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"Maman" Max beamed at an elderly woman as he ran towards her hugging her.

"That's his grandmother" Adam told me even though I had figured it out myself. The woman was the type that immediately made me feel comfortable even just from the aura about her. It was comforting.

"I thought Max didn't speak French?" I asked Adam thinking back to when Max had received the wedding invitation from his aunt and Adam had needed to translate it for him.

"He doesn't, well very basic French. Even though he spent a whole summer here he never really picked it up, I think he was too busy ogling the French men and eating pastries" Adam laughed as he waved at the lady that Max was now finished hugging.

"Adam" she smiled her accent strong as she hugged him also.
Adam spoke to her in French and I tried to pull my mind away from the fact that it was ridiculously attractive.
You don't like him like that Lily, you are just friends.
Adam then gestured to me and the woman greeted me caringly with the sweetest of smiles.

"Alors" she threw her arms in the air and walked ahead of us and we all followed.

A few moments later we were all crammed into a tiny car and driving through the streets of Paris, I looked out my window in amazement.

"They don't live in the city of Paris, but she decided to take the scenic route to their home because I told her this was your first time in France"

I turned to him with a grateful smile only to meet him already smiling at me. He needs to stop being so nice, he's making it very difficult for me to remember that we are strictly platonic.

After an amazing drive to Max's aunts home, we were greeted by his aunt and fiancé and more family. They informed us that there would be a rehearsal wedding tonight.

"What are you guys gonna do?" Max asked Adam and I as he buttoned up his shirt.
His aunt had decided that seeing as Adam and I did not have a role in the wedding that it wasn't necessary for us to go to the rehearsal, however Max had to stay for the rehearsal.

"I don't know, well the train station isn't a long walk and Lily hasn't been here before so we will probably just go around the city a bit, I'll show her the main things I guess" he nodded his head, the turned towards me "if that's okay with you?"

"Oh that is more than okay"I laughed and a goofy smile spread on Adam's face.

Twenty minutes later Adam and I were sitting on a train that is going to the centre of the city of Paris.

I was beyond excited to be getting to see Paris and adventure in it, it was just a bonus that I would get to do so with Adam.
First of all he wouldn't let me pay for my own train ticket, then he ensured that I got a seat by the window so I could see outside. I was constantly reminding myself that we were only friends and it would stay that way.. it had to! So everytime I caught myself looking at him I had to snap myself out of it before he noticed.

Whatever had happened between Adam and I before I went to the clinic messed us up. Well it messed me up, I had no faith in myself and began to doubt everything and I couldn't risk that happening again. As much as I liked him, I just couldn't.

"It's so beautiful" I gasped looking at the Notre Dame in front of me. Adam nodded silently admiring it himself.

"I haven't been here in years" he said quietly from beside me and I looked up at him, he had a blank expression on his face. Then he suddenly looked down at me "did you say something about a book you read? That was based in Paris?"

Passion (Cameron Dallas)Where stories live. Discover now