Chapter 2 Invisibilly Reagan

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H-Hey calm down

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H-Hey calm down.
Don't worry I'm friendly I promise.
I'm not gonna hurt you.
How can I be sure.
You look nothing like me.
Or sound like me.
Will it make you feel better if I stepped back a little bit And give you some space?
Very me some space.
Like I haven't had enough of it already.
O-Oh I just got that too.😅
I'm sorry But would you like it if I took a few
steps back??
Ok now State your Business.
How did you find me?
Who do you work for?
Why are you here?
Take it easy.
I-I was just walking to school until I saw that thing fall from the sky.
Excuse me that thing is my safe pod.
I'm sorry...but please forgive me for saying this but did you always have a metal pole in your head?
Oh my god oh my god!
What's happening!?
I don't like change!😖
It hurts!
What do I do!?
Hey calm yourself you'll set the woods on fire.
Let these things burn!
Relax I'm just trying to help you.
Stay away from me!
It's alright.
Calm yourself I'm only trying to help you.
(He walked up to me and grabbed the base of the metal pole and tugged)
It's stuck.
A-Are you okay?
I'm's fine.🥺
Just get this thing out of me.
Are you sure you're alright?
It looks like it's pretty deep in your head.
I'm fine just be carful okay I'd like to have my head on my body.
Don't worry I will.
You're kind of skinny aren't ya.
what's your name oh pale one for I come in pieces and I mean you no harm?
(He laughed a little bit and managed to tug the metal rod out of my head and put the pole to the side)
you're funny.
I'm Sorry if I didn't introduce myself.
My name is invisibilly I'm 10 years old and I already guessed that you are not from around here are you?
What gave that away?
My charming good looks?
And sorry for that dumb question  Invisibilly my name is Heatblast.
I'm from the planet called magma opus.
That's a cool name for a planet.
Also by the way big thanks for taking that pole out of my head my spaceship was being a prick to me.
I was in there for seven years and I couldn't even all.
It's finally nice to be free and stretch my legs.
This place is huge!
Damm that sucks you were in that space ship for seven years?
How could you even stand being in that thing?
It looks pretty uncomfortable.
It was and I couldn't.
I was only three when my parents sent me away.
I guess they had no choice my home was being destroyed and this was the only place that had oxygen.
I lost everything my home and my family.
Also being put in that spaceship was bad enough already.
(I started to get the feeling he was feeling bad for me and saw his face turning a little red)
Hey but you know what your planet is nice and full of sweet colors where I'm from I can't see all the different colors.
All I see is red, yellow and black it's like my own version of hell my own mom didn't like it and my dad had his own opinion about it.
But hey you know what Invisibilly you're really nice to me and I bet if other human beings saw me they would run away.
I'm not a human.
What are you then?
You look like a human.
I'm a monster.
Don't say that about yourself.
That's not nice.
No I'm actually a monster.
My father is the invisible man.
My father is made of magma.
Does all of your kind look like you?
But We come in four different colors.
What colors?
Red, orange, blue and yellow.
I like blue.
Blue is my favorite color.
I like it because it's calming and peaceful.
You're my favorite color.
Uh Thanks?😅
Hey invisibilly Would you like to be my fwend?😃
I'm lonely and I don't have friends.
(Right after I said that clear liquids were falling from his eyes)
invisibilly your face it's it's leaking!
W-what's happening are you dying don't die on me now!😰
I only just made a new fwend in so long. 
I'm OK it's just...I have no friends at all and hearing someone say that really means a lot to me Even if you're an alien that's on fire.
Thank you for caring.
And yes I would love to be your friend.🥹
(I started to realize that he was depressed and no one cared about him.
And I started to feel sad)
Invisibilly you don't have to put up with them anymore as long as we stick together.
Thank you it really means a lot to hear someone say that.
I've been so lonely after my dad left.
D-Did he pass away? mom and him had a divorce when I was five and my mom and siblings treat me horribly.
I'm so sorry.☹️
It's alright.
I'm used to it.
No it's not alright!
They have no right treating you so horrible.
It's every day.
But I can't wait until I'm 18 then I'll finally be free.
I can move out and do what I wanna do without them making fun of me.
I hope that day comes too.
Me too.
If you don't mind me asking where is your dad?
I don't know.
After he left my mom cut off all contact with him so he can't talk to me.
The only thing I have left of him is this beanie I'm wearing.
I'm sorry.
The bean-ie looks good on you.
Thank you.🙂
...Oh shoot I totally forgot!😰
What is it Fwend?
I forgot I was on my way to school.
I'm gonna be so late!
Ooo ooo Can I come along too?
I never been to this skool thing.
Take me at once!
A-Alright If you insist.
Just follow me.
(Over the past week Invisibilly found a home for me it wasn't much but it was enough for me to hide from others.
It was an abandoned house just down the street from where he lived and it looked like no one lived in it for a long time.
I think Bill said the house was over 400 years old.
It looked like it too.
I'm not one to judge because my home before was like Hell...literally.
But it was a roof over my head.
Sometimes Bill would come over and we would explore the old house and he brought me some pillows and blankets he wanted to get rid of so I made a little makeshift bed.
Bill and I did almost everything together he was like the brother I never had.
I told him stories of my past and how I wanted to help people and he mentioned that when I'm older I should be a cop.
I wasn't a cop until I turned 20.
Well I was in training but it was better than nothing.
Over the time of me being on earth Invisibilly taught me How to write and speak English a little better.
Over the past few days I started going to the same school as Invisibilly.
Some people liked me and some people didn't.
But it didn't matter.
I had a new home and a new planet to live on.
I really should be thankful I got the chance to restart my life.
And I have Invisibilly to thank for that.
I never really considered him as a friend 2 years after we met.
We knew everything about each other.
If someone was to make fun of him I would always step in and fight back just to protect him from little pricks.
They would eventually give up quick because I was a fire alien from a hell like planet so they would just run away In fear.
Invisibilly was the only one who was always there for me.
When I was depressed.
When I tried to kill my self.
When I would try to get into trouble.
I always thought something was off about Invisibilly.
He would be happy one day and depressed the next.
He told me one day he had bad depression and Anxiety disorder.
And over time it got worse when he dated a girl named Scarah screams.
She was one of the cheerleaders at Monster High.
She would always discourage him for everything he did and it really pissed me off.
She would make fun of his weight.
What he liked.
How long his hair had to be.
She even tried to get rid of the blue beanie his father gave to him when he left when Bill was just a kid.
What's really funny is he never gave her a hug, held her hand, kissed her, or even had sex with her.
She asked him one day for a hug and they got into an argument.
I thought it was funny but my friend Deuce had to tell me I shouldn't laugh at things like that)
What the hell Invisibilly!😡
What did I do?
Don't you what me!?
I try to hold your hand when we go to class and you just give me a piece of your sweater to hold on to.
You make a real damm fool out of yourself when you do that.
Oh...sorry I have a medical condition where I can't make skin on skin contact.
It's a really bad disease and I could probably die from it.
Are you kidding me.
That's a fucking lie and a load of bull shit.
Shut up milky eyes.
You stay out of this red head.
What kind of an insult was that?
I've been called a lot worse than that.
Just shut up ok.
How about you Make me bitch.
And as for you Invisibilly you say that almost every single day and it really pisses me off.
It's not my fault I-
You give that "friend" of yours a high five and a hug all the time.
It's disgusting.
It's an Alien.
Da fuck you just say you pompous fuck?!
You heard me.
Why you little-!
Heatblast stop.
No I won't!
Why don't you stop acting like a sped and listen for once.
Fuck you!
Scarah so what if I give him a hug he's like a brother to me.
It's different.
How can an alien be like a brother to you?!
And what's  more important me or that slacker of a friend who literally acts like a child.
I'm more important then you.
Stop talking!
And you're around him all the time Invisibilly it makes others think you have a thing for him.
You're 16 Invisibilly act your age already!
He's my friend and like I said he's like a brother to me and at least he doesn't lecture me every day over the littlest things.
Are you looking for a smack in the face!?
Because I'm so close on hitting you right now.
If you even dare lay a single finger on him I'll make sure your death will come real soon and painful do you understand me!
F-Fine whatever...Invisibilly get out of my site I'll talk to you later.😒
And you're such an asshole you know that right.
Jesus Christ you can't do anything right can you?
Shut the fuck up scarah.
Before I set you on fire.
Thank you.
No problem.
Why don't we go out to the football field and see if Clawd and the guys want to hang out.
(I didn't know why he would ever pick her to go out with.
She treats him like shit and doesn't appreciate anything he does.
And Bill ooo That little shit would always come up with a excuse just to get out of anything even walking for fitness.
And I know he can't die because he's immortal.
He died when he was 15 in a car crash.
But Scarah doesn't know about any of that.
Bill always told me everything personal and he never had the guts to tell her that.
Even If she was to find out she would probably kick his ass and Invisibilly is not the person to fight back)
Hey invisiBilly?
Why are you still with Scarah?
I-It's wouldn't understand if I told you.
Hey I promise to understand.
you just have to tell me.
Heatblast I really do appreciate everything you do for me and that you care it's just...
Just what?
Bill tell me.
Maybe another day the bell rang.😄
We should go to class before Bloodgood and Nightmare catches us in the hall. better tell me later.
Sure thing buddy.
I'll see you at lunch love you hoe.
I love you too ass hat.😊
(Even then I should have saw
the signs...)

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