Chapter 19.

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Savannah POV-

Is it bad that I haven't talked to Harry in 3 months? At first I was just stressed and occupied with my uncle. But now, I'm a tad embarrassed. Will he hate me? He's probably already moved on, I mean he has stopped trying to call me so he clearly doesn't care anymore. December 18th is just around the corner, precisely 10 days away and Harry and I have yet to talk. Uncle Joe keeps telling me to make an effort and not to let him go, but I just can't find the courage to do so. I needed to clear my head. Besides, he is on tour, he won't have time to talk to me.

"I'm going out, I'll be back in a few hours." I told my family before making my way out the door of my Uncle's house. I've been living in one of his guest bedrooms while my parents have been living in  a flat they recently bought. It's a cute little home, its big enough for Niall and I to visit, but it's not too big. They didn't want to buy a big house because Niall and I aren't always around since we live in London. Well, technically, I haven't been living in London in a few months, but thats not the point. 

Wanting to clear my head, I decided to take a walk to Starbucks. It was pretty cold outside and I instantley regretted not wearing a heavier jacket, but noting how lazy I am, I didn't turn back to get one, I just continued on my short walk. As I entered the little cafe, the warmth and sweet smells made me feel so much better. I walked towards the short line and waited to order my usual. 

"Hey, Liz." I greeted my friend who worked at the register. 

She smiled brightly before responding, "Hey Sav! The usual?"

I nodded my head and gave her some money before moving to the side to wait for my warm drink.

"Have you talked to him?" She asked me, handing me my coffee. I just shook my head, not wanting to talk about  Harry right now and she clearly got the hint, "It'll be okay. I gotta get back to work, I'll call you later."

I sent the blonde a small smile, bringing the cup the my lips and taking a small sip then making my way to a small table in the corner. I sat down and continued to drink my coffee before being interrupted. "Is this seat taken?" A man asked, pointing to the seat across from me. I shook my head and smiled at him. He took a seat and began talking again, "I'm Riley." 

I didn't look up from my coffee, hopefully he'd realize I didn't want to talk. All I wanted to do was drink my coffee while it was warm and clear my thoughts. No small talk with random strangers, no matter how attractive they were. I have a lot on my mind and this is not what I need.

"Savannah." I responded, showing no interest because really, I wasn't interested. I wanted to be by myself and he wasn't helping me.

"So what's a pretty girl like you doing here by herself?" He questioned me. 

I rolled my eyes at his attempt to flirt with me, "I wanted coffee." 

The boy started talking again, but I tuned him out when I saw a tall, lean boy with deep chocolate curls step on the line in front of me. My eyes widened and I quickly pulled my hood over my head in an attempt to hide my face. 

"I have to go." I told Riley in a hurry, then I grabbed my coffee and ran out the cafe doors. 

Out of breath, I stopped at the end of the street and took a seat on the sidewalk. "Savannah!" I heard and I turned my head to see Riley running after me. He stopped and sat down besides me. "Are you okay?" I just nodded my head. "Now we both know that's not true, why'd you run out of there so fast?" 

'I don't even know you, why do you think I'd tell you what's wrong?" I replied sassily.

"So you admit that there's something bothering you?" He questioned me, without answering my question.

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