Chapter 28.

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Savannah POV-

After excessive amounts of food, swimming, partying and trying various new things, Harry and I headed back to London. I was so sad to be leaving this exotic vacation spot and I could tell Harry was too. It was just us, no one around to be bothered by, no crazy paparazzi, no annoying drama, just us for 3 whole weeks and it was over.

As we boarded the plane, I dreaded the next couple hours. I hate sitting in one spot for too long and with this baby in the oven it will surely add to my discomfort. Once harry and i were as comfortably seated as we could be, he passed me my tiger pillow pet before kissing my forehead and whispering, "why don't you get some sleep, love?"

I just nodded before resting my head on the pillow and closing my eyes. I was really going to miss the past few weeks.


"Savannah!" He yelled, flicking his wet hair out of his face, "get in the water!"

Shaking my head frantically, I screamed down to him, "no!"

"Get in the water now!" He yelled louder, then laughed, "I'm sorry baby, please come in!"

I shook my head again.

"Don't make me come up there!" He threatened me. When I didn't respond Harry trudged out of the clear, blue water and began climbing up the side of the little cliff we found, making his way towards me. He was only about 20 feet away from me now and I started to get nervous. I didn't want to jump in the water, not because I don't like swimming but because of how high up we were. Heights bother me, flying in a plane doesn't because that's different, but when I'm standing up high, looking at the scenery below me, I freak out. Harry knew this, but he wanted me to conquer my fear, therefore wanting me to jump off this cliff and into the water below. He claimed it wasn't that high up, and probably to other people it wasn't, but to me it was taller than Big Ben and I just couldn't do it. Those few seconds while your falling, when your stomach is doing a million flips per second, was a terrible feeling.

I came back to reality as i felt a bolt of electricity when Harry's hands touch my skin, "Harry!" I gasped, "no!!!" But I couldn't object, he had to strong of a grip on me and we both flew off the cliff. I squeezed his body and shut my eyes, awaiting the splash that was soon to come.

My body split the cool water and I slowly pushed myself back up to the surface, gasping for air. "You asshole!" I screamed, rubbing my closed eyes. As I opened them, I didn't see Harry. Frantically, I started screaming his name until I was pulled back under the water. With open eyes, I stared at the boy in front of me in shock before I started kicking and flailing my arms around in anger. He laughed, sending bubbles up the surface and pulled me close to him, pressing his lips to mine. He bit my bottom lip and begged for entrance, and as much as I didn't want too, I pulled away and hurriedly swam to the surface. Harry followed suit and looked at me with sad eyes. "I had to breathe!" I tried catching my breath.

"I had to breathe!" He mocked me in a girly voice and I shot him a death glare. "I had to breathe!" He mocked again, coming closer to me. "Breathe, breathe, breathe!" He started tickling my sides and my plan to be angry with him- failed.

"S-stop!" I half laughed, half cried.

He whispered in my ear, sending chills down my bare back, "tell me you love me."

"And if I don't?" I teased.

He shrugged, "then...." He started tickling me again and I had no choice but to give in.

"I love you!" I screamed.

He didn't look convinced, so he continued to tickle me, "I love you, I love you, I love you!"

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