Chapter 4 June 20, 2021

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(I came home from a meeting today and I was tired as Hell

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(I came home from a meeting today and I was tired as Hell.
The first thing that I wanted to do when I got home was have a chicken Alfredo and go straight to bed and maybe take a cold shower because it was also hot as hell.
But I had to go back to work later for my night shift so I couldn't take a long sleep like I wanted.
When I got home Rochelle, YAYYOW, Deuce, clawd, Jackson, valentine and Bill scared the shit out of me.
they jumped out from behind my couch
I didn't even see it coming and I probably scared them too considering the fact I pulled out my gun on them.
I'm just glad I didn't pull the trigger and that the safety was on because I probably would've shot deuce in the face.
I also forgot it was my birthday today.
I was more concerned on how the hell they got in my house.
I was so caught up with work I didn't realize what day it was.
Somehow deep down I knew Bill was throwing me a party but I can't believe I fell for it.
Now that I think about it I gave Bill a spare key to my house if he ever wanted to come over and get away from his family.
But If they keep it up they're probably going to give me a heart-attack some day. 
The party went for a couple
hours and After everyone left Bill stayed for a bit to help clean up)
You know you don't have to help right it is my house.
Yeah but I'm the one who wanted to throw you a party.
Also you really need to control that paranoia of yours.
Sorry for being scared I thought people actually broke into my house.
Also I'm only running on 5 hours of sleep.
Why are you sorry?
Because You probably wanted to sleep when you got home.
I did want to get some sleep but it was also nice to see you guys today.
Kinda Gave me a little boost of energy...and the three shots of whiskey.
Are you going to bed soon?
I Can't.
I have to go back to work in like 30 minutes to cover a shift.
For real?
Why not just call out?
you keep over working yourself.
It's not good for you.
Plus you did drink a little.
Not a lot but I'll be fine.
You got to quit worrying about me.
I can drink a whole bottle and still be sober.
Yeah what is it?
I uhh...I really do think that you should take it easy.
Bill I told you I'm fine.
Why Are you nervous?
About what?😅
I don't know.
You look like you're hiding something.
Th-That's probably the body bag I have hidden for you in the closet.
You're a dick.😂
Yeah my plans to kill you myself have been foiled.
I mean there's nothing from stopping you to kill me now.😂
I'm just kidding.
I wouldn't kill you...yet.
You're no fun.
Besides you probably wouldn't succeed anyway.
Why not?
One I'm twice your size.
Two you look like you can only carry 15 pounds.
And three I could just set you on fire and knock you out with one punch.
Yeah you're right.
I couldn't drag your dead body if my life depended on it.
That's why no one fucks with me.
Or want to fuck you.
Go to hell.😂
I Already am.
But Anyway Thank you for helping me out cleaning.
No problem anytime.😁
Crap I do have to go now though.
Oh Okay.
It's already been 30 minutes?
Yeah unfortunately.
I'll see you soon okay.
Okay see you soon.
Love ya buddy.
I love you too shmuck.
(After Bill left I went to work sadly...and I didn't get any sleep so I passed out a few times in my office.
After I got out of work I was thinking on taking my girlfriend Rochelle out for dinner.
We dated for two years almost three and I wanted to propose to her.
But I'm fucking glad I didn't.
After what that fucking wench did I wish she would just kill herself.
Anyway But that night I texted her that I would see her at 6:00 after I got
home work and she responded with just an okay.
But unfortunately my secretary Iris came into my office and gave me some last minute work to do so
I had to stay in late.
I was so freaking tired that I lost track of time and I ended up passing out on my desk and when I woke up it was 11 at night)
Iris: heatblast??
What do you want?
Iris: What are you still doing here?
What do you mean what am I still doing here?
Iris: It's 11:00 everyone basically already went home for the night.
Are you fucking serious?!
Iris: You were supposed to leave hours ago.
Yeah no shit Why didn't you tell me earlier!?
Iris: it was so quiet in here I thought you already had left.
Jesus Christ I'm so fucking late!
Iris: Late for what??
Did you make plans?
Yes I did!
And I'm so late!
Iris: well you better hurry up and go.
(I got my stuff together and ran past her I called Rochelle if she wanted to come over my house to have dinner but She never picked her phone up.
So I called her again...nothing.
I knew she was awake because she was on Facebook a minute ago playing a game)
Why won't she answer her phone she saw my messages?
She probably giving you the cold shoulder.
For what I didn't do nothing!?
Besides oversleep...God dammit!
I fucking hate working night shifts.
Easy relax I was just kidding.😂
She's probably taking a shower.
I hope so.
(I texted her again, she saw my text but didn't respond.
I thought something was wrong so I went to her house.
By the time I got there someone else's car was outside in the driveway)
Oh shit...
Oh shit what oh shit?
Nah bro it's probably nothing.
Besides that car over there.
I'm starting to have a bad feeling.
Yeah same.
But you know I love that drama.
You think it's her sisters?
Nah bro.
(I didn't really think about it at the time.
I originally thought it was her sisters at first but I realized hers is pastel pink and not green)
There's only one person that I know with that shitty colored car.
I'm hoping to god it's not his.
Who tell me!
The suspense is killing me.😫
I need to know.
(As I got out of my car I ran the license plate number.
I started getting a little suspicious and angry.
As I went on the front step I noticed the door was cracked open a little so I went inside)
This is giving me horror movie vibes...and I love it.
Shut the fuck up for a minute and let me think.
I see a pair of mens shoes.
Doc martens?
(I looked around for her until I heard a noise come from upstairs.
I quickly pulled my gun out from the side of my belt and went upstairs)
Oh shit she's probably getting stabbed to death.
What the absolute fuck is wrong with you?
Sorry I just like to think the worst.
And it doesn't help that most of the lights are off.
(I saw the light on in her bedroom.
And I heard moaning from the other side)
Are you here?
(I opened the door more and Saw her having sex with her EX boyfriend)
What are you doing here!?
I should...ask the same thing about him.
We were just...watching a movie.🙁
Take it easy jeez we were just talking.
You call putting your fucking dick in my girlfriend talking!?
Well maybe if you acknowledged her a little more I wouldn't have to.
Shut the fuck up right now before I fucking gut you!
I am not joking!
Oh my god relax and put that gun away!
I fucking knew something was wrong when I saw that fucking car outside!
I didn't think that you would still come over.
I was working late.
And if you even bothered to care I've been fucking texting you and trying to call you!
You need to stop yelling.
You need to shut the fuck up before I put a bullet between your eyes!
(I completely freaked out.
I tried to control my anger but it got to the point where I couldn't control the flames any longer and I was leaving a trail of flames behind me.
So much for a happy birthday...god I fucking hate people.
I'm not in the mood for you to say your stupid thoughts right now!
You're the thot.
Anyway She ran to me before I got to the front door she stopped me)
Heatblast it's not what it looked like.
that's a load of fucking bull shit you french whore!
I literally fucking saw you with my own 2 fucking eyes you lying Bitch!
(Dammm girl he just called you a whore what you gonna do about it)
Don't ever call me a whore you alien prick!
It's your fault more than it is mine.
Are you fucking insane!?
For one how is it my fault!
For two you're the one who fucking cheated on me you cunt!
Don't pin the blame on me!
You never spend any time with me.
And when you do you're always on your phone.
All you ever want to do is watch Tv.
Ok first of all fuck you.
Second of all I do spend time with you.
And you're the one that's always on your phone!
You're the one that wants to go out with your friends!
You're the one who can't be fucking loyal in a relationship.
And third of all I'm never on my fucking phone when I'm with you.
You're always on your phone and
If you fucking responded to any of my messages I was gonna ask if you wanted to come over my house!
And sorry that I have a fucking job that I have to always keep up with and be alert and you don't ya fucking cuckold!
Yeah a job That you're not even good at.
I bust my fucking ass off
And I still make more money than that fucking prick that you were fucking!
Don't talk to her like that she did nothing wrong.
Shut the fuck up and Go choke on a stale fucking baguette!
Just wait when I tell everyone what you're doing.
What are you gonna tell them?
That I Broke up with you after you cheated on me.
After I saw you fucking your Ex while we were together!?
You have no idea who I am or what I'm capable of doing.
Are you stupid?!
Do you know what I'm capable of?!
I'm a fucking cop!
I can arrest you right now if I wanted to.
You fucking prostitute!
I can ruin your reputation and your life!
Do it you won't!
(I'm about to fucking fillet this bitch on the BBQ)
I can have you fired for what you did to my house!
Are you fucking kidding me do you really think I give a flying fuck!
You should.
I lost so much growing up do you honestly think that I would care if I lost my job?
I really care anymore.
You can't even stand up for yourself let alone your own family.
You should care when I tell everyone what you did to my home.
And I can take care of myself.
And let me ask you a simple question that a fucking 5 year old can answer.
Who are ya gonna tell?
You barely have any friends that will care or help you because they all moved out of the country.
Your dad left when you were 6 and
Your mom is fucking dead.
You're an asshole!
I don't know what I was thinking when I dated you.
I may be an asshole and a bunch of other things right now but at least I have NEVER cheated on any of my girlfriends in the past.
The difference between you and me Rochelle is that I'm the loyal one in this relationship.
But because you're a manipulative and selfish wretch We're done Do you hear me we're fucking done!!!
You're making a big mistake!
And what kind of mistake is that!?
You stupid bimbo going out with you!
And you know what if your sister wasn't a lesbian I would definitely ask her out considering the fact that she's way more beautiful and smarter than you!
She is too beautiful.
How many times do I have to say it.
Shut the hell up!
I will set you on fire right now.
And how long have you been doing this!?
Huh how long?
4 months...
4 months!
After everything that I've done for you you've been cheating on me for 4 months.
(Destroy that sluts car.
Do what carrie underwood did in that song she made)
But You know the end I don't even care about I give the car I got you a little makeover huh.
Don't you dare think about it!
I'm warning you!
What are you gonna do about it you French whore?
(I went over to her car and slashed her tires and destroyed the windshield and I set that asshole's car on fire)
You're a psychopath you hear me!
I don't even know why I got you out of that asylum!
I should have just left you there to rot.
I honestly don't know ether.
It probably would have been safer for you if you did leave me there.
Those straightjackets would do me a lot of good right now because I just might set your house ablaze.
(I wish Sebastian was here so we can gut her.
And why didn't you just get your gun and shoot her in the head)
You destroyed my house and my car I hate you.
Oh my god literally same I hate you too you sadistic fuck.
How am I sadistic?
What did I ever do to be sadistic.
You've been cheating on me behind my back for 4 months.
I did so much for you to try to make you happy and you went behind my back and basically threw it away like it was nothing.
You enjoy watching me suffer...Now I'm returning the favor and making you suffer.
You destroyed my car you psycho.
I don't think you know this but it was technically my car because it was under my name when I bought it not yours.
I'm calling the cops.
You really are stupid.
I am a cop I can just tell them that you're an elderly woman that's being delusional.
Go to hell!
(After she ran into her house I got into my car and left.
After a while I started to break down and cry.
And it started to rain bad.
Hey it's okay buddy I'm here for ya.
I'm glad you didn't cry back there I'm proud of ya.🙂
Jeff don't you dare start with me right now.
I'm just trying to help.
Well you're not.
Just stop talking.
If you don't want me to help then maybe You should go to...Bill's house.
Why should I?
So he can look at me and see me cry.
Great idea asshole.
I just...I just want to go home.
I mean he's The only person who you can go to and maybe he can help you.
He won't judge you.
I know he'll understand he loves ya.
...I-I guess You're probably right...I don't want to go back home after what happened.
As I got to Invisibilly's house I was depressed, angry, soaking wet, pause on that and heartbroken.
Bill opened the door)
Hey Bill.😞
what are you doing here?
It's like one in the morning.
It's really late.🥱
Bill I'm so sorry I came over and I know it's late but can I please come in?🥺
Oh..yeah of course.
Is everything alright you look upset?
I'll tell ya in a second...
You're soaking wet.
Why don't you have a seat on the couch and I'll be back with a towel.
Thank you.
Hey you don't mind if I take my coat off do you?
Of course not I'll be back though I have to use the bathroom really quick.
(As I put my coat down on the coffee table I just looked around spacing out.
I noticed It was a welcoming grave.
It was raining so bad out you could hear the rain hit the windows like someone was throwing rocks and the lightning was so bright it shined through the curtains.
Bill eventually came back with the towel)
Hey Heatblast I'm back...are you sure you're okay?
Yeah I'm okay
Where is everyone?
They're not home are they?
No They're gone for two weeks and my mom told me to stay here to "watch the house"
They went on a family vacation to Florida.😒
That's bull shit.
And they just left you here?
Yeah...that's my family.
They left this morning.
So you're the only one here?
Pretty much.
My mom came in my room at like 5 in the morning to tell me that they were leaving.
Wait so that was the first time you found out that they were going on vacation?
Yeah...after they left I went on my moms computer and found out that they planned this vacation for 3 months.
I fucking hate your family.
I do too...but on the bright side I don't have to Carry any of their stuff around.
I hate your mom with a burning passion.
My mom and siblings hate you too and they don't want you in the house but they're not here so you can stay as long as you want.🙂
Your mom didn't install cameras did she?
No she didn't.
She's too stupid to think about that kind of stuff.
Also she doesn't have the money to spend on cameras.
Considering the fact she spent over ten thousand dollars on the vacation.
Are you freaking serious?
They drove there so they have to save money for gas.
Money for the hotel, money for food and other shit.
Bill as much as I am glad that they're not here You do know that you're taking a huge risk on having me in your house right?
I don't care what my mom says.
If I'm gonna be here alone for two weeks I might as well have at least one friend come over and I'm glad it's you.😁
Aren't you afraid?
A little...but it's a sacrifice that I'm willing to make.
But are you sure you're okay?
You're normally happy.
You looked really unhappy when I saw you.
I'm fine.😞
You know you can tell me anything.
It's alright it's not really a big deal.
(Stop fucking lying to him you're clearly depressed maybe he can help just tell him what's wrong)
I can tell you're lying to me.
And you look pretty angry to me.
Your hands are covered with ash.
Did something happen at work?
I-it's Rochelle.
what happened?
what did she do?
Or what did you do?
(Bill looked kind of shaky to me but at the time I just brushed it off like it was nothing.
Awww poor boy should take his clothes off and put something warm on.
Wtf is the matter with you)
I'm not sure if I want to talk about it.
Okay do ya at least want a drink?
There's root beer in the fridge.
(As he was twiddling his thumbs)
No thank you.
I'm good for now.
(I started to put my head down in grief.
Bill sat down next to me confused on what he would say next.
I wish I was physically here so I can smother you with hugs.
Uhhh That won't be necessary Jeff😒)
Heatblast you know I'm still listening if you want to continue.
You can tell me anything.
Even if it's bad It'll be between the two of us.
I promise.🙂 win.
(I told him everything about what happened)
who did she have sex with?
That French cunt garrot her EX from scaris.😤
Oh my god...Heatblast I'm so sorry.
Is there anything I can do for you.
(Honey Fuck us please we need it!😩
You're fucking sick)
No thank you and it's all right Its not your fault.
I just don't understand why she would do that to me after everything I did for her.
She's just stupid.
You deserved so much better than her.
Yeah and to think I wanted to propose to her...
Y-You you were going to propose to her tonight.😰
Sadly yes.
But I guess I dodged a bullet huh.
You guys aren't together anymore?
Well Yeah.
I broke up with her of course.
I mean I did catch her having sex with her Ex.
Im kind of glad you didn't propose to her.
Why are you glad?
She was real jerk sometimes.
Figured why her and scarah were friends.
It makes me upset to see you like this because you always seemed so happy.
You deserve someone who makes you happy and doesn't take you for granted.
I thought I was happy too.
I just don't know what I did wrong.😖
She just...pisses me off so much I want to kill her.
As much as I would love to see that happen You did nothing wrong.
She's just to stupid to realize how amazing you are.
You really are a freaking kiss ass aren't ya.
Yeah and I don't even try.
Ya know after all these years knowing you I've never seen you pissed.
Like bursting into flames pissed.
It's not a pretty sight.
After I saw what happened I left.
Every step I took there would be a trail of flames behind me.
And and it hurts to hold back the flames.
I literally feel like a volcano about to erupt.
Hey it's alright.
You just have to relax and control it.
It's not alright...I try so hard to contain it.
I just...there's a certain point where I can't hold back my anger anymore.
The build up of anger that I try to hide just makes it hard for me to control and when I do release it...sometimes it hurts others.
I know I'm not the best at things like this but what I do when I'm angry I just imagine myself in a place where I'm truly happy.
I drown everything and everyone out and it makes me feel a little better.
What do you think about?
I like to think about myself in a quiet place just me and the person who I care about.
That seems hard for me to do.
It takes a while.
But I learned to just take deep breath's and relax.
That also seems hard for me.
You just need to think about something that makes you truly happy.
Like sometimes I like to think about us when we were kids.
(Is he trying to hint at something?
You know you can always turn to Bill.😃
Will you shut the fuck up)
So what's been up with you?
You seemed pretty distant at the party.
Im actually really sorry about that.😞
I wanted to talk to you and hang out but like I said earlier Rochelle was being rude and didn't really want me near you at that time so I stayed away.
She kept looking at me so angrily.
I'm so sorry 😞
You don't have to be sorry about that.
I'm just glad you told me.
I thought you were mad at me for something.
I could never be mad at you.
I just feel so terrible about it.
Don't feel terrible.
No I do.
The guys and I put together that party for you.
Rochelle didn't even want me to hang out with you.
We didn't even invited her to begin with.
We wanted it to be just a guys only party.
It was just supposed to be you, me and the guys.
I just hope I can make it up to you later.
I'll keep that in mind.
I'll just have to take your first born son.
I'm guessing you want me to sign a blood contract too.
Jesus Christ I'm not the devil.😂
You act like one when you're angry.
And It doesn't take a lot to make me mad.
You do have a short fuse.
That I do.
(Twenty minutes went by)
Uh Heatblast can I...can I tell you something important?
(Sweetheart you can tell us anything.
I'm dying to know)
Of course what is it?
And are you alright?
You just keep staring at me so seriously.
What oh I'm fine I just don't know how to say it.
Is it bad?
No I'm just scared to say it😥
I'm afraid you'll hate me.
I'm sure it can't be that bad for you to be scared to tell me.
You promise you won't hate me?
I promise.
(I looked at him waiting for him to talk and a minute goes by now)
well ok...go on I'm all ears.
(He took a deep breath in and shouted)
I'm In love with you you big idiot!
I'm happy you broke up with her.
You mean everything to me.
(Holy shit...d-did he just say he loves you.😱
My ship has been sailed.
He covered his mouth and went quiet.
He sat there like he just killed somebody and realized what he did.
I didn't know what to do.
I tried to think of something to say but I couldn't believe what I was hearing.
I was about to say something and he ran off )
Oh my god...I-I'm so s-sorry.😖
Bill come back!
See what you did go after him.
Jeff just shut up for one second.
(I was looking all over the house for him and realized he's probably in his room upstairs)
Bill where did you go please stop hiding from me I just wanna talk to you!
I don't want to talk!
Just please do me a favor and go home!
I don't want you to see me.😖
I never should have said anything!
I'm not leaving until we talk!
Stop hiding from me please.
And stop going invisible on me it's irritating.
There's no reason to hide it's only me.
(I looked around his room and heard a noise come from the closet.
A sharp inhale like someone was sucking the air through their teeth in pain so I opened the closet door)

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