Chapter 18 The clinic

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(After a week went by Bill, Stitches, and I went to the parallel universe to see Britney and Roxanne.
I told Bill that if the baby wasn't related to both of us alone then I didn't want a kid.
Eventually he came up with an idea on asking his female self from the alternate universe if she would help.
And she agreed...
And Unfortunately Stitches mentions something about insemination.
So I had no choice but to follow through with having a kid)
Uhhh what the fuck is insemination?
It's also sometimes called donor insemination, alternative insemination, or artificial insemination.
IUI works by putting sperm cells directly into the uterus around the time the female is ovulating, helping the sperm get closer to the egg.
Then the doctor puts the sperm right into the uterus.
That's disgusting I think I'm gonna be sick.🤢
I have to have sex with a woman.
Lord knows where they've been.
(She smacked me across the face)
No you sexist prick!
Didn't they fucking teach you what insemination was in high school!
Yes... I think but I never wanted to listen.
I always wanted to throw up when they even talked about it.
And even the fact that they showed us a video of a woman giving birth made me wanna throw up.
It did make you throw up.
You threw up on Cleo because she was sitting in front of you.
I remember.
That was funny.
You're a failure of manhood.
And you're a 200 year old hag ya bitch.
(So after Stitches was done being a little shit we went to see Britney and Roxanne.
After Britney agreed to carry the baby we went to the clinic.
Bill kept telling me to pull myself together and stop acting like a damm child but really I wanted to go home and hide.
I was kind of creeped out about what the nurses told me what I had to do but Bill made it seem like it was not a big deal.
So after 2 or 3 hours later everything was done we were told to come back in 2 weeks to see results.
But I prayed to god that it didn't work)
See that wasn't so bad now was it.
I'm telling ya You over react over the littlest things.
I feel violated.
And why is that?
It's what I had to do Bill!
(Yeah cum in a cup)
Why in fucks name do they want my fluids in a fucking cup that's meant for drinking.
Okay calm down.
Babe I know that you're uncomfortable being around so many women and releasing your cum in a cup but it's not a big deal.
A lot of people do it You're not the first person to ever do that.
Yeah but...I'm the first alien to do it.
And I was uncomfortable.
It was unnecessary and that thing was gross.
Don't you mean the nurse?
You know I hate to break it to you but Everyone gets uncomfortable.
That is true about you being the first alien to do it.
But Also another thing why did you asked me to help ya out?
You're pathetic.
Well sorry I was turned off that entire time I was there.
I would have been concerned if you were turned on that entire time.
But I needed your help and you didn't disappoint.😘
You're a Weirdo.
I don't get you sometimes.
But Bill you don't understand.
You name something that bleeds for five or seven days and doesn't die.
And continues to bitch about the littlest things that you do.
Plus some women don't really have good hygiene and they try to present themselves as attractive.
Okay Okay I get it you've been through a lot when you dated Roche-
Don't ever say that French sluts name!
Fine fine...I won't.
But I'll just leave you and your time of the month tantrum alone for a while.
Shut up.
I love you too.
I know☺️
I'm gonna make dinner later alright.
Can I help?
HA You're funny, you know the rules.
I'm not allowed to help in the kitchen when it comes to cooking because I burn everything I make...I know.
Why are you upset?
It's not fair I wanted to help.
Ya know you can always help me by doing the dishes.
Babe I will take a bullet for you and I'll do anything else for you but doing the dishes...That is one thing love of my life that I won't help you with in sickness and in health.
You're such an asshole.
And you're my little chubba lub.
(When we got in the house and I shut the door, Bill pinned me to the wall.
What the fuck has gotten into him)
Uhhhh okay.
Is it because I said I'll never do the dishes?
Because I can do other things around the house I promise.
There's no need for violence.
Can I suck it?
Say what now?
Can..I..suck it?
Bill are ya feeling alright?
You weren't like this 5 minutes ago.
Do you want to kiss me?
A-Are you serious right now?
You didn't answer my question.
Do you want to forget about what Stitches told you today?
W-Well I-
Look at me.
Do you want to forget everything you had to do today?
I-I uh.
(He started to move his hand from my chest down to the zipper of my pants and whispered in my ear)
Well do ya want to forget?
I can help you make it go away.
Bill I-
Do you want me to help you or not?
Then love me like you want me.
Then I guess I want you really badly.
Then make my ass hurt you sadistic fuck.
Make me your bitch.
Bill your language!
Oh Shut up and kiss me.
(He grabbed the collar of my shirt and pulled me up to his face and pressed his lips against mine.
He grabbed my ass tightly and slid his tongue in my mouth.
Oh damm erection engaged!😆
Yeah you're telling me?
He must really want you.
I don't even know what I did to even get him like this.
I think it's because you've matured finally.
I love it when he French kisses us)
Jesus Christ Bill if you wanted me so badly then you could have just told me.
You didn't have to shove me against the wall.
No I wanted to show you.
Now...follow me.
We going on a field trip hun?
I want you to fuck me in our room
(He grabbed the collar of my shirt and brought me to the bedroom and shoved me onto the bed and we made out for a good 15 minutes)
Babe wait What did I even do to get you like this??
shhhh don't speak just love me.
Fuck me like we haven't fucked in months.
I Am so confused right now.
There's so many mixed feelings.
(He unzipped my pants and grabbed my dick)
Wow hey there mr. Aggressive take it easy.
Are you not enjoying this?
I am it's just You're a little more aggressive than usual and it's making me confused.
How so?
(He started to bite my neck hard)
You like this my little devil?
~Please continue.
He started taking his clothes off and sat on my lap)
Love me.
Please I need you so badly.
Make it hurt.
One rough butt fuck coming right up.
(We finished about a half hour later.
It felt so good to get rid of the stress I had all day and release it out on Bill.
And he still wanted to go for round two)
Are you sure you don't wanna take a break?😮‍💨
I'm sure.😘
I thought you wanted to make dinner.
You can wait a little longer can you?
I guess I can go another half hour without food.
Because that was so good I want it a second time.
(He kissed me a few times as I was moving my hand to his crotch.
We started to make out, he turned over on his front side and got into the doggie position)
~Fuck me Heatblast.
I don't really like doing the doggie style.
Please...Just this one time.
I'll put my hair up.
Ugh alright just this one time.
Thank you love.
(After another half hour goes by I'm completely exhausted)
Holy shit.
Is there an off switch on you?
No but there is an on switch and you just kept hitting it until it broke.
Jesus Christ.
~I love you so much.
Do ya wanna go for another round.
I love you too BiwyBoo.
And that's going to be a big no for me we did it twice I think that's good enough.
Three times.☺️
Hey do you think you could get me a beer.
Are you kidding me?
I don't even think I can walk right now.
I guess I did good then.
Congratulations you made my ass hurt so bad I can't walk right now.😒
What do you want me to say?
You asked for it.
Now I regret it.
But it felt so fucking good.
I know.😊
I'm still horny but im also so tired.
So I'm guessing you aren't making dinner.
I'm too tired to make dinner.
Then come over here and lay with me my little gay Irish potato.
(He wrapped his arms and legs around me and fell asleep.
I couldn't remember what i even did today.
I just laid down confused about why the hell Bill jumped on me like that when we came home.
The next morning I woke up and Bill was in my face)
Well good morning to you.
Hey you're up.
How long where you here?
I just came in the room not long ago and I saw you waking up.
Well that's not creepy at all.
Hey I made breakfast get ready and come downstairs.
Okay I'm getting up.
(After I took a shower and got ready I went downstairs)
Hey your coffee is on the table with the newspaper.
Oh goodie now let's see who's in this weeks obituary.
That's all you ever look at when you read the paper.
Hey I love the obituary after I died I saw my name in there.
And you think that makes you special?
Yes, it does.
Hey Bill the owner of Undead Enterprise Just died yesterday at the age of 99.
And his cause of death was lung cancer well that's what ya get you filthy smoker.
...Oh shit and oh no it also says his son Maxwell Cortez is taking over the business now.
Are you serious?
Give me that.
Let me see.
You know I'm still wondering what's going to happen to Skull Academy now that Maxwell is taking over.
He never gave a shit about anyone but himself.
It was all about the money with that dick.
I don't know...I really hope he doesn't close down that college I remember having good memories there with you and the guys.
Yeah...Traumatizing ones too.
Oh please.
And what traumatizing memories was that?
Us having sex.
Me consistently getting hurt doing stupid things.
And stuff that I did when I was drunk.
That's all you can think of?
What it's true.
The shit that I been through in that school was absolute hell.
But hey you managed to graduate with a law degree.
Indeed I did love of my life then.
What do you mean then?🤨
The freedom that I had.
And Sorry but I gonna get ready for work I'll see you at 10 alright.
Okay I'll miss you.
I'll miss you more my gay Irish potato.😘
I'll save you a little surprise when you get home.😏
And I can't wait.
Wuv you hun bun.
I love you too.😘
(So after I was finished with work I came home.
I couldn't wait to lay in my bed and sleep)
Hey Bill I'm back.
Hey sweetheart I'm home.
(I saw him on the couch asleep with his phone in his hand.
I picked him up and carried him to bed)
Hey you're home.🙂
Yes I am.
Someone is tired aren't ya?
I missed you.😘
I tried to stay awake as long as I could until you got home but I got tired.
Do you want to lay down with me I've been really lonely all day.🥺
Cleaning the house and doing the laundry.
Of course my little blueberry muffin.
You don't have to make puppy eyes to get my attention.
(As we got to the room I laid Bill down on the bed)
Hey Heatblast.
Yes my wuv.
Do you ever get the feeling that you want to go back in time and see what are life would be without each other.
Why would you ask that question?
I don't know it's been bugging me for a while now.
Well I'm glad we're together.
And I never thought that I would fall in love with my best friend.
And I never thought that you would have sex with me.
To be honest I loved it even though I tried to deny it.
Have you ever even had sex with a woman
Before me?
Nope never had never will.
So it was true I was your first.
Yes you were my sweet.
I love you.
And I love you too.
Hey Bill?
can I suck your blueberry popsicle I've been craving it all day.
Oh my fucking god.
Go ahead my little devil darling have a taste.

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