Chapter 22 Duncan Blast

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(The nurse walked in the room holding the baby in a black blanket.
She handed me the baby, I was nervous It was so light.
It didn't seem to me that there was a baby in the blanket at all.
It felt like my heart fell out of my chest I was scared but When I moved the blanket out of the baby's face I started to feel a empty hole in me fill up with joy and I began to cry.
I was so happy.
He had bright ruby red eyes and sun yellow skin.
He turned his little head to look at me and yawned he made a little hissing sound like a snake and I didn't want to let him go)
Nurse: Congratulations Mr. Blast it's a healthy baby boy.
Invisibilly: I guess your wish came true huh.
Hun he looks just like you.
He's got your eyes.😍
Roxanne: Awwwww he's so freaking adorable.
I just wanna pinch his cute little baby cheeks.
Britney: Heatblast may I hold him for a little bit.
Heatblast: B-But...I don't want to let him go.
I want to hold him.
He's the cutest baby alien I ever seen.
Invisibilly: That's the only alien besides your mom and dad that you've see.
And hun he'll be alright she's just going to feed him.
(I hesitated but gave him to Britney)
Heatblast: Britney what the fuck are you doing?!!😱
Roxanne: Hey Calm down and watch your mouth She's Just feeding him.
Heatblast: That's disgusting!
That's my son how dare you!!
Invisibilly: Hey calm down.
Maybe you should have a seat.
Heatblast: I'm not leaving him.
Invisibilly: He's not going anywhere.
He's fine.
All she was doing was feeding him.
Heatblast: But that's disgusting.
Who would ever do that to a poor infant baby?!
That's criminal!!
Roxanne: All mothers when they feed their new born baby.🤨
Heatblast: That's my son not hers!
And I don't want him to ever suck on those those...things.
Invisibilly: Do you mean breasts.
Heatblast: Ugh Gross...even hearing that word makes me sick to my stomach.🤢
Britney: Hey it's okay calm down you can have him back now.
(I take him back)
Heatblast: it's okay buddy I'll never let her do that to you again.🥺
Roxanne: So now that you have a son did you guys think of any names for him yet?
Invisibilly: No not ye-
Heatblast: Can I name him after my favorite Total Drama Island character?!
Please Biwy please.😃
Invisibilly: wait what?
Heatblast: please.
Invisibilly: you're talking about naming our son after a cartoon character.
Heatblast: come on it's a good one.
Invisibilly: ugh...alright but I'm kinda scared.
What character was it??
Heatblast: You'll see.
Babe Hold him for a second.
(I grabbed the birth certificate and wrote his name down and gave the paper back to stitches.
You couldn't really understand what she was thinking because the look on her face always has a permanent smile was unsettling.
So you could never tell what mood she was really in)
Duncan Lucifer Blast?😒
Why in the hell did you put Lucifer for his middle name?🤨
Heatblast: Because it's freaking awesome.🤟🏻
Roxanne: Cool but disturbing.
Heatblast: Oh shut up your just jelly that he has a better name than you.
Roxanne: No.
I was just wondering why would you name him after the devil?
You're lucky in this world you can name your kids after demonic stuff.
Roxanne: that's horrible.
Why would anyone do that?
Because he's stupid that's why.
Heatblast: if I want to give my son the middle name Lucifer I can.
you do know I'm the daughter of the devil right.
Heatblast: and that makes you special?
Britney: I guess you learn something every day.
Invisibilly I think Duncan is getting a little fussy.
You guys should probably put him to bed.
Roxanne: awwwww does someone need a nap.
You little cutie.
Heatblast: don't talk to my son like that.
Roxanne: my wife gave birth to him.
Heatblast: I don't care.
Invisibilly: maybe we should get going and stop fighting.
But seriously I think we should go before Duncan is gonna start to have a habit on chewing my hair.
Heatblast: Awww That's so freaking cute.🥹
Alright lets go home.
And Let me get to hold him now you've been hogging him all to yourself.
Invisibilly: Okay but be carful.
Heatblast: I will jeez.
(After we left and said our goodbyes we finally got home Bill and I put Duncan to bed)
Welcome to the family son.😘
You're not gonna curb stomp on him are you?
Why in the hell would I do something that?
You said that like Jack Baker.
I know.
I just always wanted to say that it just seems appropriate.
I'm just so happy that he was a boy.
I am too.😌
He's so small I completely forgot how little babies are.
To be honest I really think that I can do this.
I know that you can do this.
You'll be a great father.
But Not only that I have a son but I'll make sure to always be there for him.
Unlike my father who was never there for me.
I'm so proud of you hun.
I'm happy that you're giving it a try.
It may take me some time to get the hang of being a dad and having this kind of responsibility but I think that I can do this.
Oh my god could it be...have you matured?😍
Shut up Bill.
I'm so proud of you.😘
I hadn't seen you this happy in a while...You know Heatblast I'm glad that you're finally giving it a try.
And that's the most adult thing that you've ever said since we've been together.
We've only been together for 14 years.
I know.😘
(As he wrapped his arms around me and his face really close to mine.
Well well well.
Someone is horny)
Ha someone is getting a little frisky.😅
~It makes me hot when you don't say or do stupid things.
Wow You're mean.
I don't always say stupid things.
Yes you do but the one thing that I want to hear is what you want to do to me.
Hey hun didn't you put a mistletoe above the bed yesterday?
I would love it if you could release some of that christmas cheer on me.😏
(Like omg I'm soooo turned on right now)
Hey watch what you say here there's a sleeping baby in the house now.🤫
But yes there is.
Why don't we go in the bedroom and have are own white Christmas.
I guess someone is a little frisky.
How about I make it a blizzard if you want.
That's good enough for me.
(Bitch it's gonna be more than a blizzard.
And sweet sugar daddy he gonna suck you off until you ain't got nothing left.
We put Duncan to bed and he pulled me into the other room)
Plow me daddy.
Fuck me hard.
How about I fuck you until it hurts when you walk.
That's good enough for me.❤️
I just wanna suck on your silver bells.
Oh my god quit it.😂
I wuv you my little Irish potato.💙🥔
I love you too my little sour cherry.❤️🍒
(Weeks went by then months.
I got the hang of taking care of a baby but Jesus Christ if I knew how many times I had to get up in the middle of the night I would have said no.
But I was happy, really really tired but happy)
Hey good morning hun😘
Oh hey Good morning.😘
You look awful.
Jee thanks.
You look like a zombie.
Well I Only got 3 hours of sleep and I'm about to run on nothing but coffee for the rest of today.
Did you want to lay down for a bit?
I'll watch Duncan.
Where is he?
He's in his crib in the bedroom.
I'm so happy I have another month off of work.
Go to the bedroom and sleep okay.
(I went to bed and passed out right away.
6 hours goes by and I wake up.
I went to the kitchen)
Bill are you home?
(I immediately went to the baby's room to check on Duncan)
(I got a call on my phone)
Hey hun how did you sleep?
I almost had a heart attack where are you and Duncan.
Oh I'm sorry.
I went to the store to get him some diapers and his food.
I'm on my way home now.
Oh thank god.
When did you wake up?
10 minutes ago.
Okay it's already 3 in the afternoon.
Why don't you go and take a shower and get ready.
I'll see you soon I love you.
I love you too.
And Duncan says hi too he just threw a Cheerio.
I love you both I'll see you soon.
(I went and made some coffee and waited for them to come back)
Thank god you two are back let me see the potato.
Can you watch him actually for a bit I'm gonna use the bathroom.
Who's my best man you are.
My little baby potato.
You and your little baby fangs.😘
Yeah look he has fangs just like his daddy.🥹
I didn't notice that until now.
Figured why he's been munching on everything he sees.
Hey hun.
I don't think I can be top today.
That's okay you've been overworking yourself you should probably get some rest.
I want you.
Let me feed Duncan first and I'll go put him to bed.
I'll see you in a bit.
Okay hun.😘
And goodnight to you my sweet little devil.😚
(Over years as Duncan got older he became very distance, depressed, but I tried to figure out why but he never tells me anything.
One day I got a call from his school and I was told he had drugs in his locker.
I couldn't believe what I was hearing.
I thought I did everything right and now my only son is a junky and from what the cheerleaders at his school call him Juvenile Junky or JJ for short.
I began to blame myself for what happened for everything.
I thought that Maybe I wasn't making sure that he was safe.
but I was wrong.
I found out that he was being bullied and  got treated like the odd man out just because the kids found out his
parents, Bill and I were gay.
I was so pissed off I wanted to beat the shit out of those kids but Bill told me to leave them alone and take care of Duncan while he...he took care of the situation)
Hey Duncan.🙂
Oh hey dad.
H-How are ya?
I'm under house arrest for 20 years how do you think I am.
Look I know you didn't mean to kill that girl-
All I did was push her and something about my claws killed her!
I didn't mean to I swear!
Stitches did some tests on your nails and they have some kind of toxins that can make things rot if you were to scratch something living.
I'm a threat to people aren't I?
Hey you're not a threat you just have to control your powers that's all.
Plus powers like this run in the family.
I killed her dad.
What does that even make me.
You didn't know what your claws could do.
You stood up for yourself and that's what matters.
What about the stuff in my locker?
That I'm not to happy about.
Duncan You know I'm a cop and you did drugs and kept it a secret.
Your father and I care about you so very much and if something was to happen to you we don't know what we'll do.
I didn't want you to know not like this.
I wanted to tell you but I was scared.
I didn't want any of this to happen.
It's kinda funny that you say that.
How so?
I remember your father saying something like that when we were 21.
What was he hiding.
That he was gay.
And that he had feelings for me.
I felt so Stupid back then.
It was 20 years ago when your father told me.
And since then I realized that I like guys more.
Especially your father.
You're gross.
I know.
(I wrapped my arms around him and locked him in a hug)
Look your father and I are always here for you if you need anything you know that right?
(He eventually put his arms around me and started crying)
I know.
I'm so sorry dad.😥
Hey don't you dare cry.
It's not your fault that they bullied you.
I should have been there.
(He let go)
Why did they?
Why did they bully me I did nothing to them.
Because their pricks that only care about looking cool in front of their friends that's why.
Look Duncan I was in your shoes when I was in High school.
And I got pushed around a lot.
If it wasn't for your dad I didn't know how to get through school growing up.
I had it bad growing up alone.
I didn't have my mom or dad to take care of me.
So you were like a orphan?
Pretty much.
When I was a kid I didn't know who to trust.
If it wasn't for your father I wouldn't be who I am today.
A gay man.
Watch it.😑
But yeah.
How long did you known dad for.
A long time let's just say that.
Yeah but how long.
Almost 40 years now.
Jesus Christ. years of my life.
But Duncan you need to promise something to me okay.
Don't ever do drugs again.
I know I'm sorry dad.
Don't be sorry it's okay.
Nothing is going to happen unless you're here.
I'm gonna talk to stitches and see if we can get ya clean.
Alright...thank you.
Now get to bed you've been through a lot today.
Alright night dad.
Good night Duncan...I love you.
I love you too dad.

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