Chapter 19 positive

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(2 weeks go by now and Bill got a call from Britney)
I'll get it.
Why can't I answer it?
Because fuck you that's why.
Only if you watch me.
You're weird.
Go away.
Hey Britney how are you?😄
Hey why is Britney calling you?
What's happening?
Is everything alright?
Can you stop talking real quick.
I'm sorry about Britney.
Oh that it was just Heatblast being annoying as usual Is everything alright over there?
Well fuck you too.
(I feel like I was creeping him out because I rested my head on his shoulder and made heavy breathing sounds)
Uhh Alright sure we'll be right there...ok bye.
Okay what was that about?
Also did you say we?
Yes I did.
And don't breathe on me like that it's creepy.
And did you forget about what we talked about two weeks ago?
Kind of....WAIT!
I remember now.
Do I have to go?
I can just stay here and keep watch of the house.
No you're not staying here your coming with me.
I was hoping that I could cum in you.
Oh my god stop.
And don't ya try anything you might regret.
Because I got my eyes on you.
You try anything funny and I'll castrate you.
Well Can I at least say one thing about this?
Let me no.
You're going whether you like it or not.
I hate you but I love ya.
How long will we be there for anyway.
I don't know probably about an hour.
Because we need to wait for the results.
I'm not sure if I want to know.
You will.
And don't try to avoid the situation.
Alright fine I'll go.
Only because I love you and you're threatening to cut my balls off.
I'll probably cut your dick off too.
Haha alright let's go we don't wanna be late now do we.
You're such Wise ass.😑
(As we got to the parallel universe Roxanne was at the portal entrance)
Roxanne: Hey Heatblast. Hey Invisibilly.
Invisibilly: Hey Roxanne how you've been?😄
Roxanne: Meh I've been alright Britney has been throwing up lately.
Invisibilly: Oh I hope she's alright.
Heatblast: Bill she's fine this is Britney you're talking about.
Roxanne: some ass hat got her sick also I'm guessing you didn't want to come over am I right Heatblast.
Heatblast: Oh shut the hell up Roxanne I bet you didn't want to come here ether.
Roxanne: true but she's my wife and I'm always going to be there for her.
Even if it means her giving birth to your kid.
Heatblast: Well it's technically your kid to considering the fact both you and I are the same exact people just opposite Gender.
Roxanne: Riiiiight but You and Bill want a baby I don't.
I'm just here to "support her decision making".
Invisibilly:  Why can't you be like that Heatblast?
Heatblast: I support your decisions.
Invisibilly: Not all the time.
Stitches: Hey Britney is waiting for you guys.
(We had to wait a few minutes so the nurse can call us in)
Nurse: well the insemination was a success.
Your wife is pregnant.🙂
Roxanne: that's great.
Heatblast: Oh no.
(Bill punched my arm)
Heatblast: Ow what the hell Bill.
Britney: that's great.
How long is the wait if I may ask?
Nurse: normally the wait is about 9 months but sometimes the baby will come early.
Heatblast: What do you mean early?!
Nurse: well sometimes the baby develops quick and-
Heatblast: Is it going to be a boy or a girl?
Nurse: well we won't know for sure until later on throughout the months that go by.
Roxanne: and Heatblast just so you know Britney and I aren't going to tell you guys until the baby is born.
Heatblast: Why not it's going to be Bill's and my kid anyway.
Invisibilly: Heatblast don't you want it to be a surprise?
Heatblast: No.
I want to know now otherwise it was a complete waste of time and cum if it ends up popping out as a girl.
Stitches: Jeez you're kind of a bitch.
I should've just sent you to hell when I had the chance.
Heatblast: Shut the fuck up Stitches.
Roxanne: Hey no swearing in front of your unborn baby!
Nurse: Britney I suggest that you should be put on a healthy diet and make sure you get plenty of exercise and take plenty of rest throughout your pregnancy.
Roxanne: No fair she gets to sleep every day while I work me arse off.
Invisibilly:  Welcome to hell sister.
Stitches:  Anyway I think that we should be getting back home.
we can't be here for too long.
(As Bill and I got home Bill was so happy and me I just sat down on the couch)
Heatblast aren't you happy it came back positive.😁
Bill...why can't you have the baby instead?
A-Are you serious??
That's an odd thing to say.
you do know that guys can't get pregnant right.🤨
I know but...A part of me is having doubts over this whole thing.
You've been having doubts?!
N-No Bill it's not me it's Jeff he's been telling me that this is all just a bad idea.
And that I shouldn't follow through with this.
(Wow okay fucking asshole great way to throw me under the bus you're not invited to my birthday party this year)
Hey please don't cry.
(I tried to hug him but he slapped me)
Did you just agree on having a baby with me just to make me feel better?!
Bill I-
Or is it because you don't actually care about wanting to start a family?!
What no I would never.
(Yes you would you asshole)
I do want to start a family with you it's just Jeff is telling me different.
(You fucking cunt nugget!)
Why should I believe you!
And why would he even say that?!
I don't know he won't tell me.
Is that just another one of your excuses?
Bill I love you and I do care about what you want.
And I do want to start a family with you.
Then prove it to me.
Prove to me that you actually do care.
Do you know how much that hurt when you said that!?
I know...I'm so sorry.
I didn't mean to hurt you.
I'll try to make it up to you sweetheart.
Please don't be sad.
Oh yeah how exactly?
How are you gonna make it up to me?🥺
I'll call my work and see if I can pull some strings and take some time off of work.
You need me and you're more important right now then anyone else.
Y-You promise.
Hey look at me.
Do I ever break my promises.
Okay So tomorrow while I'm at work I'll try to talk to Robert and I'll see what I can do okay?
I trust you.
(Bill hugged me tightly not letting go)
Do you want to go to bed with me?
I think we can both agree that we had a real long day today.
(Jeff is continuing to say that this isn't going to end well and All I know is that there is no going back now.
Britney is pregnant and there's nothing I can do.
Has she ever considered getting an abortion?
What the fuck dude.
Now all I can do is wait until the time comes and the baby gets born.
But if I do end up having a son I probably would be the happiest person in the world.
It's not that hard raising a kid right?
But hey at least I can play video games with him when Bill isn't home.
What am I saying?!
I'm thinking too much about this it's probably better if I just leave it alone and let time pass.
It's only 9 months.
I can do this.
I can do this right?
You guys reading this you know what I'm capable of right?
Do you really think I'm ready to even have a kid?
The way I treat others.
The way I act and talk in public.
The way I treat Bill.
You probably think I'm not fit to be a father)

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