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"Lily! Max is here" Harriet called from downstairs.

Today was the day of our dance rehearsal on the stage where we would be performing, saying I felt both worried and nervous would be an extreme under-reaction.
As I walked towards the mirror a wave of dizziness came over me, I leaned against the wall for a moment to steady myself. I had been getting dizzy quite a lot recently but it wasn't anything to worry about.

I stood infront of the mirror and took one last look at myself before going downstairs.

Harriet and I walked out of the house towards Max's car. I immediately noticed that Adam was not in the car.

We both got into the back of the car and greeted Max.

"Where's Adam?" Harriet asked him as she secured her seatbelt.

"We are going to collect him from his house now, he had some stuff to sort out." He told us as he pulled out of my driveway.
"Sylvia is going to meet us at the studio then and we will follow her from there".

We drove out of the town and towards the countryside. After driving for roughly twenty minutes we pulled in at a small country house with a large garage beside it, I presumed it was Adam's.
Max honked the horn and a moment later Adam opened the door of the house and came out holding a gear bag.
He opened the trunk of the car and threw in his bag and then hopped into the passenger seat beside Max.

"Hey Adam" Harriet smiled at him which he returned. I also smiled at him but he didn't seem to notice.

Or else he just didn't care.

"Okay lets get going" Max said excitedly.

We had been driving for a good hour when Adam's phone rang loudly.
"Sorry" he excused himself before answering it.

"Hey.. yeah. Okay is he alright? Well just tell him that I will be home later" he said into the phone.
Max glanced at him with a slightly worried expression on his face.

"Yeah okay thank you for being there to look after him" he said into the phone again before hanging up.

Look after who?

"All good?" Max asked him and he nodded.

"He's just a bit worked up today that's all" Adam replied and very briefly glanced in the mirror and made eye contact with me.

Who?? Did Adam have a child?


"Stop the car I need to pee" Harriet announced after another amount of time.

"No can do, sorry.. you'll have to hold it" Max answered.

"Excuse me, but if you haven't noticed I am pregnant. I need to go to the toilet, you cannot stop me" she replied again.

"We can't stop!  We have to follow Sylvia, I'm sure we're almost there" he replied again seeming slightly more apologetic.

"Ugh, it's so easy for you guys. You could legit pee out of the window if you wanted to" she huffed.

Adam and Max looked towards each other and both erupted into laughter. Adam covered his face as he laughed.

Passion (Cameron Dallas)Where stories live. Discover now