Chapter 24 The Fight

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(Hey hey hey!
How's my favorite gay psychopath!
I'm still not talking to you.
And stop calling me a psychopath.😡
It's getting on my nerves.
Why you mean all 95 to 100 billion of your nerves.
And somehow you managed to get on every single one of them.
I'm flattered.☺️
I hate you so much.
I don't think I have the words to describe how much I hate you.
I know.
And I'm honored to be the gay thoughts in your pretty little disturbing mind)
I'm home!
Oh hey Heatbwast.
Hey Billy.😠
Are you still mad at me?
What do you think?
Why if I may ask?
You had sex with my only son you pansexual psychopath!
It's Not my fault.
It is your fucking fault!
I told you to stay away from him!😡
Can't you get that through your tiny brain!
But he's 18.
It's legal so you have no say he an adult and you said it yourself you didn't care if he lost his virginity.
Not to you!
I hate you.
I really do.
What don't you hate.
You hate me, Stitches, Bwast, Rochelle, your mom and dad your sister Autumn.
Okay you need to shut your fucking trap before I break your jaw.
Oh no your words they hurt me soo bad.
I'm going to kill you one day.
Didn't anyone ever tell you that you can't kill something that is awready dead.
Go before I burn your face off.
I was awready weaving anyway.😒
You're killing the mood just by being here.
This is my house ass hat I can kill the mood any time I want!
Heatblast I'm home!
Thank god you're home.
Can you calm down.
You're so loud.
It's 3 in the afternoon and where have you been.
It's not good to over sleep everyday. Whatever.😒
So I over sleep I'm not bothering everyone.
Eva: You are bothering us.
With your fagot face.
Shut up eve.
Don't ever fucking call me eve!
Make me you pale ass hoe!
Okay we get your point!
Now both of you stop fighting.
It started it.
Fuck you.
Fuck you.
Both of you shut the fuck up!
Yeah eve go back to the sewer where you belong you fucking clown.
Did I ever tell you that Dad never wanted you.
Did I ever tell you that you were a mistake.
Eva just go I don't want you here!
You fucking prick!
Whatever I'm okay with that.🙂
Eva just go alright.
Heatblast go to the room I'll talk with you in a second.
Duncan don't listen to what she said it's not true.
Your father wanted you more than anything else In the world.
How am I supposed to believe what everyone says.
Duncan please.
She's just trying to make you feel bad.
She said the same to your father.
So Grandpa Richard never wanted him??
Your father has been through a lot.
Your grandfather wasn't really nice and caring to your father.
Duncan Your father does care about you just not Your sister.
Well at least I feel a little special.
I'm going to talk to your father.
Why don't you play a video game or watch a movie.
You guys aren't going to fight are you?
I'm just gonna try to calm him down.
I love you.
Love ya too.
(A few minutes later Bill came in the room)
Heatblast....Heatblast where are you?
I'm in here.
What on earth are you doing in the closet?
J-Just siting around.
You've been drinking weren't you.
Hey I talked to Duncan.
I-I heard.
(He wrapped his arms around me)
It's alright.
I just don't know why you're drinking.
Sebastian was telling me I should or just kill someone.
Well...I'm glad you're not Murdering people.
Don't get your hopes up I'm still thinking about it.
Well get out of the closet and go take a shower.
One I been out of the closet.
And two I thought you liked the smell of whisky.
I like drinking it but I don't like the smell.
Now go take a shower and get to bed.
I-I can't.
Why can't you?
I-I can't get me pwease.
Ugh Fine.
I wuv you BiwyBoo.
I know what you're trying to do.
I'm not trying to do anything.
Yes you are.
Can you come in the shower with me pwease.
But what if I fall and hoit mehself.
I'm sorry to say hun but it's all on you.
Yeah your sugar that I want on me.
Oh my god shut up.
That nice sweet Irish cream.
Please stop.😂
🎼Can you feel the love tonight!!🎼
I'm not kidding babe.
You're gonna have to make me.
See that's the thing I don't want to.
Come on.
Strip your clothes off for meh.
Okay I'm done.
I'm not.
Fine will you stop if I took a shower with you.
Alright I'll see you in a few.
(I woke up next morning with a pounding headache.
I feel I'm gonna throw up.
I'm the one who's gonna throw up.
Ohhh right lol.
I feel like someone is hitting me on my head with a rock.
It's okay.
Just drink to forget.
I did that yesterday and now I have a hangover.
That's the first one in a year.
Not the good hangover from a party last night but one because of depression.
It'll go away give it time.
At least we got laid in the shower.
Yeah...Well I'm going make coffee.
Can I have some.
You're a voice in my head you can't have any.
Well that's mean.
I'm not just a voice I give you advice.
Oh really on what?
I don't know...shut up)
Hey Bill.
Good morning my wuv muffin.
Good morning to you my little sour cherry.
I made French vanilla coffee.
Thank you BiwyBoo.
Did you sleep alright.
My head hurts really bad though.
I think I have aspirin somewhere.
I'm probably gonna lay down later or all day.
Aren't you working today?
No I got today off.
Well That's good maybe I can spend the whole day in bed with you.😏
I'm gonna see if I can get a two weeks off next week.
We should go camping for a week.
It'll be nice to get some fresh air.
Or we could go to Ireland.
We haven't seen your dad since last Christmas.
Hey that's not a bad idea.
But he might be working at the pub though.
I'll help him out.
It's the least I can do for him.
Are you sure?
Hun he's blind I'm pretty sure he could use a little help.
I mean do you know my dad.
Why not.
How bad can it be.
I could use the fun.
I haven't had a good time at a bar in a while.
You do know he owns a gay bar right.
Hey I didn't mean it like that.
Yeah sure.🤨
Come on I was just kidding.
I know you are.
I'm gonna go lay down now I'm feeling light headed.
Want me to lay with you.
Yes life of my life.

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