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  "You walked out on me.. You left me standing alone. I had no one. Where were you when I needed you?" 

I was facing the locker when I felt him place his hand on my shoulder. "Nikki, you ready?" I nodded and walked out with John. This just seems to get harder and harder. Every passing minute that I'm with John, I feel trapped and almost like I can't breathe.

Roman made me realize that I wasn't the only one who suffered.. I was selfish.. I only thought about myself.I jumped into something too quickly.. Something that just doesn't make me as happy as it used to.

"Nikki?" I jumped out of my thoughts and looked at John. I nodded "I know, John.. I'll be ready." He nodded "Good." I followed him out as his music played. I wish it could all just end.

We climbed into the ring and John talked like always.. Only this time, I couldn't hear a word he said. I can only think about Roman.. I can't stop thinking about him. "Roman Reigns is not winning at Payback.. He can't win at Payback because he can't beat me."

I heard the crowd divided in cheers and boos as his music hit. I watched as Roman ran down to the ring, John ripped off his shirt. I watched, worried as Roman slid into the ring.. Anger oozing off of him.

They stood face to face, tearing each other limb from limb with their looks. I felt my heart race and before I could stop myself, I stepped in between them. "Don't do this.. Not today." I felt John grab my hand. Only for Roman to lightly step me aside and punch John square in the jaw.

I watched as they both threw big hits. John trying to hit and block Roman's vicious right hands. John got the upper hand on Roman and started throwing punches. I walked towards him and grabbed his arm. "John, that's enough.. John!"

He quickly moved his hand up, hitting me on the lip. I looked at him, shocked. He looked at me and moved closer to me. He grabbed my chin and saw my lip.. "Damn it." He rolled out of the ring, leaving me confused.

I heard the crowd get silent as Roman walked up to me. I watched him walk towards me, his eyes soft. He grabbed my arm, gently and picked me up from the mat. Our eyes connected, neither of us blinking.

I took a breath, I wanted to say something but nothing came out.. He leaned in close "Tell John, I'll see him at Payback."

I watched as he walked out of the ring.. Look back.. Let me know I'm not alone.. I need you..

I watched him and saw him turn back.. His eye meeting mine before he walked behind the curtain.

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