Chapter 17 out of the Comfort zone

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Hey...Heatblast you up?
Uhhh I don't want to go.
Just five more minutes.
What I'm up!
Bill what the hell.
Why did you smack me?
You were talking in your sleep again.
Oh I'm Sorry.
What time is it?
It's three in the morning.
Are you serious?
I'm sorry Biwy for waking you.
It's alright.
What was i talking about?
It sounded like you were in an argument with Sebastian and Jeffrey.
I'm sorry.
It's alright.
Just please remember to take your meds in the morning okay?
Okay I promise.
Okay now let's go back to bed.
What was I talking about?
I think it was something about a tv show?
Jeff and Sebastian are getting on my nerves lately about Law and Order.
Are you okay.
Yeah I'm fine.
You've been talking a lot more in your sleep lately and I'm starting to worry.
I'm fine.
They just need to shut the hell up half the time.
You promise.
I promise now good night BiwyBoo.
Good night.
I love you.
I wuv you too.
(I wrapped my arms around him kissing his forehead and petting his head until he fell asleep.
When he was sleeping I got up and went to the kitchen and Billy was on the couch eating tuna)
I thought you were in bed sleeping.
Oh Hay Heatbwast.
Oh...hey Billy I thought you were Bill for a second.
Is it true you and Biwy want a baby?😃
He wants a baby.
I'm still thinking about it.
Well stop thinking if Biwy wants a baby then wet him.
By the way it's pronounced let not wet.
And you're the one eating all my fucking tuna!?
Yes and if you have a probwem with it fight me thot.
I'm starting to think you're only living here just for my tuna.
That and there's a wot of fresh meat for the taking.
Also you guys are out of chicken.
But Hey on the bright side at weast you guys can share tuna with the baby.
What the fuck you and Jeff want us to have a kid!
And no I'm not feeding a baby tuna.
I wuv baby's their so cute and adorable and I just wanna pinch Their cute chubby cheeks and take them all home with me.😋
You know I'm kinda of scared to have a kid in this house now.
Why is That?
Because I saw you eat two ten year olds last week plus what you just said.
Also because your a cannibalistic demon that eats children.
I pwead the fifth.
There are skeletons in the shed outside.
That could be a coincidence.
Maybe it's your skeweton.
Billy my bones are black not white.
Soooo is your fwesh edible??
What are you joking?
No I'm a fucking cat yes I'm joking.
Billy I swear to god if you even think about trying to eat me or Bill I'll break your bones.
Ha jokes on you Bwast alweady says that to me.
Even if you try to hurt me you better watch your back and sweep with one eye open.
Stay out of my fridge.
You don't even live here.
Yeah I do.
When I feel like it.
Anyway I'm going to bed.
What in your amazon box in the closet?
It makes the world small and safe for me okay!
Yeah keep telling yourself that you filthy animal.
(Meows and runs off)
What the fuck am I getting myself into.
A pretty bad situation.
Shut up Jeff.
So did you think about that talk you and Bill had?
Oh my god why do you keep bringing that up?
Dude this is some serious shit.
You need to get out of your comfort zone and live your life god dammit!
What if I don't want a kid.
Then you're being the biggest dick to Bill.
Plus you need to suck it up and grow up.
That's what she said.
Fuck you.
You're acting like a sadistic fuck right now.
(The next morning came and I woke up noticed that Bill wasn't in bed.
I checked my phone and saw it was 2:00.
I went downstairs to the kitchen and saw a note on the table next to a cup of coffee that was probably hot but now cold)
"Hey Heatblast if you're reading this I left to the store to get a few things I'll be back home soon."
What the hell am I gonna do?
Shut up Jeff.
There's nothing really to do.
How about the dishes.
Fuck that.
(After eating breakfast or lunch I got bored after a while so I decided to watch T.V and wait until Bill came home.
I thought to myself about what Bill and I talked about yesterday and I realized that maybe it was the time to start a family.
What am I saying I would be a terrible father.
Maybe I should just forget about the whole baby thing until he forgets about it.
I'm sorry to bud in but you're starting to act like your father.
Will you shut the fuck up Je.....
What did you just say.😡
I said you're starting to act like your father.
He never wanted you and now you're following in his footsteps.
You son of a)
Heatblast I'm home!
Come outside I need help with the groceries.
I also got a few things from the mall.
(I ran right over to Bill and started to hug him tightly and give him kisses all over)
Okay okay.
Well someone is happy to see me.😄
What is up with you?
I missed you so much please wake me up next time so I know you're going out and take me with you!💙😘😘😘💙
Alright jeez you're acting like a annoying little puppy.
And I missed you too.❤️
But can you please please help me out with the groceries I feel like one of my arms is going to fall off.
Oh I'm sorry.
Yeah I'll get right on it.
I also got ya root beer.
Awww thank you.
You're welcome.
So now that I'm home what's up with you?
I hadn't seen you this happy since I won you that Giant Deadpool stuff animal on our first date.
I know and I wuv you so much for that.
Oh I thought we could talk somewhere the bedroom perhaps.
Heatblast I'm not really in the mood for sex right now maybe later when I calmed down a bit I just got home.
Who said anything about sex?
I just wanted to sit on the bed because it's comfy and it's more private.
I thought you wanted to have sex because you mentioned the bedroom.
No I wanted to tell you something.
So can we talk in the bedroom?
You still want me to make a lemon soup for dinner?
Yes please and thank you.
(We go in the bedroom and sit on the bed)
Okay so what did you want to talk about?
So...I've been thinking a lot about what we talked about and I think it's time.
Time for what?
Did you forget??
I just want to hear you say it so I know that you're serious about this.
Oh ok uhh.
Bill I was convinced by Jeff that it's about time I started to grow up.
Okay I'm all ears.
Bill I...I'm willing to go through with what you want to do...and start a family with you.
Do you really mean it?!😃
Yes plus Jeff was being a prick and telling me I've been acting like my father lately.
(Well it's true.
Bill jumped on me and started hugging me tightly)
Oh Heatblast I thought you were never going to go through with it.😁
Yeah I'm willing to sacrifice 96 more years of my life to start a family.
I'm so happy.
I'll call Britney and Roxanne tomorrow and see if they can help.
I' you're happy too.
(I'm glad he was still hugging me because I gritted my teeth when I was saying that and if he saw me he would probably have smacked me)
Hey can I tell you something.
Ooo whispering things to me.
I think someone is a little frisky.😏
(He immediately shoved me down and pinned my arms down to the bed while moving one of his hands up my shirt feeling all over my chest down to my crotch)
I actually lied about not being in the mood.
Now that I'm home and we're done talking I want to feel you inside me.
Uhh quick question.
Can I get the trunk out of the closet?
Please light of my life.🥺
*annoyed sigh*
Alright Fine...but I'm using the whip and paddle on you.
I really miss my kinky Billy.
Shut up asshole.
Get the trunk and let's get this over with.
Eye eye captain.
Will you Just shut up and kiss me already.
I'll do a little bit more then that handsome.💙
I can't wait to see.❤️

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