Chapter 29.

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Pre-note; listen to forever and always by parachute throughout this chapter, ok? cool


Savannah POV-

"Savannah." I heard a faint whisper and began to open my eyes. "Savannah, wake up." I finally got a view of my surrounding as my eye lids completely opened. I looked at the white walls, white floors around me and the blue hospital gown that covered my body. The events of last night flooded my mind and my heart grew weak again.

"Harry." I whispered, trying to get out of the bed, but a few hands stopped me. I looked up and saw my 2 best friends and my brother. Behind them was Louis, Eleanor and Zayn.

"Lay down, savannah." Liam told me with sad eyes and I simply shook my head.

"I need to see him."

"Liam-" Peyton nudged the boy with shaggy hair, "just let her go."

Taking a deep breath, Liam released his hold on me and Peyton gave me a shy smile, before helping me up.

"is he alright?" I asked her as she walked me to the room next door.

"he's sleeping." she told me, avoiding the question.

"is he alright?" I repeated.

As we reached the entrance, she let go of my hand and urged me forward. I waddled into his room and she nodded at me before quietly shutting the door. I grabbed the closet chair and pulled it against his bed. Sitting down, I grabbed his lifeless hand and looked over his body.

All the color was drained from his skin. He looked a sickly pale color, unlike his normal olive tone. He had a few gashes on his forehead and I saw the black stitches that held them together. I slowly ran my delicate hands over his soft face. I can't believe this. It's all my fault, if I hadn't been so stupid and helped Riley, we wouldn't be here right now. If I had just told Harry right from the start, what actually happened, this wouldn't be the situation.


"Hey," I sat next to the dark haired boy as he handed me a coffee. "thanks."

He nodded at me and slowly sipped his hot drink, "you look good, big."

"yeah, due any day now. so lets just get to the point, what's wrong?" I told him, not wanting to waste time.

He placed his drink on the table and rubbed his hands together, "Do you remember when we first met?" I nodded at him, confused as to where this was heading, "I told you I had some problems going on?"

Faintly remembering, I nodded and questioned, "yeah?"

"Well see, the thing is," he paused, fiddling with his hands, "besides my family problems, which i'll leave for another day- my girlfriend, who happens to look very similar to you, had cheated on me at the time." His face fell and his mouth curved downward into a frown, "you reminded me so much like her and I thought I was falling for you all this time, when really I just missed Lexi."

"Okay?" I told him, meaning it more as a question then anything.

"You made me realize how much I truly love her, she tried to explain to me what had happened, but I wouldn't listen and now I wish I had."

His words touched my heart and I wanted to know more, "so tell her how much she means to you!"

"I can't." He whispered, a tear escaping his eye.

I shook my head, not understanding, "why not?"

"She's dead, she had cancer." He threw his head into his hands and I watched as his body shook. I listened as he let out quiet gasps for air, "her mum called me yesterday to tell me how much Lexi loved me and how much she regretted what she had done." He lifted his head and wiped his eyes, "I wish I could have been there. I truly loved her."

As i watched my broken friend, I thought about losing Harry and how I would never be able to go on with my life. I felt Riley's pain, I understood what he felt. I know what it is like to love someone so much. All the passion and lust is for that one special person, your soul mate, and if your soul mate disappears- so do you. It's like trying to live without your head; your body is still there, but you can't hear or see anything. You're useless.

"I just wanted to thank you for being a great friend and putting up with me." He stood up and offered me a hand. I kindly took it and pulled him into a hug. "no matter what happens, don't let him go." Riley whispered into my ear, then kissed my cheek and rushed out the door of the café.


"Harry," I wasn't sure if he could hear me, but I decided I'd speak anyways. "I'm so sorry. This is all my fault," tears lined my eyes, threatening to spill, "Riley called me to tell me he had lost the love of his life due to cancer and he told me to never let you go." I squeezed his hand, taking my other to push his curly hair out of his pale face. I watched the heart monitor and how slow it was, "I can't imagine life with out you, I don't want to. I can't do this alone. The baby needs you, I refuse to have it without your presence. I don't know how much longer I can keep the child in there, I feel it coming again. I need you Harry, I love you so much." I let the tears spill and then raised my voice a little, getting angry with myself, with him, he cant leave me! "you promised me, forever and always, don't break your promise Harry!"

Suddenly, I felt something. I looked down at my stomach and rushed both of my hands to feel it, but when I did, nothing. Confused, I looked back at Harry and grabbed his hand again, soon to feel the same thing I did before.

That's when I realized, it was Harry. The monitor started getting faster and I felt his hand squeeze mine tighter and tighter as the pace quickened. I started to get very anxious and due to my anxiety, my contractions started again, but this time was like never before.

Doctors started rushing into the room because of Harry's heart rate, but soon even more flooded his room as they realized I was in labor. The professionals were going crazy due to all the activity in the little hospital room but Harry kept his hold on my small hand.

"We have to deliver the baby now!" One doctor screamed

I started crying even harder due to the pain, "do it in here," I yelled, "please! He needs to be with me!"

"Fine!" He yelled, getting me in the right position, "on 3! 1...2...3!!"

I pushed with all my might and squeezed Harry's hand tightly, but when I heard a flatline, I stopped.


Cliff hanger, yikes.

Vote and comment if you want the next chapter ;) xx

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