Chapter 12 f**king in the shower

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I told you I wanted you to fuck me hard.
Oh I understand and you better believe me I'm gonna make sure you won't be able to walk.
Then do it hot head.
~Fuck me like you haven't fucked me in weeks.
But we haven't fucked in weeks.
Well except that one time I fucked ya from behind in the hot tub in the pool area.
Okay that's enough.
Now I would really appreciate it if you could plow me hard.
Make it hurt please.
Make me numb.
I want you to wreak me so bad.
As you wish my kinky little devil.
I really don't want to wait anymore.
Then stop talking.
(I went to grab his dick and he grabbed my wrist)
Nope not yet you have to earn your prize.
I really hate it when you tease me.
And I love it because you go rough on me.
(he slides his finger down my chest)
Then Tell me what I need to do my love.
I want you to Suck it slut.
Oh joy.
(I started to lick his chest down to his V line and take him in my mouth
slowly, swirling my tongue around the tip of his dick I began to earn little moans from Him)
You're such a slut.
You seem to like calling me that every time I suck your dick.
Because It feels really good when you suck my dick.
How so?
~I-It's your tongue.
Ohhhh I see.
Does My snake tongue make you feel good?
Yes daddy~
So You do like that?
I don't like it I love it.
And I love it when you dominate me.
Oh hun I love you.
I love you too.
(He smacked my ass a few times and pulled my hair.
I started sucking on his "family jewels"
His face was bright red, biting his bottom lip.
He's gonna bust a nut I'm sure of it)
Hey do you wanna give me a hand hun?
I'm enjoying what you're doing.
So I'm not doing all the work.
You're doing all the work??
Fine...I'll give you a hand.
(I originally said that just to tease him but I think that just annoyed him.
He started to thrust into my
mouth, putting his hands on my head grabbing my hair, I kept bobbing my head up and down.
His grip on my hair got tighter.
I almost stopped at one moment because the tip of his dick hit the back of my throat hard and I almost had the urge to throw up.
But I wanted him to keep doing what he was doing.
He hit the back of my throat again and again)
Are you alright?
Yeah I'm fine.
I think I just need to take a 2 minute break?
But this is your only break though.
That's fine.
That's fine by me.
Why did you want to stop?
Your dick kept hitting the back of my throat really hard.
Oh my god I'm Sorry.
I kind of got a little carried away after you said you were doing all the work.
I noticed.
Did that piss you off?
Did you want it to?
(After my break was done I continued sucking his dick)
~Ah ah just F-Fuck me already.
Just Give me a second alright.
(I started to suck on his family jewels and slowly inserting my middle finger in his ass.
I moved my finger in and out then put another one in then another one until I was fisting him)
Jesus Christ it fucking hurts!😖
~Since w-when did you start d-doing
I uh Saw it in a video.
No more questions BiwyBoo you wanted me to make your ass hurt so you get what you get.
Heatblast it REALLY hurts.😓
Just fuck me like before.
What's my name.
Heatblast please.
(I spanked his ass)
Wrong answer.
That's my good boy.
(I slowly pulled my hand out and put my dick in.
I started to thrust slowly and pick up with the pace.
His crying started to fade away into quiet little pleasurable moans.
He started to scratch at my back leaving claw marks that would probably hurt in the morning)
Heatblast...I-I love you!💕
I love you too so much.
And I'm sorry for getting a little carried away BiwyBoo.
~I-It's ok I forgive you.
Just don't do that again please.
You're not into that?
That hurt way too much.
I'm sorry hun I wuv you.
I love you too.
Are you having fun yet?
~Ah I-I've been having fun up until that point.
why do you ask?
No reason.
And That's good.
Do you like what I'm doing now?
Of course I do.
I love it when we have sex.
Which is not very often.
And I'm glad.
W-why say that?
Because I get to get rid of a lot of sexual frustration on you when we do have sex.
But I wanna make love with you every day and night.
~Ahh...I want you deep inside me!
~I want you inside me too.
Are you gonna cum?
I'm...I'm trying not to.
I'm waiting until you have to.
Well t-that's nice of you to wait.
~Ngh...ah god I love you!
I l-love you more.
~Hun I feel really hot.
Do you want me to turn off the water?
No I'm good.
~Oh Heatblast Fuck me!🥴
Are you okay?
~Yes go harder please!!
You look so sexy right now.
~S-Stop talking.
Oh no no no don't cover your face.
I want you to look at me and tell me what you want me to do to you.
(I started to get closer to his face then
Bill wrapped his arms and legs around me tightly)
~I want you to make me your bitch.
Oh yeah?
~I want you to spank me, choke me.
Tie me down and use me for hours.
~God i love you
(we started to make out.
He slid his tongue in my mouth then pinching my nips and I thrusted harder.
He began moaning more and smacked my ass a few times)
Fucking Christ Bill.
~Oh my god F-Faster please harder!
~I'm so close Cum deep inside me!
Please daddy~
Jesus Christ You're such a dirty boy.😂
Bitch do I look like Jesus Christ to you?
Shut it wise ass.
Better watch what you say or else you'll lose that dick of yours.
(I started to turn up the heat in the shower from warm to hot where it was steaming.
I put in the drain plug in and let the tub fill up.
I shut the water off when the tub was half full i continued to fuck him)
Oh BiwyBoo I wuv you~
~I'm gonna cum
Please go harder
(I started to thrust harder and
The water was splashing out of the shower.
I turned him over so his back faced me.
I spanked him a few times and pulled on his long black and blue hair)
~Oh my god!
~Harder please.
Jesus Christ Bill How hard do you want me to go on you??
~Really really hard!
(I grabbed his shoulders and thrusted hard and came)
~holy shit😮‍💨
~That was amazing🤤
You were amazing.😘
(I thrusted a few more times)
Hey hun?
Can you do me a big favor and please get me the vibrator in my bag.
I didn't even see you pack one.
Please go get it.
For me🥺
Alright fine.
what pocket is it in?
It's In the small pocket the one on the top in my suitcase.
Alright but give me a second I'm almost done here.
What do you mean?
(I thrusted hard and came again.
Bill Just laid in the tub I wasn't sure if he was okay because he was shivering a lot when I pulled out.
That my friend was him having an orgasm)
Hey are you okay you're shaking a lot?
I-I'm fine.
That...was amazing.🤤
You asked for it.
I know~
You had fun?
Yeah I did.
I'll get your little toy.
I'll be right back.😘
Don't take too long.
I won't love.
(After I got the vibrator and got
back to the bathroom Bill fell asleep in the shower)
Hey...hey babe are you ok?
Oh hey you're back.
I was only gone for like 10 seconds.
Oh it felt so much longer.
That's what she said.
Anyway would you like me to carry you to bed?
You look really tired.
No thank you.
hun can you come here please.
okay What is it light of my life?
(He pulled me up to his face and he kissed my forehead and whispered in my ear)
I would really like that vibrator now.
Eye eye captain.
(He spread his legs apart and I slowly slid the vibrator in.
I turned it on to the first level and Bill began to let out quite moans)
Oh come on you can put it at least a little higher hun?
Are you sure?
I'm sure You don't have to go easy on me
You just pounded me so hard already.
Tell me when you want more.
(I put it on the second then the third.
He was a moaning mess up until I put it to the seventh level.
He was breathing fast.
He was a blushing mess, he looks so adorable right now.
He's about to have an orgasm.
Maybe that's why he's drooling so much.
God I'm so turned on right now)
~Put it...on ahh a-another level~🥴
Bill are you sure?
~Ah...ah y-y-yes d-d-daddy p-please.🤤
I think someone needs a timeout.
I think you're enjoying this a bit too much.
N-No please k-keep g-going.😩
I want more!
Hey hunbun can I suck your dick while you're enjoying yourself?
Please do daddy.
Do what you want to me.
God I love you.
~I love you too.
(I started sucking his dick and turned it up two more levels.
He came in my mouth a few times)
~Heatblast put it higher.
Babe there's only 10 levels on this thing.
I don't care.
Just do it please.
Jesus Christ.
You just want more and more don't you?
Yes l-love.
(It was on the 10th level and I was pulling it in and out he started to cum all over are chests)
~Heatblast I-I'm fin-finished
t-take it ah ah~😩
I'm sorry What was that?😏
Take what??
I can't hear you over the sound of those delightful Angelic moans.
~Y-You c-can take it out now!
I don't know I love the ahegao face you're making right now.
~Ugh...Heatblast please.
I don't know why but I love seeing you like this.
I kinda like seeing you like this.
~Ah bastard.😖
Alright alright I'll take it out.
(I took the vibrator out slowly.
I started to lick his chest.
He had his legs crossed and he was really shaky, breathing fast too)
Oh god...You really are an alien slut.
Only for you my sweet little Gay Irish potato.🥔
Also I wouldn't be talking.
I can see that you're enjoying yourself?
Yes I am.
The faces you made were so adorable.
Shut it wise ass or I'll beat you.
You can't really do much right now can you but I'd like to see you try.😂
I'm glad you enjoyed yourself.
You were enjoying yourself too.
Quite a bit actually And I'm surprised that you can handle 10 levels on this thing.
I try.
Hey babe.
Yes my sweet little blueberry muffin.
Can we go to bed now?
I'm starting to get really tired.
Of course my wuv dove.
(I rinsed him off and picked him up bridle style and brought him to bed)
I can't wait to go back to Salem.
Why's that?
Don't you want to stay here longer?
Yes but I just want to be with you at your house.
Well it's gonna be our house considering that you're moving in with me and we're getting married.
I know I'm so happy😘
Even though I'm already dead I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you.
Would you like to make it an eternity?
I would love that.
There's so much I want to do when we go home.
Like what?
Not now but maybe later we can start a family.
Like get a pet?
I mean we can start out small like that but I was thinking we should have a baby.
Not now but maybe in a couple of years.
Well...I don't think I want kids.
Not for a while.
Like how long do you want to wait?
I have no clue.
It is getting really late.
Maybe we can talk about it another time?
Good night my sweet little bitch.
Good night you hot headed ass.
(After I was done cleaning up I got into bed and cuddled up with him, petting his head and kissing his forehead gently.
Until he and I fell asleep.
I couldn't wait to go home and have Bill finally move in with me)

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