Chapter 2.

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Harry's POV-

She came stomping up the stairs and stopped in front of me. I have to apologize, just say something Harry, come on man she deserves an explanation. I opened my mouth and all I felt was a soft hand against my face. She shook her head at me and ran into her room, slamming the door into my face. I wanted to walk into her room and just hug her, hold her, to look into her beautiful hazel eyes, that had a hint of yellow to them. I'd do anything for her not to hate me. To go back a couple of years and fix what I had done. I'd do anything.

I walked into the kitchen, only to be bombarded with billions of questions.



"She was sooooooooo pissed."

"Why is your face red?"

They're so annoying. "GUYS SHUT UP." I screamed and they all stopped yelling. I sat down next to Niall and started fiddling my fingers. "She just hates me, okay?" I couldn't tell them what happened, they'd all hate me. I was a dick and I regret it. I regret every single second of it.

"But why, what did you do?" Niall asked me confused.

"Hold on.. Why didn't you tell me you had a sister? I didn't even know you guys were related."

"Well, considering I didn't know you two knew each other, I didn't even think it was relevant, I guess? Plus she's been in a different country for the past year at school, she doesn't even know about the X-factor yet, so don't say anything."

I couldn't even say anything, I was trying to figure it all out. "So she's your sister." I clarified.

"Yeah, now care to explain what you did?"

Liam got up from his seat, giving me a hard gaze before making his way upstairs.

Savannah's POV-

Thinking that there was absolutely no tears left in me to cry, I sat up and rubbed my eyes. I cant deal with seeing anyone today. Not even Peyton, so I quickly texted her and told her it wasn't a good day. I turned my phone off and set it on my night stand when I heard a quiet knock at my door.

"GO AWAY." I screamed harshly. But of course no one listens to me and my door is opened and I am quickly pulled into a strong hug. I guess I was wrong about the tears, because they started to fall again, and Liam's shirt was now drenched. Liam held me, silently rubbing my back and playing with my hair. Just having him here was making me feel better already. I felt Liam shift underneath me, so I sat up. He cupped my face with his hands and gently wiped away my tears with his thumbs.

"Liam, why is he here?" I sniffled and scratched my hair, that was sticking to my now wet face. "I thought I'd never have to see him again after those 2 summers. Why is he here Liam, WHY!?"

Liam POV-

Her sad voice kept ringing through my head. 'Why is he here?' I couldn't tell her. Niall had too. I mean, she is my best friend, I need to tell her too. But Niall is her brother, I can't do that to him. "He's our friend!" I said with a reassuring smile.

"I hate him, Liam." Savannah said coldly. "I hate him so much"

"Come on baby, you don't mean that. You don't hate anyone!" I said trying to watch my words.

"Exactly, I never hate people. I hate him, he's not a person, he's a pig. I hate him."

"Savannah, look baby, I understand what he put you through, but it was a while ago and you never even gave him a chance to explain himse-" I started to say before I was interrupted by my stubborn best friend.

"Are you REALLY taking his side right now?"

"No! Not at all! All I'm saying is that you should give him a chance to explain what happened!"

"Just get out Liam."

She pushed herself out of my arms, I tried to bring her back into my grasp and calm her down, but she refused. She simply pointed to the door and I shamefully walked to the door. Before leaving, I turned around, "Just maybe you can look deep into your heart before the bad stuff happened. Look deep and remember the good times, maybe that will make you think about talking to him.." And with that I left her room and walked back downstairs to join my boys.


This is fun.

I need to figure out how to make a cover for this story, hbdifhvbdigihgdigudghgiudfhgirtughrtigu.

I feel like I'm talking to myself. Yay


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