with powers?"

Damian asks. "Meta human, Finding evil meta humans, Difference." I say as they laughed. "He's just lucky I don't have anything else to do." I say as Dick chuckled. I make a folder appear. "This is what dad gave me yesterday." I say annoyed as Bruce and Alfred chuckled. They look at the file. "Robert Flan."

Bruce says reading the name. "Yep, He was in the center of the explosion and can create mines making things go Boom." I say as they nodded. "How many people were in that explosion?" Bruce asks. "To much, Like over a thousand, It covered most of the city, Glad I wasn't there yet."

I say as they chuckled. I read over the file. "But I have to figure this out tomorrow at what my dad calls "school." I say as they chuckle. I make it disappear. My phone rang. I smirk. "Guess who's calling." I say as they chuckle at Jason's reaction.

I laugh as I walk away. "Hello?" I ask. "Hey girl um I gotta tell you something important." "Whats up?" I ask confused as they look at me. "I-I'm Pregnant." My eyes widened in shock as I almost choke. I walk further away. "When did this happen you guys are 15!?"

I whisper shout. "A few weeks ago, A-After the club." "That's, Great news, Shocking but great news, You need to call Jason." "I-I can't, What if he dumps me!" She says shouting. They look at my reaction and look at me confused. "I'm sure he wouldn't do that."

I whisper. "Call him." I whisper. "Alright." She hangs up. I walk back over and sat down. "What she say?" Jason asks. "Uh well, Shes gonna Call you." I say still shocked. His phone rang as he walked away. "What happened?" Dick asks. "Jason got her."

I pause as Bruce eyes widened in shock. Dick chuckled. "Dudes in trouble." We heard Jason start coughing making Bruce chuckle a bit. "I'll call you back." He says dropping the phone as he passed out as we laughed. I picked his phone up. "Jason?" She asks. "Sorry, He passed out, But he's happy I'm pretty sure."

I say as Bruce and Alfred chuckled. "But a few weeks and you didn't mention that sooner?" I ask as their eyes widened. "Sorry." She says. "It's fine, But you might want to come to the manor and talk not on the phone."

I say as they nodded. "Fine." She says annoyed as Dick chuckled as I hang up. I hand Dick his phone and he took it. I make water appear in my hand as they chuckle. "I'll clean it up after." I say as Alfred nodded as Bruce chuckled. I drop the water drop on his face and he jolted up coughing. Everyone started laughing. He glares at me. "That's for earlier." I say as Dick high fives me as Bruce chuckled at us. I snap my fingers and the water disappears.

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