Chapter 26 A Dark Night

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Hey you're home.
Sorry it took a while.
That's fine I'm glad you're home.
I am too.
(I kissed his cheek and Duncan came in the room out of nowhere)
Freaking get a room will ya.
We are in a room.
How am I supposed to fooking watch TV when ya gay ass is in the way.
You have a TV in your room.
What if I wanna watch it upstairs.
Alright fine.
I'm just kidding.
Yeah okay whatever ya say.
So your birthday is coming up soon.
My little demon is turning 22.
It's not a big deal.
Well it is for me.
You were 22 once.
Yeah I was but I didn't have my parents then.
So Duncan Is there anything you want for your birthday.🙂
Let me think...I would like it if I was left alone for the day.
Are you sure?
I like being alone.
I guess If that's what you want...alright then.
I'm still getting you something.
I don't want ya to waste yer time spending it on me.
Duncan is everything alright?
I just don't understand why you have to do something for me for my birthday I'm not a fooking kid anymore.
Anyway I'm gonna go to bed.
It's 6 o'clock.🤨
I don't really feel like socializing right now.
Plus I'm tired and I wanna watch TV.
Duncan are you sure you're alright?
You're not acting like yourself.
(He didn't say anything.
He just turned around and left)
I'm really worried about him.
I'm sure he'll be fine.
He hasn't been eating ether.
Maybe we should just leave him alone.
We have been putting pressure on him.
I know but...he's never acted like this before.
Maybe we should go talk to him.
You know he's just gonna get mad at us.
But Heatblast I really think we should talk to him.
I know but...I think it's best if we just left him alone for right now.
What if something happens.
I don't know.
I'm really worried about him.
He's distancing himself from us all the time this isn't like him.
I'm scared...I'm afraid that I'm gonna loose him.
Hey hey it's okay.
He'll be fine I promise please don't be sad.
Would you feel better if we talk to him when we get back home.
I love you.
Please don't be sad.
(We stopped talking and Bill got ready for bed.
I stayed up because I was paranoid.
I really don't like thinking about stuff like that.
I know he has depression but I don't know what would happen if he...left.
I worry about him so much I try to be there for him.
But it's like Bill said he's distancing himself from us and it's really worrying me.
I eventually got tired and went to bed.
It was Duncan's birthday the next morning)
Hey arshole where are you guys going?
We'll be back alright.
We're just going to get a few things at the store.
We won't be long.
Is there anything you want.
Lipton soup and cheez-Its.
Is that it? guys go I'm gonna to bed.
Why not sit on the porch and get some fresh air.
You've been in the house all day today.
I'd rather go to bed.
Can you put away the dishes while we're out please.
Fine whatever.
Bye Duncan we'll see ya soon.
(We were gone for a couple of hours we stopped by a Chinese restaurant to get some sushi for Duncan then we came home)
Hey the house is clean.
And he organized the living room.
You think he has OCD?
No if he had OCD he would be cleaning stuff every day.
I'm the one with OCD.
And I have D.I.D.
That was nice of him though.
I don't have to worry about cleaning the house now.
Also I'm gonna go check on him.
If he's still sleeping please don't bother him.
Yeah yeah I know.
(I went downstairs and there was a note on the door.
Sleeping don't bother me.
I was confused.
I wanted to check on him but the door was locked)
How is he.
He's still sleeping I guess.
He locked the door as well.
It is late.
And he really cares about his privacy.
I heard the TV on.
That's weird.
Why is it still on?
He probably forgot to turn it off before he fell asleep.
Also it's not the first time he's left it on while he was sleeping.
The last electric bill was $356.
I know.😔
Why are you upset?
I spend a shit ton of money on the bills and the electric bill is always the highest.
What about the car payments or the propane and the-
I get it jeez you always try to bring something else up to end the argument.
We're not arguing.
You're just complaining about how much you spend on the bills.
(We heard a knock on the front door)
How the hell is that??
Go and see.
Stitches what are you doing here?
Thought I stop by and see Duncan.
It is his birthday after all.
He's sleeping he doesn't want to be bothered right now.
He'll talk to me.
(She went downstairs and shut the door.
She didn't come back upstairs until 10 minutes later)
Is he alright?
He's fine just doesn't want to talk to anyone right now.
What did you give him?
None of your business that's what.
Anyway I'm leaving some old women just died and I gotta take her soul.
Maybe we should check on Duncan.
Bill do ya want him to throw another vase at us.
No...but I'm worried.
If you get glass of the vase in your head don't expect me to take the pieces out.
(We knocked on the door and still didn't hear anything) alright buddy?
He's not answering.
No really.
Duncan come on open the door.
What the fook do ya want!
Why didn't you answer before?
I was sleeping.
Do ya have to bang on the fooking door so loud?
I only knocked on it.
Are you alright you look pale.
I'm fine...I'm just not feeling so good.
Are you sure?
Your head feels cold.
I said I'm fine god.
Why don't you bother someone else okay.
If you're sick let us know so we can help.
I don't really want any help nor anything.
Duncan we just want to help you.
If there is something wrong you can tell us.
We don't want you to be upset.
I-I don't wanna talk I'm tired and it's freezing down here.
It's not even cold down here.
Well I'm cold.
The thermostat is at 70 degrees.
Are you sure you're alright?
Why do you guys keep asking me that?
Because we worry about you.
Like I said before I'm fine I don't want anything or any help I just want to sleep.
Alright...we'll leave you alone.
Good night Duncan.
Good night.
We also got your Lipton soup and we got sushi.
... I fooking hate ya.
I'll eat dinner later.
Alright I love ya.
Love ya too fooker.

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