Chapter 23 Confestion

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(I came downstairs the next morning to get ready for work and do what I normally do)
Hey hun aren't you going to have breakfast?
Uhh...well I don't need to be in the station until 10:00 so why not.
Did you get a good sleep last night it seemed like you needed it after coming home at 4:00.
I did and It's always a good sleep when I'm next to you BiwyBoo.😘
Oh my god you're such a kiss ass.
I know.
Oh and I forgot to tell you.
Tell me what?
It's about Duncan.
I was putting away Duncan's clothes in his closet and I saw him trying to hang him self.
What when?!
Last month on the 30th.
And you just remembered This?!
But I thought you would be able to talk to him he doesn't seem to wanna talk to me about it.
Wait where is Duncan?
He's normally watching T.V. at this time.
He's been over sleeping a lot lately and I'm worried about him.
(After an hour Duncan finally came upstairs)
Hey Buddy, How did you sleep?
Okay...I guess.
Is there something you would like to tell your father?🤨
Oh right thanks for reminding me.
Dad I might have broke the porch window.
How did you break the window.
He probably looked at it.
How about I tell poltergeist you've been using his credit card.
Do that and I'll cut your tongue off.
Do it you won't!
Alright both of you shut the fuck up!
Anyway like I was saying There was a big ass spider so I threw a rock at it.
Are you kidding me!?
I know right the fucking spider left before I could throw something else at it.
I almost feel sorry for the spider and I hate them.
I feel bad for the window that's another $600.00 down the drain.
The thing was fucking huge.
And It was ugly too like Eva.
Oh fuck you!
You fucking junkie!
Suck a dick you hermaphrodit bitch!
Alright enough with the spider!
Just tell him what you did last month.
It's really nothing dad you don't have to worry about it.
Duncan you tried to kill yourself of course I'm gonna worry about you.
I was just hanging Christmas decorations.
But dad Why worry about him?
life would be better if he was gone anyway.
This is why dad doesn't fucking love you!
Whatever fag I'm going out so I don't have to hear your stupid voice.
At least I don't have to worry about you haunting this house with your vile disgusting face.
(Shuts front door)
Finally it's gone.
And I have something else to say.
What else did you wanted to say?
I lost my virginity 4 weeks ago and I was afraid to tell you.
Why would you be afraid to tell us?
Duncan you're 18 you can do whatever you want...until you get out of house arrest.
Wait who was it?
You didn't leave the house did you?
No I didn't.
I know you wouldn't be angry about me loosing my virginity...But it's the person who I lost it to.
Boy or a girl?🤨
Well at least we know you don't like girls.
Thank fucking God hallelujah.
I'm actually Bisexual.
No son of mine will like girls.
You're gay if you like it or not.
Whatever you say dad.😒
So who is it?
And I'm kinda scared who.
Hey Duncan😚
Shit....Hey Billy.
Uhhhh...Yes hun bun.
🔥Get me my fucking shotgun now!🔥
I'm going to weave now😐
Dad it's not a big deal.
Duncan your room.
But dad-
(That's when Sebastian came for a visit and a half hour later of trying to kill Billy eventually Bill told Sebastian to calm down and relax and I finally snapped back into reality.
I don't know how he can calm him down but I'm not complaining.
But unfortunately I couldn't fully calm down because I was beyond pissed off.
Plus I told Billy to stay away from Duncan because I knew something like that would happen.
He's like a child you tell him not to do something but he does it anyway)
Hun just calm down okay and come to bed your eyes are turning black again.
And I really don't want Sebastian to come back and deal with this.
You've been angry enough today I don't want you to be angry before you go to work.
I just wanna break his fucking jaw.
Or I'll just chop his dick off and give it to a Parana.
That's disgusting.
I don't give a shit.
I'll put him on the fucking streets for all I care.
Heatblast please just stop talking about it and come over here.
Take your medication.
It seems Sebastian can't hold back anymore.
And I don't like it when you're angry.
Fine. Fine.
Please try to calm down.
I'm calm I'm calm.
Count to ten.
I'm counting to 10.
I'm counting to 10.
(I took my medication but I was still pissed off)
Now try to go to sleep now and try to get your mind off it.
Bill there is no way in fucking hell i'm going to forget about this whole thing.
He had sex with Duncan when I specifically told him to stay the fuck away from him.
I also have work in a hour.
So I can't sleep as much as I want to.
Heatblast Duncan is 18 now I think you're just having a hard time getting over the fact that he's growing up.
I know...It's just he's my only son and I only wanted what was best for him.
I didn't want Billy to interfere.
I know.
But Please take a breather and try to forget.
How can I forget about what happened today when brutal thoughts are going through my mind.
I feel like I ruined his childhood.
I'm the worst fucking parent in the world.
Don't say that you're the best father you just have a hard time showing how much you care.
I do care about him.
I didn't say that you didn't.
I just wished Billy never existed.
I'm just so stressed about everything it makes me feel like shit.
But if you're so stressed about this Would you want me to help you forget.😘
No thank you.😒
Are you sure.😚
Bill stop I'm-I'm not in the mood right now for sex.
Are you sure about that?
I love it when you're angry.
I thought you said you hate it when I'm angry.
I did but sometimes it turns me on.
And I don't want you to stress out over this whole thing.
I been through stress and hell I can do it again.😒
You want to go through alopecia again?🤨
Is that so?
I don't want that to happen to you again.
So you don't want me to help you forget.
I'm sure.
It's kinda sad.😏
You Should know me by now.
What do you mean?
I do know you.
But sadly You know when I'm like this I don't take no for an answer.
Plus I bet right now you're dying to take out all your stress on me and relax.
I don't-
Shhh...let me help you.
I don't like seeing you unhappy.
It makes me upset.
But I-
(He started to move his hand from my chest down to my crotch and started to lick my neck)
B-Bill I...
Shhhh...It's alright.
Just pretend I'm not here.
Bill I'm really not in the mood.
I have to go to work soon.
Is that so?
Don't you think it's unprofessional for you to go to work with so much stress and anger.
Excuse me?
(He started to move his hand in my boxers and grabbed my dick and slowly moved his hand up and down.
I tried to resist but I can't help myself when he touches me.
I suppress the urge to pin him down and just take off his clothes)
S-Son of a Bitch.
I thought you said that you weren't in the mood?
~I-I'm not.
Says the erection in your pants.
~I-I don't know what you're talking about.
(He squeezes and rubs the tip of my dick)
Do you like that?
I can tell that you can't resist me any longer.
~Y-Your gonna have to try a little harder than that if you want me so badly.
Hmm I guess I do.
That usually breaks you.
(He pinned my arms down and started to grind his erection on my crotch)
Ngh...well shit.
You like when I grind on your hard erect
cock you filthy whore.
Uh huh.
It's a shame that you're not in the mood.
I want to fuck you so badly.
(He was rubbing his knee against my erection hard)
Ah f-fuck.
~H-Harder Bill.
What was that?
I-I didn't say anything.
You know that you can't lie to me.
You want it harder...well aren't you a little slut.
Fuck it I'm all yours.
Is it okay if I can have a little taste?
Be my guest.
I'm not stopping you.
I don't really have the energy to stop you right now.
That's good enough for me.
(He pulled down my boxers and slowly began to put my dick in his mouth.
I began to put my hand on his head and pushed down gripping the base of his hair.
The more he sucked the more I wanted him inside me)
~Ah...oh g-god.
Do you want me to continue?😏
Y-Yes please.
(He started to move his head a little faster.
And I was almost at my breaking point.
I began to grip the bedsheets to hold back the urge to thrust into his mouth.
I can't control the high I was feeling)
Ngh Bill...oh my god.
~I-I'm gonna cum.
Oh no you don't, not yet.
(He grabbed a cock ring from my nightstand and slid it on my dick.
He turned me over and began to thrust into my ass without even letting me getting some time to relax)
~Ahhh son of a bitch!
Now Tell me who's my favorite alien slut?
I-I am.
I am BiwyBoo.
(He pulled my hair and bit down on my neck.
He just kept thrusting and thrusting pounding into me)
~A-Ah oh fuck.
~Harder please.
You enjoying yourself?
Spank me love.
(He spanked me a few times to the point you can see a red hand prints)
Oh god I-I love you BiwyBoo.
I think I wanna go a little harder on you since you're enjoying this to much.
~I want it to hurt.
(He bit down on my neck hard until I yipped.
He thrusted hard two more times until he came.
He nibbled at the tip of my ear)
Ugh fuck.
Do you like that?
Yes but let me cum already I can't take it anymore.
Wait a few minutes.
You can do that can't you?
Ngh...Jesus Christ.
Bill Just let me cum already.
Alright but Because you didn't wait I guess I have to punish you later.
That's fine by me.
(As he took the ring off I grabbed my dick and began to jerk myself off until I came)
Having fun aren't we?
Ngh...Y-Yes I am BiwyBoo.
(Soon after I came I just laid back on the bed out of breath)
You happy now κώλος?
You know pretty soon you're going to kill me even though I'm already dead.😅
I love you Heatblast.
I love you too Bill.
Hey Biwy What time is it?
It's 7:53.
I need to get ready I'm gonna be late for work.
I completely forgot I have a meeting In twenty minutes.
Well you better move yer ars.
Alright I'll see ya tonight wuv you BiwyBoo.💙
I love you too.
Have fun.
I'll try.

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