Chapter 7 regrets

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(I woke up the next morning to A loud ass alarm)
W-What the fuck...what happened last night??🥱
Something fucking awesome.
My ass really hurts.😣
I know it was amazing.
It feels like someone shoved a pole up my ass.
Well...I guess you could say that.
What time is it?
1:00 my guy.
Was I asleep for that long??
Jesus Christ it feels like I slept on a brick.
(I went to rub my back and I looked at my wrists and noticed bite marks and hickeys all over my chest and legs.
I looked over at the night stand and saw a red ruler)
What the actual fuck?😧
What the fuck happened to me last night?
Awwwww yeah we got it good and hard last night
Wait W-Where am I?
Why does this room look familiar...
We at Bill's his bed.😋
(The bathroom door opens)
Umm Heatblast who are you talking to?
Uh Jeff...
Who's Jeff?
Bill d-did you do this?
Uhhhh...did you sleep Well?😅
No Bill I obviously did not!
And why in the actual fuck am I naked?!
Oh uh i-it's a really long story.
Meet me downstairs I'm making coffee and I'll tell you then alright.😅
(When he left the bedroom I looked on the floor and saw a number of things)
Oh Hey look a condom.😂
Oh my god I think I'm gonna be sick.
Well that's a wrap.
Oh Shut the fuck up.
Okay okay one more.
Shut up please.
Wham bam thank you man.😂
Bill wait where the fuck are my pants!?
(Who needs pants when ya get the morning wood.
My phone started to ring and I noticed that Rochelle was calling me.
Everything was coming back to me like I was getting hit by a bus.
What I did after work and everything that Bill and I did last night, everything I said I started to remember) had sex with him.
What the actual fuck is wrong with me.
And that boy sure knows how to fuck a guys ass good and hard.
I think I'm gonna be sick again.
Why didn't I just go home after work?
Why did I even come over?
We fucked him too by the way.
You're not helping jeff!
I can't believe I had sex with him.😖
I knew I should've went home after leaving Rochelle's.
Oh please quit your bitching you loved every minute...and hour of it.
This is your fault you sadistic fuck!
Excuse me How is it my fault!?
You're the one who fucked him not me.
You know what fuck you Jeff!
don't talk to me.
Oh great be an asshole at least we know that's the one thing you're good at fucking.
You need to Stop fucking talking right now or I'm gonna commit arson.
I'm not in the mood right now.
You manipulated me into coming here.
And a few other things too.
I hope you're happy you sick freak.
You know what I am happy.
You finally lost your virginity and you're miserable.
(I got my pants and my shirt on and went down stairs to the kitchen)
Uhh I don't think it's the right time to ask but why were you yelling?
No reason in particular.😠
That's kinda creepy.🙁
Temper tantrum?
I was just thinking.
You're not going to set my house on fire are you?
No...Anyway have you seen my jacket?
I can't find it.
Oh I think it's in the washer machine.
Why is it in the washer?
Well It was down poring yesterday night when you came by and it smelled like a wet dog So I decided to wash it for you before you leave...
Oh...ok thanks.😒
Are you alright?...You still seem a little bit angry.
I'm not angry I'm just frustrated.
You look pretty angry to me.
I'm not.
How's your arm doing?
I saw blood on the floor in the bathroom.
Oh it's fine...I-I just needed to re-bandage it.
Anyway do you still want coffee or do you want to talk about what happened
last night?
Last night.
It hurts to even remember.
You don't remember anything??
Fragments of last night mostly the fight I had with Rochelle.
But yeah Both...please.
I'm sorry.
(It was painful to even sit down.
It felt like something was up my ass.
Oh please you'll get over it.
I mean if it hurts that bad then you know he did a damm good job)
Hey Heatblast you...ok you look like you seen some serious shit.
What...oh it's nothing it's just my ass still hurts after last night.
Plus I woke up practically naked next to you so I'm kinda traumatized as of right now.
Oh ok so I'm not the only one.
...I'm sorry I shouldn't have said that.
Can you just please tell me what the hell happened last night.
Alright so long story short you came over at around 1:00 and you were pretty pissed off.
And you told me that you saw Rochelle having sex with her ex garrot.
Then after a while I told you how I felt.
So again long story short we made out
then...we had sex.
(Talks under his breath)
And it was amazing.
(I was mortified I can't believe I had sex with him or the fact that he said that it was amazing.
But No matter how much I didn't want to do what I did last night there was no going back now.
I lost my virginity to my best friend and I'm so disappointed in better yet disgusted with myself)
Uhhh...w-was I drunk?
Actually...No you were sober surprisingly.
And What's that supposed to mean!?
You normally drink when you're pissed off
I'm Not trying to be mean.😓
I'm sorry but it's true.
Well Who made the first move?
...I did.
I'm so sorry.
(His face was bright red.
He looked away in embarrassment and looked at his family picture on the wall that had his face scratched off as he was trying to think of something else to say)
I'm sorry.
I probably should have kept that to myself.
Oh...well thanks for the coffee.
you don't mind if I use your shower.
Uhh Y-Yeah that's fine.
Just throw your clothes in the hamper I'll take care of them later.
In the meantime I'll let you barrow one of my pjs alright.
Yeah that's fine.
Good thing I'm not working this weekend and thanks again Bill.
No problem Anytime.
Wait you're not working this weekend??
I thought you were working today.
I'm gonna go upstairs now.
See you soon.
(I started the shower and got undressed.
What is wrong with me.
I should've just went home.
What am I even doing here.
I'm keeping you here.
Why are you doing this to me?
Haven't you done enough to be satisfied?
I want to see how far this goes before you snap.
I fucking hate you with every inch and fiber of my being.
Love you too.
I kept telling myself that I'm not gay you probably just got drunk after work.
I couldn't stop thinking about last night.
The things I said.
The things I did.
I couldn't believe it.
I couldn't stop thinking about last night.
I hit my head against the wall a few times just to forget about it.
When I looked down I noticed I had a erection.
I started freaking out)
Hey Heatblast is everything alright in there!?
I heard some banging are you okay?
Uh y-yeah I'm fine I tripped on a soap bar.
Are you sure you're Alright?🤨
Yes I'm fine...I'll be out soon.
Alright if you insist. 🤷‍♂️
(I just sat on the floor in the shower and just staring at the wall in front of me.
About an Half hour later of thinking and burning my eyes and face with hot water I texted bill)
[Hey where did you put the clothes?]
[I'll be right there hold on!]
(I heard a knock on the door)
Hey Heatblast I have the clothes for you.
Ok just just hand them here.
And Bill can I talk to you later it's kind of important.
Are you sure you're okay it's been almost two hours?
Yeah I'm okay.
I'll be down stairs watching Deadpool.
(I put the clothes on and surprisingly they fit perfectly it's just the shirt was a little tight.
When I was finished I went downstairs to the living room)
Hey I'm back I just wanna talk to you about last night....Hey you alright?
(I just see him sleeping on the couch with his phone in his hand.
I slowly walked up to him and nudged him a little)
Bill...hey invisibilly you okay?
W-What What happened?
Oh there you are.🙂
I uhh...
I'm finished using the bathroom that's all.
Are you okay?
(Why is he so fucking cute!?)
My head kind of hurts do ya have an ice pack?
I don't I'm sorry.
You don't need to apologize.
(I looked at his face and I started to feel like I was going to pass out.
I'm trying to get myself together but I don't know why but he looks so fucking adorable when he sleeps)
Hey Are you sure everything is alright?
You're just staring at me.
Y-Yeah I'm fine.
You uh have a bruise on your forehead.
It's fine I just slipped on soap it's not the first time.
Hey I'm surprised that my pjs fit you.
Ha...Y-Yeah but the shirt is a little tight though.
Thank you again.
No problem.
Hey are you feeling alright?
Of course I am.
what made you think I'm not feeling well?
Are you feeling alright.
I think I accidentally took melatonin instead of my medication.
Oh figures why you're so sleepy.
You've been popping melatonin like it's candy.
I do not.
Sometimes but not all the time.
I would say that too much of that shit will kill ya but you're already dead.
And melatonin can't kill you.
Just makes me lucky I guess.😅
I think I took 70 milligrams.
Why so much?!
It was the 10 milligram strawberry melatonin.
I thought it was candy.😅
Well I guess it could be a common mistake if you're a child.

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