Chapter 3.

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Savannah's POV-

'Just maybe you can look deep into your heart before the bad stuff happened. Look deep and remember the good times, maybe that will make you think about talking to him..' Liam's words lingered in my mind for what seemed like forever. I looked over at the alarm clock on my bedside table and realized that I have been laying on my bed, sleeplessly for the whole day. It was now 12:30 am and I haven't moved or got up except for the occasional visits I would get from Niall asking if I wanted something to eat. I turned the offers down, but I regret that. Im Starving. I'm never one to turn down food, I guess that's one of the many reasons my brother and I get along so well.

As I tiptoed into the kitchen I heard loud snoring coming from the living room. I peered in to only see four boys spread out along the couches. Giggling to myself, I walked into the kitchen to grab some food. Wait, four boys? Who was missing?

Harry POV-

The boys and I decided it would be an early night. We all spread out along Niall's living room and quickly fell asleep, well they did. I couldn't sleep a wink. I found myself slowly making my way out the back door and onto the lounge chairs by the pool. I spread out along one of them and starred at the stars, still wishing I could relive every second of the last two summers.


"Leave me alone" She mumbled, half asleep. God was she beautiful, I just want to take her and run away, live alone, just us two, forever and ever. I smiled and picked her right up out of bed and out the cabin doors. "HAROLD!!" She giggled, still half asleep, "PUT ME DOWN!"

"As you wish, Princess!" I laughed before setting her down on the grass by the lake. We starred up at the night summer sky.

"The sky is beautiful out here" She whispered and I smiled, turning on my side to face her.

"They can't even be compared to you, love" I watched as her tan face turned a deep pink color.

We sat in silence for a while, a comfortable silence, of course. The silence was soon interrupted by the beautiful voice of my best friend, the only person that knew every little detail about me.

"Stop that"

"Stop what?" I smiled cheekily, knowing exactly what she meant. "Stop staring at me Haz, it's creepy"

I couldn't take it anymore, I grabbed her waist and pulled her closer to me. I could feel her warm breathe down my shirt. She nuzzled her head into my chest and squeezed me. I brought my hands to her face and tilted it to look me straight in the eyes, I leaned in closer, and her eyes fluttered close. Holy shit I'm definitely in love. Crap, I can't be in love, no. She was waiting for me to kiss her, but I couldn't do it. I wiggled out of her tight hold and ran back to my cabin, leaving my beautiful best friend sitting by the lake all alone. What have I done?

:------END FLASHBACK-------:

I heard the backdoor creep open and heard a faint pitter patter of feet. It got closer and closer when someone sat besides me.

"I'm sorry for slapping you earlier." She whispered. I knew how hard it was for her to speak up first. But I just couldn't find the words to say. So I just nodded.

"You have no right to be mad at me, Styles." She's right, I don't. She's the one who has every reason to be mad at me. "Stop ignoring me.." She whispered again, and I could tell she was holding back tears. She sighed and got up, but I pulled her back down. She was never a steady one, very clumsy. She fell right onto me, her eyes looking deeply into mine. I cupped her face and just crashed our lips together. Oh how long I've waited to do that. The way our lips moved together, completely in sync. I licked her bottom lip, begging for entrance but she denied me and quickly pushed off of me, this time, her running away, leaving me by myself, all alone outside, on this starry summer night.


KAY SO, I realized how short and boring these chapters are, so once again, bare with me please. The next one will be longer and hopefully better!


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