Chapter 6 Under the sheets boogie

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Then Let's get you into something more comfortable.
(I noticed his face was turning red when I started to take off his boxers when they were off his dick sprung up.
He covered his face in embarrassment.
That's probably about a good 5 1/2  maybe 6🤤.
Fuck you!!
When, where and what should I bring)
Jesus Bill you've been hiding a big one from me weren't you?
D-Don't big things come in small packages?
Jesus Christ.😄
You keep saying that Jesus Christ might actually appear.
Okay enough talk.
Now It's my turn.
Just lay there and let me please you.
You did want me right?
Yes...Hey Heatblast?
Yes Bill.
You seem a bit different.
What do you mean by different?
Well You've been wanting to go home but you change your mind so quick and want to stay.
Why is that?
I want to stay here with you.
But You're not acting like yourself and you're scaring me.
Be honest with me please.
Of course.
Did you just want to have sex with me because of earlier.
Because you feel bad for me?
No of course not.
I love you Bill.
Do you mean it?
I do.
(We looked at each other for a while.
I was still uncomfortable because it just went silent and it's me and him two 21 year olds butt naked just staring at each other.
Not to mention the sexual tension in the room.
He got up and put his hand on my head and yanked my hair)
Ow What was that for?!
I'm sorry I didn't mean to.
Yeah okay dick.
I said I was sorry.
Lay down.
(He laid back down)
Do you want me to just go in or-
Just take it slow alright.
This is my first time doing this.
Literally same.
What are you going to do?
I'm not sure.
(I hesitated at first but I started to lick his v line down to the base of his dick)
~Oh my god.
~Please don't stop.
Whatever you say.
(I started to lick up and began to swirl my tongue on the tip of his dick while I rubbed his inner thigh)
~Oh god please don't tease me.
What made you think I'm teasing you?
~I-It's nothing...just keep going daddy.
D-Did you just call me daddy??
Y-Yes I did.🫣
I-Is it okay if I call you that?
If not I-I don't wanna make this weird then it already is.
I'm so sorry.
N-No it's not weird at all.
I just didn't think you were into that kind of kink.
I'm not I just... I don't know why I said that okay.
I'm so sorry.
I say stupid things when I'm embarrassed.
I think you're a little more than embarrassed.
Sh-Shut up.
Hey It's alright.
Did you want me to continue?
Yes but Please don't tease me.
Ok ok I won't.
Just let me know if I'm hurting you okay.
Alright I will.
(I Slowly started to put his cock in my mouth and began to Deep throat him.
I kept bobbing my head up and down.
He bit his bottom lip and whimpered as I pinched his nips)
~Ah Heatblast..I-I love you.
Please don't stop I'm...I'm gonna cum.
Go on Bill Cum for your daddy.
Give me all of that sweet Irish cream.😏
Sh-shut up~😖
Oh god fuck me~
I want you inside me~
You gotta Cum for me first.
(He was gripping the bed sheets.
When he came i almost choked a bit.
He thrusted hard a few more times.
He put his hands on my head and pushed down hard.
His dick hit the very back of my throat.
I looked downward and saw that cum was leaking out of my mouth)
Jesus Christ Bill are you trying to kill me with your dick in my mouth?
I always thought you would most likely get shot for saying or doing something stupid.
Oh fuck you.
I'm guessing you want me dead?
Oh god no.
I want to spend every single day and night with you.
That's gay.
Fuck you.😑
(I wiped my face off and licked the rest of his cum that was on my fingers)
But Sorry about that I couldn't help myself.
I-I just got a little carried away that's all.
But...I bet you loved that sugar did ya daddy?
I did.
It was sweet just like you.
Excuse me!?😂
Now that's fucking gay!
(What in the actual fuck did you just say.
Something that triggered you to fuck him in his ass.
You're gross I don't want to have sex with him he's my best friend.
He's like a brother to me.
He seems to really enjoy what I'm doing.
Ha I guess that he wants to suck something else if you know what I mean wink wink.😉
I smiled at him while rubbing his chest)
Bill if you really wanted me so badly why didn't you just say so?
I would have done it years ago if ya told me.
(No I wouldn't!
But I would.
You made me deep throat his dick you ass hat isn't that enough for you!
No it's not and Actually I sucked his dick considering that I'm taking over.
He pulled me up to his face and told me in a lustful voice while moving his hand down to my crotch trying to jerk me off)
Heatblast...I want you inside me.
Are you sure?
(Yes this gay boy is sure!😆)
Could you handle it?
If it's you doing it than yes I can handle it.
I don't care how hard you go on me I just want you to love me.
You really want me that badly don't you?
I've wanted to have se-make love with you for a long time now.
You're the only person I ever wanted to lose my virginity to...
I love you Bill.
I love you too.
So much.
(We made out for a little bit and He started to take off my boxers and I pinned his arms down to the bed.
W-Wait Heatblast shouldn't we use protection?
Bill we go raw god is are protection.
You don't even believe in god.
Yeah and I also don't believe in any kind of religion of that matter.
So do you want me to continue?
Yes but I really do think we should use a condom.
Just in case.
I know this is your first time having sex.
I know but-
Hey why are you upset?
Because I'm 21 and I'm still a virgin.
You do know I'm a virgin too.
Wait you're still a virgin?
I never had sex with my girlfriend well my EX now.
Well then I guess it's okay if we don't use one.
But even so if it's a quickie wrap your stickie.
Just put it on and get it over with.
Wait do you even have a condom on you?
Uhh I should have one in my wallet.
Why in your wallet?
Just in case I ever needed it.
You know for emergencies.
I always carry at least one on me.
Never thought I'd use it on you.
I guess that's smart
Considering that you're still a virgin.
I'm not gonna be one in a few
Then hurry up and put it in me.
Ok but tonight let's make 21 the lucky number.
Oh my god that was awful.
You really need to stop saying stupid things.
I can feel my brain cells die one by one.
(Oh my god that was awful.
Why do you care you're the one taking over me and my actions.
Are you sure about that?😉
Wait what do you mean by that?!
Oh nothing really.
I kind of struggled to put the condom on and Bill just started laughing at me)
What's so funny?!😠
It's adorable how you're trying to put it on.
You look so confused.😂
I am confused!
And Don't make fun of me I never used one before.
It's not hard.
Actually I am hard my erection is clearly visible right now.
I didn't mean it like that you doof.
(He grabbed the condom and slid it down on my dick)
See not so hard.
So you just slide it down on your dick?
Well you have to pinch the tip of the condom first so there's no air but yeah that's how you do it. do you know how to use one?!
I thought you said that you were a virgin.
I am a virgin.
But maybe if you paid attention in health class back in high school maybe you would know how to use one dummy.
Go fuck yourself.
Only if you watch me.
But It's alright buddy the more you know.
Can we get this over with already.
Aww what's the matter upset much?
Bill i swear to god.
Watch yourself.
I'm just teasing you jeez.
Alright let's just get this over and done with.
Okay you're right.
(He began to spread his legs apart and I started to put my cock on his hole.
I looked at him to see if He was ready)
Are you okay?
All I did was put it on your hole.
It's not that...It's just well I never thought that we would actually be doing this.
I never thought we would do this either but here we are.
Depressed, dysfunctional and alone.
Yes what is it?
Please Promise me that you won't think of me any differently.
Well it all Depends on what you mean.
Is this about us having sex?
No it's...I-I use to t-touch myself when I was alone thinking about you wearing your stupid Da fuck shirt that you had when we were in high school and in College.
(He immediately covered his face)
I didn't want to tell you.
But I also didn't want to keep it a secret from you.
Well then...thank you for telling me I guess.
Now that I think about it I'm no better.
Why's that?
Actually You don't have to say it.
I don't?
No because I know.
You do??
I might have over heard ya moaning Deadpool's name.
Wait when?!
Back in college.
You kind of talked in your sleep.
I talk in my sleep?😰
Yeah you do.
You've done it for a while.
Either when you're drunk or high.
Oh...I didn't know that.🙄
I remember I came out of the bathroom one time after brushing my teeth and you were past out drunk on the couch moaning Ryan Reynolds name while humping a pillow.
Uhhh haha Please don't tell any of the guys that.😅
They already know I like Deadpool a little too much.
Yeah considering the fact that you wearing Deadpool Boxers yesterday and today.
Ok Shut up.😖
Aww What's wrong are you sad because you have sexual dreams about Marvel characters.
I'm not afraid to admit when I see a good looking guy.
But Deadpool looks like a burn victim.
He doesn't look attractive.
I find him attractive and hilarious.
Also Ryan Reynolds is the most handsome Canadian man to ever face this earth!
And I think Andrew Garfield is a really handsome guy.
You know what.
why don't we forget that we ever had this conversation.
So do you want me to go easy on you so you can adjust first?
N-No I want you now just go in quick and get it over with.
Uh alright but it's going to hurt really bad afterwards.
I don't care just do as you're told and that's an order.
I didn't realize I'm doing the night shift.
Keep it up and I'll make you do over time.
I'd better be getting paid for this shit if you're gonna make me do that.
So you want to be a hoe?
I didn't mean it like that.
Alright enough talk and love me already.
You're the one that keeps talking.
Do you want to lose your dick?😑
Then shut up.
Ooo demanding aren't we?
I demand you to put your dick inside me.
(I started to finger him a bit)
~I said put your dick in don't finger me
Why not you seem like you're really enjoying this?
~N-No I'm not...Oh my god.
~F-Faster please.
I thought you said you're not enjoying this?
I-I'm not.
Ya know I wonder What would happen if I put in another one?
~Quit making me wait and put your dick in me!
Okay okay you're so demanding.
(I started to line up my cock with his hole again and thrusted right inside him)
Holy shit that fucking hurts!
Oh my god I'm so sorry I got carried away.
Do you want me to stop?
I don't want to hurt you.
(He's gritting he teeth while gripping the bedsheets)
N-No please k-keep going I'm fine.
Are you sure you look like you're in a lot of pain?
I said I'm fine.
I just need to get used to your size.
P-Please keep going.
A-Alright if you say so.
I just don't wanna hurt you.
Hey I appreciate that you don't wanna hurt me but as of right now I really really want you to fuck me.
(He wrapped his arms around me)
~I'll be fine I promise.
Don't worry so much about me.
(I thrusted hard again and Bill's eyes started to tear up.
I wanted to stop but he told me to just keep going)
I really think that we should use lube or something.
You're already in so no going back now.
Just keep going please.
(He bit down on my shoulder after I thrusted hard)
~Son of a bitch!
Keep going please!
Just bite on my arm if it hurts too much.
What's wrong with biting your neck?
If you want to bite my neck you can just don't bite too much Okay?
(He wrapped his arms around me and when I thrusted again he bit down hard.
Mother fucker!
Oh shit we're bleeding.
How sharp is his teeth?
He has normal teeth I just think you went a little too hard on his poor virgin ass.
I thrusted one more time)
~Ah ah...I-Is it over?
I thought that I should give you a little break.
Thank fucking God.😮‍💨
(He just laid back shaking)
A-Are you okay did I hurt you?
I would say no but then again I would be lying.
But I think I hurt you more.
Don't worry about it it's just a little blood.
I'm alright it's not like I'm gonna die.
It's Nothing to worry about.
Are you sure you're okay?
I bit down really hard?
You don't have to worry about it the teeth marks will go away soon.
I probably need some bandages later.😑
I do have a first aid kit in the bathroom.
I might have to find it though.
The closet in the bathroom is messy.
Alright thanks...So do you want me to continue?
Yes please.
Uh before you start please go easy.
Then you can go as rough as you want.
(I slowly thrusted and he began crying and covering his mouth)
Bill If it really hurts I can stop.
No I'm fine really.😓
it's supposed to hurt the first time.
Are you sure?
I wouldn't have said it if It wasn't sure. something else while you hump me.
Like what?
I don't know Bite me, anything?
(I was nibbling at his neck and
I thrusted hard)
~Oh fuck me! god.😩
~Do that again!
You mean like this.
(I moved my hips in a circular motion)
~oh god Yes~
You like that don't you little devil.
~YES I Do I want more.
~Fuck me harder you little-
Hey watch your mouth or I'll just have to punish you.
~Fuck you!
(I spanked his ass a few times and Every second He moaned out loud)
~Ah...son of a bitch!🥴
~Jesus Christ tight.
O-Oh please don't stop!
Go harder please~
(He started gripping the bedsheets)
~Oh Please for the love of god Don't stop you feel amazing.🤤
I'm not going to stop any time soon.
I just started.
(He pulled me closer and started to stick his tongue in my mouth licking every inch.
I like this.
This is nice.
Fuck you asshole!
Oh please quit your bitching)
Your teeth are cold.
Well yeah they're metal.
I keep forgetting.
~ugh Please go harder.
Are ya sure you don't want me to go easy on you now?
Come on Choke me.
It feels amazing go hard on me.
Besides I like the pain.
Uhhh okay I Didn't realize you were into that kind of stuff.
I'm not I just wanna die.
Was that a joke?
Because sometimes I can't tell because you're depressed.
No It's not a joke.
I was just making sure.
(I turned him over his back facing me and started to nip at his neck and thrusted harder.
He was holding on the pillow grunting)
~Ah..ah H-Heatblast I-I love you.
~You moan like a little bitch.
~please give it to me harder.
Make my ass hurt..I-I don't want to walk.
~I want you to beg.😈
~Please daddy please!
Oh Come on you can do a little better than that!
Now I said beg.
(I slapped his ass really hard)
Fuck me harder daddy~😩
Please punish me I've been a really bad~
Who's my little slut?
~I-I...I am.
Look at you.
Drooling all over the pillow.
You're really enjoying this are you?
~You really are a slut huh?
(He starts backing into me and swaying his hips)
~oh god you feel amazing.
(I put my hands around his neck and thrusted harder)
~J-Jesus C-Christ.
~I'm gonna cum.
~I think I am too.
(I started to vigorously pound him)
Son of a bitch!
~You like this don't you?
You little slut.
~Y-Yes...h-harder please!
Do you get pleasure out of me hurting you?
You little slut.
(I made My grip on his neck tighter and he started to tear up a bit)
I'm sorry you have to speak up if you want me to understand you.
~Ha-Harder p-please.
Jesus Bill I'm not trying to break your neck.
(I turned him over and grabbed his waist and thrusted harder.
He came on my chest and I came right after.
After a while i pulled out and laid down on his chest Breathing fast)
~H-Holy shit...😮‍💨
~That was amazing~🤤
You're quite the trooper aren't ya?
Oh You think so?
After what we just did I know so.
If I closed my grip any more I probably would've broke your neck.
What can I say I like being choked.
...I guess...I think I like the feeling of dying.
You like the feeling of dying??
I don't know how to say it without it sounding like I'm a psycho.
....I've known you for years and I'm still finding out new things about you.
Hey Can you please Lay with me I'm lonely.
Alright just let me take the condom off.
(I tossed it on the floor and rested my head on his chest)
I really wished that you could have finished inside me.
Yeah but we agreed that I should've worn a condom.
I know but I wished you didn't.
You did cum a lot.
Did you...want to do it again without one?
Yeah if it's okay with you.
I'm okay with it.
(After a few he turned away It seemed like Bill was trying not to cry)
Hey Are you okay?
Did I do something wrong?
No you didn't do anything.
I-I just...I love you so much. ass really hurts.
And my neck.
I am so sorry about that.
I got really carried away.
I should've just-
Hey you're fine.
Don't worry about it.
It's not like you're gonna kill me or
I guess...
I'm already dead.
You can't kill me twice.
I know.
I just hope I didn't do any damage to your neck.
Heatblast I'm dead I can just heal myself.
How long for those cuts and bruises to go away.
Probably 2 or 3 days.
Now that I think about it if my mom and siblings came home I would definitely get the shit beaten out of me.
Bill for the love of god Please don't jinx it.
I don't need to imagine your family coming home while I'm balls deep inside you.
I won't.
I wouldn't want to jinx it anyway.
And you didn't have to say the whole balls deep thing.
You could have rephrased that ya know.
And as much as I hate my family I don't want them to see that.
Ok homo.
Excuse me?
You're the one that fucked me.
How am I the homo?
Uhh You have a thing for me.
If anything you're gay.
I'm not gay I'm Bi.
There's a difference.
Go stick your Dick in a anthill.
Maybe I will.
Maybe I'll just fuck the whole colony while I'm there.
What is wrong with you?
Uhh Clearly everything.
There's a lot wrong with me I even scare myself sometimes.
Can we...cuddle?
I mean Sure if you want to.
(Well well well I see you enjoyed yourself now how about we let Bill get a turn.
I fucking hate you!🤬
Oh please we know you loved it.
Now let's get fucked...HARD.!
Oh please you'll forget all about this in the morning.
After what you just made me do and say you can burn in hell.
Well too bad I wanna go for round two.
I laid down for about 15 minutes until Bill started playing with my hair)
Yes heatblast.
F-Fuck me.
I want you to fuck me.
Don't you wanna take a little break?
We did a 15 minute break.
I spank me.
I guess you still got a little energy left in ya.
Hold on I think I got something give me a sec.
What are you getting?
Just wait sec.
(He got his old backpack from his closet to look for something and grabbed a red metal ruler)
Here we go.
Uhh A metal ruler?🤨
I don't have those spanking paddles so this is the best thing that I got.
You did want me to spank you right?
Then this is what you get.
(I got on my hands and knees and he started to spank me with the ruler)
Is that okay?
That hurts.
Well yeah it's a mental ruler.
~Smack me harder.
Demanding aren't we?
Well Alrighty then.
(He smacked me a few more times and He took the handcuffs off of the side of my uniform belt and cuffed me to the bed and put my police cap on too.
I didn't realize how fucking kinky He was)
That's Much better now you're my prisoner and you're not leaving until I'm done with you
Well aren't you a kinky little shit.
Oh shut up.
So Mr. Reagan What else are you into?
Role play?
Sh-Shut up.
Dirty talk?
Stop talking!
Was it any of the ones i said?
N-No just stop talking.
You're such a liar!
How am I lying?!
You stutter when you lie.
That's not true!
Yeah yeah yeah whatever you say.
Hey Bill ya mind if you give me a little bit of your Irish cream.
Oh my god
Shut up will ya!
Bill I want you to Slytherin my chamber of secrets.
What is up with you and your sex jokes?
What you got to give me credit Bill it's much harder than it looks.
Oh my god stop.
Okay okay one more.
Bill you don't mind if you pop a load in my trunk.
Shut up.
(He spanked me hard)
~Holy shit!
Now stop talking.
Your voice annoys me.
Yeah yeah yeah.
Don't you yeah yeah me smart ass.
Are you trying to get punished.
If it means putting your dick in me then yeah I want to get punished.
(As he got on top of me and lined his cock up to my hole He started to thrust inside my ass.
It felt so good but hurt so much)
~Oh my fucking god!
~that fucking hurt so much.
Keep on swearing like that I'm going to have to punish you even more.
Keep it up asshole and I just might
Give me a good spanking you little devil.
(He pinned down my head and started thrusting harder and smacked my ass again I didn't want him to stop even though I'm going to wake up in the morning In so much pain)
~Ngh...ahh oh god.
You Having fun smart ass?
Ch-Choke me~
If that's what you want me to do.
Ok then.
No judgment.
(He wrapped his hands around my neck and started to choke me)
T-Talk dirty t-to me~
What do you want me to say??
C-Call me a bitch.
C-Call me a-anything.
Take...out your a-anger out on me~
Oh okay.
(His grip around my neck got tighter)
You like this you fucking whore?!
~Oh g-god yes!
You like when I choke you you little bitch?!
~FFFFuck yes!
How does it feel to be a bottom bitch?
Being fucked by another guy.
(He starts to vigorously pound me.
I could feel myself getting lightheaded but I loved it)
~Ah ah!
~I-I it.
B-Bill I'm...I'm a-about to cum.
Then cum You little whore.
~P-Please ch-choke me h-harder.
Y-Your hair and eyes are turning blue??
J-Just f-fucking...choke me!
(He started to close his grip more and  After I came Bill pulled out)
*gasps for air*
Are you okay?
I didn't hurt you did I?
N-No you didn't.
That was amazing.🤤
You're shaking.
I know.
Are you okay?
Oh I'm great~
What the hell was that though?
What was what?
Your skin was turning white and your eyes and hair were blue.
Oh that?
That happens when I have a lack of oxygen.
Are you serious?
I could have killed you.
Bill your fine I know when I reached my limit.
Are you sure you're okay.
Oh yeah I'm fine.
I...I feel amazing.
Even though I almost fell unconscious.
Okay Good night Heatblast.😂
Good night Bill.
(He fell asleep.
And about a couple hours later i passed out and my ass hurt so fucking much from all the pounding and spanking I don't think I'm able to walk right in the morning)

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