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"Lily look at what your Mom bought for the baby!" Harriet beamed walking into my room holding up a tiny cream baby grow.
"It's neutral so it doesn't matter if it's a boy or girl" she smiled.

"Do you want to find out? If it's a boy or girl I mean" I asked her. I had been curious the last few weeks as to what it may be but part of me also wanted to wait until the baby was born to find out.

"No I think I want to keep it as a surprise" she smiled.
"Oh, but I have decided that I am going to try and talk to my Mom. It's not that I don't want to stay here! I love it but it wouldn't really be fair for all of you to have to put up with a new born baby crying during the night" she explained.

"I understand don't worry, but we wouldn't mind that much"

"I sort of just want to see what she says, my Dad hates it but my Mom didn't say anything so I want to find out"

"When are you going?" I asked her.

"Later today! Max is going to bring me. While you are working and rehearsing" she told me and I nodded.

I walked over and hugged her wishing her luck.

I always enjoyed the walk to the nursing home. It gave me time to myself, to think and clear my mind I guess.

"Lily" I heard Dave call from the door of the store where he worked. He signalled for me to go towards him. I hesitated before doing just that.

"Hey, I just wanted to apologise for the other night. I just- my friend got himself into some sort of trouble and he needed me to help him out" he explained. I could tell that it was the truth and that he genuinely was sorry. "I didn't intend on leaving you but it seemed really serious" he admitted.

"Its okay. I mean I was really confused and sort of shocked at first but it's okay" I smiled slightly. "So is your friend okay?"

"Yeah he's fine thanks. Listen I better get back to work but again, I'm sorry"

"Six and four, sixty four" I called out. I smiled as I heard many of the women and men cheer slightly when recognising they had the number.

I looked around and saw John in the corner. He winked at me with a smile. He was happier today.

As I continued to call out the numbers for the Bingo game I smiled at how comfortable all of the men and women were with each other. They all were extremely friendly to one another and it was beautiful to see. It is unusual to see a group of people that all get along with each other, usually there is some spry of drama. It was quite refreshing to be in a positive environment.

"Bingo" One of the women Trisha called out. Everyone else then cheered to congratulate her as she looked around her laughing.

"Okay can we just run that last part again please. Just make it a bit neater please" Sylvia instructed.
We both nodded as we got into position.
We completed the beginning of the sequence and for the last part I then spun towards Adam and he grabbed my waist to stop the turn. Then Sylvia stopped the music.
Adam and I were left inches apart panting with tiredness.
I felt extremely nervous under his stare as he looked into my eyes. I knew I'm reality we were only in this position for no more than a few seconds before we broke apart, but it felt like an eternity standing inches apart staring at each other.

Passion (Cameron Dallas)Where stories live. Discover now