Chapter 16.

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Savannah POV-

I didn't know where I was going. I was walking around aimlessly, eyes filled with tears. Maybe I had been a bit dramatic, but Emma kept coming back to Harry some how and it bothers me. Did I ever do something to deserve this? All I did was love Harry to the fullest and you see where that has gotten me.

I decided to call Niall to tell him I was okay, the phone rang and rang and he didn't pick up. I tried him various amounts of times.

All of the sudden, the sky opened up and it started to downpour. In search of shelter, I made my way, running, across the street.

I heard a slight honking of a horn before turning to my left. Before I could turn around and run out of the way, everything went black.

Niall POV-

"And then she ran out..." Harry finished explaining to the boys and I what had happened.

Shaking my head, I rose from the couch. Grabbing my phone from my room, I joined the boys again.

7 missed calls from Savannah?

Whoops. I gave her a ring back surprised that she picked up after only the first ring.

"Savannah?" I said through the phone.

"Hello?" a voice that I didn't recognize responded.

"Who is this?" I demanded.

"This is Dr. Holland of Newham University Hospital, are you the guardian of Savannah Horan?" The woman spoke and my stomach dropped hearing the word 'hospital'.

"I'm her brother." I croaked out.

"Ms. Horan was in a little accident. It would be best if you could come here as soon as possible so we can explain what happened."

My phone slipped right out of my hands and I ran a hand through my hair. "Shit. Shit, shit!" I cried.

"What's wrong?" Zayn asked.

"Hospital. We... go now."

I was at a loss for words, scrambling around to find the keys to Harry's car.

The boys kept questioning me about what was going on, but I couldn't find anything to say so ignoring them and pacing around the flat seemed like the best thing to do.

"Niall!" Liam grabbed me by the shoulders to stop me from moving. His grip was tight and it hurt. He never realizes how strong he really is. "What's going on?"

"Savannah. She's been in an accident, we have to go to the hos-" I gulped, "Hospital."

The boys eyes went wide.

The next event was completely unexpected. Harry started crying.

"It's all my fault!"

Harry is crying over my sister. He is crying because my baby sister is in the hospital. In this moment, I realized: He must really love her. I know I do. No matter what happens I always love her. She's my best friend and she's always there for me. Thinking about it, I'm glad she picked Harry. I can tell how happy they make each other and I'd rather it be him then some strange guy that I don't know. She brings out the best in him. The day he and Savannah made up was the happiest I've ever seen him. "No, no its not. We don't even know what's wrong!" I rubbed my eyes, trying to stay positive, but I was struggling. "Can we just go to the hospital?"

"Lou, you need to drive." Liam threw him the keys to Harry's car. "Harry is not in the best state to get behind the wheel." He nodded at the boy, who was tugging at his curly locks.

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