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I walked through the large town that was slowly starting to feel like home, the cold wind blowing my hair away from my face.

Although my family had moved over a month ago it had taken me a while to adapt to a new town and home and I am only now getting used to my new surroundings.

I had come into the town today in search of a dance school, I will be attending an ordinary school but I want to go to dance classes in the evenings just like I did back home. I had not found anywhere until finally when I turned one corner I saw quite a tall building. At least 3 stories high.

"Sylvia Crest School Of Dance" I smiled. It was worth a try.
I entered the door and was greeted by stairs which led up to I presume the reception. On the way up the stairs there were certificates and licences etc. to show the teacher's experience which was already a good start.

"Hello, what can I do for you?" A young woman smiled from a desk in the reception when I had walked in.

"Hi, I am new to this area and was hoping I could maybe take some classes here?" I asked.

"Oh yeah of course. Do you want to take a look around first and I can fill you in on what we do?" She smiled standing up.

I remember receiving the same welcome when I first joined my previous dance school.
I followed her through a double door out of the reception area into a larger room with mirrors and ballet bars, so it was quite obvious that they definitely taught ballet.. Thankfully.

"Considering this is quite a small building we have only two ballet rooms, this one is for Grade 4 and up and some other classes. The smaller room is for the younger children, it has less mirrors for less distraction. I can bring you in there in about ten minutes when the class is over." She nodded at me and headed towards another door which brought us to more stairs.

"So up here is the other ballet room and then a room that we usually use for hip hop and Zumba as it is the most spacious of all."

"Oh I see" I smiled.

"Oh Sylvia's baby class is just finished you can come and meet her. I'm Christine by the way, Sylvia's sister" she stuck out her hand which I shook.

"Sylvia?" She knocked on the door before going in. I saw a young looking blonde woman smile at her sister as soon as she entered the room.
"There's a girl here who is thinking about taking some classes, I was just showing her around" Christine smiled at her sister.

"Hello, lovely to meet you I'm Sylvia. You are?" She asked shaking my hand.

"Oh sorry, Lily" I smiled.

"Lily, well I hope to see you again some time in a class! Nice to meet you again" she smiled as Christine and I left the room as more children entered for another class.

"So what do you teach here?" I asked Christine.

"Oh everything really! Jazz, Tap, Contemporary, Modern and all the rest" she laughed.

"Do you know what days or times Hip Hop and Ballet are on? Just so that I can see if I will be available. If you don't mind me asking" I asked her as we reached the desk.

"No problem just give me two seconds. What age are you?"

"Seventeen" I smiled at her.

"So your in grade..." She trailed off.

"8" I finished. Usually grade 8 consists of fifteen year olds or a bit older, I had been older when I started dancing so I've always been a year or two older than the rest in my class but it never really bothered me.

"Perfect so that is on a Wednesday at six thirty and Hip Hop is Thursday's at seven" she smiled up at me. Today was a Tuesday which meant that I still had both of this weeks classes ahead of me.

"Great! Can I get a contact number from you so my parents can sort out the finances and actually enroll me?"

"You can of course here is a card just call either of those numbers"

"Thank you so much! Thank you for showing me around aswell"

"That's no problem Lily, we look forward to seeing you again. Bye now!"


"So how did it go?" My mom asked me over the dinner table.

"Good I found a school, they're really nice there!"

"How much is it?" My dad asked.

"I'm not sure I didn't want to ask. But I have a number that you can ring to find out."

"I'll do that after dinner thanks Lily. So Julian how was your day? Did you find any interesting clubs you would like to join?"

I looked over at my younger brother who was looking at his plate of food, he had barely touched it. Although it had taken me a while to adapt to the move it had effected Julian even more. Before we moved he had just found his proper friends only to be taken away from them. He shrugged in response to my fathers question.

"Manners please" my Dad scolded making both Julian and I secretly roll our eyes. Although shrugging is quite rude, overall I do believe we have very good manners and know what's right and wrong.

"Thank you for dinner I'm going to go for another walk" I excused myself from the table and after washing my dishes I grabbed my coat and earphones and headed out the door.


"Are you sure you have everything Lily?" My Mom asked for the one hundredth time as we walked up the stairs towards the reception.

"Yes Mom" I laughed. It was 6:00 pm and we had come early just to get arranged and comfortable. My Mom had also tagged along just for a few minutes incase I needed anything.

"Hello Christine" I smiled as we entered the reception area.

"Hello Lily how are you?"

"Good thank you, this is my Mom, Patricia"

"Nice to meet you" Christine smiled.

"And you, I know we are early but I wanted to make sure that everything was settled and I wanted to give Lily a few minutes to brace herself before going in you know!"

I zoned out slightly as they began to converse. I sat on one of the chairs and scraped my hair back into a bun and secured it with some pins.

In what felt like a matter of seconds it was almost time for class so Christine brought me through into the room where other students had entered.

Sylvia came over and introduced me to the class. Some of the students came to talk to me, others didn't. That just how it goes.

"Okay everyone, to the barre" Sylvia called causing a smile to spread across my face.

Hi guys
So this is a new story
It's gonna be a bit different and it's different to stuff I would usually think about writing but I'm gonna go for it and see what happens.
Let me know what you thought of this first chapter


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