Ch.3 // The Party Pt.2

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Teyana POV:

I put my heels back on and got out of Chris's room. I didn't need anyone jumping to conclusions. As I was walking down the stairs, I saw Chris greeting more people at the door.

I texted Heather but no reply. I walked out to the back and saw everyone but Heath & Ty.

"Ron, have you seen Heather?"

"Nah girl, her and Ty been missing for a couple hours now. They probably in his room or something.."

"Oh okay. Well thanks." I walked back into the kitchen i was starving. I haven't eaten every since this morning. I grabbed a plate, got some BBQ Ribs, Chicken Salad my mom made, a corn on the cob and some more wine out of a new cup. All these red cups. I had lost my first one.

"Hey Tee, come sit by us!" Honey yelled out as I walked out the kitchen to the backyard.

I say next to Honey and Trell and man they were hilarious. I couldn't really focus on my food.

"So you with Chris ma?" Trell asked and everyone looked towards me.

"Nah.. Nah" i shook my head and looked back at my food.

"Not yet atleast" Mijo said and everyone agreed.

"Guys stop, me and Chris are just friends..." I said that right when he was walking up to the table.

"Right Chris, we are just friends?" i questioned him

"Yeah ... for now ;)" he said with a smirk on his face.

I just laughed. Thank God Ron changed the subject. They were talking about music now.

I was done eating and ready to go. My mom left already. It was getting late. I pulled my phone out my clutch and it was 11:03pm. Damn where was Heather. I stepped off to the side and called her, it went straight to the voicemail. She was my ride home and I had work tomorrow.

"You alright Tee?" Chris walked behind me and wrapped his arm around my shoulder.

"Yeah im fine Chris." I unwrapped his arm from around my shoulder.

"Have you seen Heather?" i asked with a concern look on my face.

He chuckled and i don't understand what was so funny. "Chill ma, she's with Ty somewhere. They always disappear like this."

"Oh, well I hope she's alright." I said looking down at my shoes.

"That girl grown. And she's with Ty! She's better then fine."

I laughed and looked up at Chris. He was perfect man.

"Yeah, you want me to take you home. Its getting pretty late and I know she has the keys." He asked.

"Yeah. Thanks. I'm ready when you are."

"Alright. Let me go grab my keys and its the Red Porsche!" he yelled as he was walking inside the house.

"Okay. I'll be out waiting. " I yelled back.

I said my goodbyes to everyone and exchanged numbers with Ron and Honey. They were so cool.

"Bye Ms.Joyce i had a blast." I hugged her and pecked her cheek.

"I'm glad you did Miss Teyana .. See you soon baby. Stop by anytime." He hugged me back.

"Yes ma'am. I will." i waved and walked out to Chris's car. Everything he had was beautiful. He was beautiful.

"You ready?" he questioned as he unlocked the door and opened my door.

"Oh shit we opening doors now?" I laughed and got in. "Yeah you a trip ma." He laughed and walked over to his side.

I put in my address in his GPS.

It was a silent ride. We were just listening to Pandora. Then my song came on..
"Oh my god! This is my jam. Turn it up.. Turn it up!" i yelled and he laughed and did what I asked. It was Rain by SWV.




"Damn, I know you told me you could sing but i didn't think you could really really sing.." Chris complimented me.

"Thank you! Thats a lot coming from you." I smiled and looked at him.

"No problem baby" he replied back.

30 mins later.
Chris POV:

"Tee, baby wake up! We here ma." i whispered in her ear.

She was so sexy. She got so comfortable in the passenger seat. It was 12am and I bet she had to work so I woke her.

"Oh crap. Thanks Chris. I appreciate it." She grabbed her shoes and her clutch.

"Ah ah ah.. Come here girl." I pulled her back in the seat.

"Whaaaaat man. Im so sleepy" she whined.

"Shut that shit up." I smacked her thigh and she stiffened up.

"Where's my number?" i asked.

She glanced at me and grabbed my phone put her number in it and called herself so she'll have my number.

"Goodnight C" she got out and walked into her apartment.

I just watched her all the way into her apartment. She was bad and i really clicked with her more than I ever clicked with anyone. Even though it was a short period of time, I know shes gonna be mine.

She put her number as 'Queen Tee'. I smiled and drove back home.

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