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"So I have decided to baptise Connor, my faith grew a lot stronger during my pregnancy so I have decided to bring him into it.. would you be happy to stand for him?" Harriet asked me from across the room as we decorated it.

"Of course, I would be honored" Harriet and I had been decorating baby Connor's room for the past couple of hours including a break to feed him, and it was really starting to come together.

We had decided to paint it a slightly grayish blue, however we painted it yesterday while my Mom was here to watch Connor, as we didn't want him to breathe in the fumes off of the paint.

We were currently hanging up small white frames, some had pictures of Harriet's family, one of all of our group, another of Connors ultrasound pictures and then a picture of Harriet and Connor. It was adorable.

"When is the baptism?" I asked her as we finished up what we were doing realising it was soon time for Connor to have another bottle.

"Two weeks" she stated "I really hope you don't mind, you won't have to do much just be there with me when he is being christened.. Adam is the Godfather, but you knew that already..." she looked at me with an uncertain expression.

"You don't need to do that Harriet" I told her "you don't need to be so afraid to mention Adam around me, it's no big deal, we weren't even together! We will be back to normal soon, it's a little awkward at the minute but it's fine" she nodded at me but it wasn't clear as to whether or not she believed what I had said. "I'd better get going, I have homework to do" I told her giving her a hug.

"Will I see you Friday?" She asked me.

Friday? What was on Friday?
I crinkled up my face trying to remember what it was.
"Remind me what is on Friday?" I asked her.

"My housewarming baby shower get together" she laughed shaking her head at my forgetfulness.

"Yes I'm sorry I don't know what is going on with me, I will be there"

"Bring Dave, he is nice" she told me.

Maybe I would.

"Come on Lily dinner is ready" Julian called from downstairs.
Food. No thanks.

"I'm going to eat at Harriet's, I forgot to tell you not to cook me some, sorry Mom" I yelled downstairs. It was much easier to lie when not face to face.

"That's okay, make sure you eat something proper" she replied. God I love my Mom.

I quickly grabbed my gifts for Harriet before leaving my room.
As I ran downstairs I suddenly became dizzy and had to stop midway. After regaining my balance I continued down the stairs at a slightly slower pace.

"Will you be back tonight?" My father asked me from the dinner table.

"Yes.. Mom I will text you once I know what time" I replied to my Mom who smiled understandingly.

"It better not be late" my father continued.

I simply nodded and blew a kiss to my mom and Julian before leaving the house.

"So is that Adam guy gonna be here?" Dave asked me as we walked towards Harriet's apartment.

"Yeah, listen don't pass any heed on him, I don't know what's going on with him recently but he is actually a really nice guy" I informed him. I was hopeful that Adam would be more friendly towards Dave tonight.

"You guys are here, thank you so much for coming" Harriet beamed as she opened the door.

"There is food over on the coffee table  and everyone else is in there too so go join them, I'm just going to quickly change this little guys diaper"

Passion (Cameron Dallas)Where stories live. Discover now