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Lily's PoV

"So.. you know two weeks ago when I told you I was going for lunch with Adam?" Harriet asked me with a worried face. I nodded at her indicating that I was following what she was saying.

She looked towards Adam before taking another breath.
"I was actually at an abortion clinic" she sighed. She looked towards Adam again.. scared, it was clear she was worried about how he felt about her decisions.

"What?" He asked and looked at me shock evident on his face.

"I was just exploring my options I didn't go through with it" she pointed out causing relief to wash over Adam's face.

"Then last week when I said I was going to the movies with him, I was actually meeting some people about adoption options. I still don't know if that is what I want to do or if I want to keep it but I wanted to explore my options and know what was available to me" she explained.

"We understand don't worry" I reassured her smiling.

"Oh, also the night of the band. I'm sorry about lying but I actually didn't leave the house"

"It's okay, I know" I told her and she looked up at me confused.

"I saw Adam there so I knew you weren't with him. I came home then and I heard you in your room so I knew you were here, I didn't think much of it though I presumed you were just tired."

"I was actually telling Mike that I was pregnant" she told us.

"What did he say?" Adam asked all of a sudden quite tense looking.

"That it was all my fault, that I shouldn't be sleeping around.. Which I wasn't by the way Lily" It saddened me that she thought I would even think that.

Adam suddenly stood up looking angry.

"Adam, sit back down right now" she raised her voice pointing her finger at him and he hesitated before sitting down again.

Harriet looked at her hands which were sitting on her knees, she brought them up to touch her stomach and suddenly she started to cry.
I walked over and sat beside her on the bed to attempt to comfort her.
"I don't know what to do" she cried.

"It's okay, whatever you decide we are here for you. No matter what!" I told her.

"Thank you" she whispered and hugged me. I wrapped my arms around her, hugging her back. I felt Adam watching us and I glanced at him and he smiled slightly.

I heard a car outside and got up and went to the window. I saw my Dad's car.
"Crap" I whispered. "My Dad is here, Adam I'm sorry but you have to leave. Like now" I rushed walking over to him, he looked confused.

"What?" He asked.

"You need to leave like right now, I'm sorry"

"It's okay" he nodded standing up.  "Harriet I'll see you soon okay?" He smiled at her. He came towards me and I lead him out of the room.

My Dad did not seem to be in the house yet so as long as we got downstairs and outside quickly everything would be okay.

"We need to go downstairs and out the back door as quickly as possible. Just follow me" I whispered and he nodded.

I walked down the stairs as quickly as possible trying to save as much time. Then I heard the front door of the house open.
I quickly turned around in panic and grabbed Adam's hand pulling him with me as I ran through the kitchen and outside the back door of the house. I brought him around to the side of the house where we would not be seen and then, realising I was still grasping his hand, quickly let go.

"I'm so sorry about that, but my Dad would freak out if he saw a boy in the house" I laughed rolling my eyes.

"Aw that's no fun for you" he laughed. Hearing him laugh was the most unexpected thing. It was like music to my ears. It was amazing... I was really ruined by this boy who couldn't care less.
"It's fine though! How do you keep your boyfriend hidden from him?" He asked me.


"Is that guy that was at the bar with you not your boyfriend?" He asked laughing slightly at the awkwardness of this conversation.

How did we get here?

"No I don't have one. Thankfully.. If I did he probably would have been scared off by my Dad anyway!"

"Oh okay.. Well thanks again for letting me come here to see her, I was kinda worried. I better get going then" he smiled as he started to walk away.

"Oh no, I will drive you back hold on"

"No you don't need to!"

"No I do because my Dad might see you.. You honestly have no idea how bad he is" I laughed slightly. "I'll be right back" I told him going back inside.

My Mom was in the kitchen and smiled at me.
"Hey sweetie"

"Hi Mom, where's Dad?" I asked.

"He's just gone to the bathroom" she told me as she chopped up fruit for a smoothie.

"Can I borrow the car to bring Adam home, he needs to go" I asked her.

She looked at me in panic when she realised he was still here and my Dad was now home. She quickly found her keys and gave them to me.

"Thank you, I won't be long" I smiled and stole a blueberry from the bowl on the countertop before leaving the house again.

"Thanks.. um, for bringing me back." He half smiled taking off his seatbelt.

"It's fine, don't worry about it!" I nodded at him.

"Well I'll see you at the next dance class I guess.. Bye" he nodded once more getting out of the car.

"Bye" I waved slightly driving away.

Was that progress?
Probably not.

Short i know I'm sorry
I just wanted to give you guys an update because it's been too long


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