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I restarted the music before running back in front of the mirror and beginning my routine again.
Ever since the competition Sylvia had given me access to the studio whenever I wanted it.
Also Adam but thankfully he didn't usually come here.


Just as I was finishing up my dance I heard the door from the reception open and I instantly knew it was Adam. We were the only ones who had access. I quickly gathered up my belongings and turned off my music.
I met him at the door on my way out and he looked somewhat shocked to see me but proceeded to nod in my direction and smile.

I quickly returned the smile before leaving the building.

"So do you know what you are wearing for the baptism?" "I want you to help me pick out what to wear" "I might need new shoes" my Mom blabbered on as we made my bed.
I was extremely capable of changing my own bedsheets but for whatever reason my Mom had insisted on helping me do it today.

"Will you be ready in an hour to go to church?" She asked as she fluffed my pillows.

"Yeah sure, I'll just shower and freshen up first"
My mother wasn't extremely religious. She didn't insist on attending church every week, however she did enjoy going every now and then. She usually practices her faith on a daily basis at home.
I used to enjoy church, I used to enjoy the element of getting dressed up. Going somewhere as a family.
Nowadays I didn't necessarily enjoy dressing up. I like covering up however.

As we all stood outside the church, my mom talking to some other parents, my dad checking his watch every five seconds leaving Julian and I standing by the door.
"I've started writing music" Julian told me with a proud grin on his face.

"What? That's great bud" I shook his hair playfully.
"Will you play me something when we get home?"
"Sure" he smiled appearing proud of himself.

"Lily?" I heard someone question from behind me. I turned to see Dave.

"Why do we keep meeting in random places" he laughs once he is assured that it is me he was talking to.

"This is my little brother, Julian. Julian this is Dave" I introduced them.

Not only a moment later my father came over with a stern look on his face and I quickly encouraged Dave to leave so as to avoid an interrogation.

"Do I look okay hunny?" Mom smiled from my bedroom door.
"Yes you look beautiful mom" I told her. She was wearing a light blue dress with flowers on it for Conor's christening today.

"As do you sweetie" she smiled and I thanked her but disagreed.

Once Julian was also ready we all left together towards the church to meet Harriet.

We walked up the aisle of the church seeing Harriet and Conor up at the top of the church near the christening font speaking to the priest. As we approached her I saw Adam come through the side door of the church accompanied by Max and my chest fluttered seeing him in the fitted, crisp white shirt.

He walked over to Harriet, not noticing us yet

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He walked over to Harriet, not noticing us yet. I watched as his face broke into a smile as he took Conor out of her arms and placed a kiss on his head bringing him close to his chest.

Something about seeing him with a baby made me smile.
I walked up to Harriet's side and she beamed at me.
I glanced at Adam and I noticed once our eyes connected he looked away. He turned around slightly suddenly more interested in showing Conor the wall.

After the small ceremony with just immediate family Harriet insisted on getting photographs of Conor with his godparents.
Harriet handed me Conor to hold and asked for Adam to stand beside me. I felt extremely awkward with him beside him when we weren't on the best of terms. I had noticed that ever since whatever Adam and I had been doing he had completely returned to the way he was before we even became friends. Pretty much silent.

"Oh for Christ's sake, Adam put your arm around her or something. Look like you are at least slightly happy to be doing this together" Harriet glared at us over her phone.
I looked at Adam quickly through my peripheral vision. I noticed his jaw clenching slightly.
He then shifted slightly towards me and gently put his arm around my waist. My skin instantly began to heat up from where he was touching me. His fingers slightly caressed my hipbone and I didn't think that he was aware he was doing it because he seemed extremely tense.
It wasn't until after Harriet had taken the picture that I realised he had been holding his breath the entire time.

"So we are all going for dinner now, Lily I ran into Dave earlier and I invited him I hope that's okay" Harriet told me.

"Of course, why wouldn't it be okay" I nodded telling myself it would all be fine. Perhaps slightly awkward, but fine.

Two hours later I was sat across from Adam, beside Dave and surrounded by food. Literally surrounded.

Luckily for me everyone was too busy talking to notice that I wasn't eating. I moved food around on my plate and it went unnoticed.

Unfortunately after a certain amount of time I had to stand up to go to the bathroom. Making the situation extremely unfortunate I got extremely dizzy once I stood up and stumbled backwards. Adam caught me within a split second grabbing a hold of my hand before Dave or anyone else had even fully noticed that I had stumbled. It was the second time within a matter of days that Adam had stopped me from falling flat on my face.
I glanced at him thankfully as Dave turned around to see what had happened.
Adam quickly let go of my hand.

"You okay?" Dave asked me.

"Yeah I'm fine. Just tripped" I laughed slightly.

However as I turned around to go to the bathroom it happened again, this time stronger and I felt my eyes blur and I lost consciousness falling to the floor.

Sorry that it's been so long
Things are kinda crazy for me at the minute
I'm going to try and update more
I'm sorry
Please vote and comment xx

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