Chapter 14 lockdown

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Now I'm going to say it one more time what's my name?
That's a Good boy.
(He kissed the top of my head and he handcuffed me and put the blindfold on.
He told me to get on the floor and get down on all fours.
He grabbed my hair and pulled and put the shock collar on me)
Who's going to behave?
~I am daddy.
Remember if you misbehave I'm gonna punish you.
Yes sir Understood.
(I couldn't see what was going on and if I asked Bill he would ether shock me or spank me.
I didn't care if it hurt me I loved it as long as Bill was doing it.
I kinda like the pain.
After being with him for a while I was okay with letting him know what my kinks are.
And him dominating me is one of them...only on the weekends because I get week days)
Are you ready my little devil?
Yes daddy~
Ok then I'm going in.
(He spread my legs and I clenched my fists and waited.
To be honest I wasn't really ready plus I was still tense from earlier but it was to late for me to turn back now.
He started to thrust into my ass and it hurt like a son of a bitch)
Holy hell almighty!
No talking.
What did we talk about?
(He didn't even put any lube on.
No shit you think!
He pressed the button on the remote and shocked me.
It sent shivers down my spine)
~Holy shit🤤
What did I just say?😑
( He shocked me again.
He kept pounding into me, pulling my hair and spanking me)
~Ahh oh god.
Who's my bad boy?
~I-I am.
~I'm your bad boy.
You know what happens when you're bad?
~I-I get punished.
Please teach me a lesson.
(He pulled out for a second)
Why'd you stop?
(he came back with something and spanked me hard)
Mother of god!
What the hell was that?
A spanking paddle.
Did you honestly think that I was gonna go easy on ya?
I thought you loved it when I punish you.
I's just I can't see what you're doing.
And I wasn't expecting you to use the paddle.
That's the point it's supposed to be a surprise.
And I thought you like bondage?
Oh no I do.
I love it when it hurts.
You just caught me off guard.
Do you like Getting pleasure from the pain hun?
Only when you do it.
Please continue.
(He thrusted in my ass again and
At this point I might as well be gritting my teeth)
~Fuck me harder please.
Open your mouth.
(He put a ball gag in my mouth and shocked me again)
You're such a little whore.
(He grabbed a cock ring and put it on my dick.
He yanked on my hair and shocked me again And grabbed my face)
I thought you said you would behave?
Do you get aroused when I punish you?
You little slut.
(He kept thrusting hard and hard, spanking me.
He took the ball gag off and pulled my hair again)
~Ah ah oh god yes!
How does it feel you little shit.
~I...I love it.
Harder daddy harder!
I love it so much.🤤
Do ya now.
(He pulled my hair and thrusted hard again and came)
~Ahh...holy shit.
~Don't pull out please.
Why should I listen to you?
B-Because I want you to cum inside me more.
I guess.
Did you learn your lesson?
~yes...C-Can...I at least cum now?
But just remember I'm going to punish you when you least expect it.
~Y-yes understood j-just let me cum please.
(He took off the ring and I came.
He grabbed my face)
You Happy now?
~Yes sir.
Hey BiwyBoo.
Yes my love.
Can I have a kiss pwease.
Yes you can my sweet little devil.
Uncuff me please?
(He took the handcuffs and blindfold off)
Thank you hun.
How ya feeling?
My ass is numb.
(I hugged him really tight and kissed his face)
I love you so much Bill.
I love you too.
Is everything alright?
Yeah everything is fine.
I just wanted to let you know how much I love you.
I love you very much too.
Do you think you're still in the mood to watch TV?
Let me just use the bathroom real quick.
(After a few minutes go by Bill and I laid down on the couch and watched T.V.
I didn't feel like getting up only because I couldn't.
There was a lot of hand prints on my ass and claw marks on my back and I was covered with bite marks and hickeys.
A few weeks went by and I stopped feeling well out of nowhere.
I started getting really bad migraines and non stop throwing up)
I need you!
Hey is everything okay?
I can't stop throwing up and my head really hurts.
You look awful.
How bad does it hurt?
Really bad.
It hurts even more if I even think.
Did you want me to get you anything?
Whatever gets rid of this migraine please.
Alright give me a few I'll see if I can find anything.
(He left and came back with a bunch of stuff)
You probably caught something while we were on the plane coming home.
That stupid fucking lady not covering her mouth when she was coughing.
It's okay just breathe.
Is it okay when I rub your back?
A little.
Your skin is ice cold is that even normal?
Yeah only when I'm sick...or lack of oxygen.
What should I do??
Can you Take me to the bedroom please?
I don't think I can get myself there on my own.
Everything hurts.
Okay I'll try.
(When it comes to being sick I'm different from everyone else on earth.
When you're sick you get a fever and you're temperature rises.
As for me my temperature decreases which causes my body to freeze.
So when I'm sick I have to keep warm.
He drags me to the bedroom and helps me in bed)
Hey hot head how are ya feeling.
Not so hot.
I'm fucking freezing.
Do you want me to get you something?
Not really no.
Actually a small bucket please...
I feel like I'm gonna vomit again.
You don't want anything to drink?
No thank you.
Alright I'll be right back with the bucket.
(After a few he comes back)
I also grabbed you a few water bottles just in case.
Thank you hun.
Is there anything else that you need?
Actually can you turn up the heat and lay down with me please I'm freezing.
(Aww yeah get that ass!
Shut the fuck up)
Of course I will.
Anything for my little devil.
I wuv you.
I love you too.
Are you sure you don't want me to get you anything else?
I'm sure...actually can you get me a few blankets It's getting really cold in here.
(Why you no get your ass up and do it yourself?
Because I'm sick and can't move.
Yeah sure dip shit)
Alright I'll be right back.
Love you.😘
Love you too.
(When he left I could feel my arms freeze up and turn white.
He came back with 4 blankets and thru them on top of me.
He got into bed and wrapped his arms around me and held me close so I can warm up but the only warm spot I was feeling was the sexual heat coming off of him)
Hey Biwy.
I can feel the heat coming off you.
I guess that's why they call you Heatblast.
That's pretty funny and no that's not why they call me that.
So what do they call you?
And thanks for the blankets Bill.
You're welcome.
Anything for my little devil.
Hey Bill do you think if I didn't know stitches would she have sent me to hell instead of sending me to the land of the undead?
I don't know.
Why do you ask?
Because everything I do.
I feel like a horrible person.
I feel I only do it because I'm not wanted or I'm just a terrible person and I don't want to exist.
Heatblast don't say that.
You're not horrible you just have really bad anger issues.
And No matter what you'll always matter to me.
Thanks Hun.
Hey Bill.
Yes Heatblast.
Can I tell you something?
Of course you can.
Remember the day after we first had sex?
Uh I do...why do you ask?
Do you remember when I went downstairs to the kitchen and you asked me who I was yelling at?
I think so.
Why are you bringing this up now?
There's something wrong with me.
What is it?
I have split personality disorder.
And that person I was yelling at was Jeff.
I was afraid to tell you.
Because I thought you would see different of me.
I have 3 voices in my head.
Jeff, Serena and Sebastian.
Which one is Jeff?
Jeff is the gay thoughts.
And he was the one who manipulated me into having sex with you.
I can't control him when he takes over.
And sometimes the next day I can't remember what happened.
So that whole time we had sex it was just Jeff.
Yes...But most of it was me and I didn't realize it.
I can't really be mad at you for that.
I-I kinda did the same to you that night.
What do you mean did the same?
I kind of manipulated you too.😞
I felt so guilty and disgusted with myself.
You did too.😧
(Partners in crime🤣)
Why didn't you say anything?
I-I was scared.
I emotionally manipulated you and I knew it was wrong.
I loved you for so long, I fell for you the year after we met.
You were the first person who was ever nice to me kind to me you cared about me a lot.
You're funny, irritating, adorable, handsome, just plain dorky.
I love everything about you and just because you have D.I.D doesn't change a thing that means there's more of you to love.
When you told me what happened between you and the French whore-
Thanks for not saying her name.
You're welcome...I wanted to tell you how much you meant to me.
And that I couldn't keep lying to myself anymore.
I understand if you're mad at me but I was stupid then...I love you and I never meant to hurt you.
I shouldn't have done that to you.
(I pulled him to me and hugged him tightly)
Thank you...for everything.
I-I don't're not mad?
I forgive you.
And I would never stay mad at you.
I would never forgive Jeff for what he did but you're the best thing that ever happened to me and I thank you for that.
I love you Bill and nothing can change that.
You mean everything to me.
And I wanna be with you forever.
I love you.
And I'm so sorry.
Don't be i forgive you.
I love you too so much.
Oh and just one more thing.
What is it.
Remember when you said that there was more of me to love because I have D.I.D.
Yes I remember...Why?
What if I told ya that Sebastian is a Russian genocide killer.
I'm sorry he's a what now?
A Russian genocidal killer.
Ummm...are you sure you're not mad?
It's alright he won't do anything unless he hears Christmas music in December.
Let's just say he's not a fan of Christmas.
Oh okay.
Good to know.
I love you.

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