Chapter 17.

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Harry POV-

"Mum!" I called as I walked into my small, Holmes Chapel house that I missed so much.

I heard a bunch of shuffling in the kitchen and some pots and pans banging around before seeing my mother, running through the hallway with open arms. I smiled at her and dropped my bags, mirroring her wide arms. She got closer and soon ran right past me, engulfing Savannah in a huge hug.

"I've been dying to meet you, sweetie!" She squeezed her tight.

"Mum, careful, she's still broken!" I yelled at her.

"It's fine," Savannah giggled, returning the hug, "I'm feeling better, but..." She nodded towards me, "I think Harry's feeling a bit neglected."

My mother and girlfriend laughed before my mum jumped into my arms. "I missed you, babe!" She cried before leading Savannah into the kitchen.

Break started a week ago but we stayed at Niall's first because Savannah wanted to see her family before seeing mine and I understood that. Spending a week with Niall, Savannah and their parents was quite fun, actually. Her parents loved me and I didn't have to worry about her brother cause we're best mates. Savannah seemed so happy to be back home, I hated telling her it was time to leave, but I wanted to see my family too and she didn't complain.

"Harry!" I heard a voice shriek from behind and I instantly knew who it was. She ran up behind me and locked her arms around me.

"Hey, Gemma." I turned around and hugged her.

"Where's Savannah?" She asked, causing me to laugh at how much they already liked her.

"In the kitchen with mum." I pointed, "Tell them I'm going to unpack."

She nodded before running off. As I walked up to my childhood room, I heard the girls laughing and messing around, causing my lips to curl into a smile. I picked up Savannah's bags on the way and when I opened the door, I let out a huge sigh. It was so nice to be back. I know the flat in London was where I was living, but this house will always be my home.

My mum had probably set up the guest room for my girlfriend, but being the cheeky child I am, I started to unpack both our bags and fold her clothes into my dresser. This was going to be a week of Savannah and Harry time. I was going to be with her 24/7, no matter what.

Soon, I decided I was done unpacking because I instantly became distracted by the sweet smell of something rising through the air vents. I followed the aroma down the stairs and into the kitchen, to see Savannah showing my mum how to cook something on the stove. My mother watched in awe. "What's going on here?" I startled them.

Mum turned around automatically and put her hands to her chest. "You scared me!" She sighed, "Savannah is showing me how to make Chinese food."

"Really?" I asked, making my way towards the petite girl in front of the stove.

"You're not the only one who can cook in this relationship." She turned to look at me, making me smile. Everything she did made me smile, even her slightest actions raised my lips.

She poked my dimples and giggled, "You're so cute."

I tapped her nose and mimicked her high voice, "You're so cute."

Shaking her head, she playfully hit my arm before returning to the steaming food.

"So what do you have planned this week?" Mum asked, directing the question at the both of us.

"I thought I'd introduce Savannah to Haydn, Nick and Will. We have a lot of catching up to do."

"The boys from your old band?" Savannah chimed in.

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