Chapter 10 Inner Thoughts

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(4 hours go by now)
Hey...hey Bill you awake?
Good night Bill.
I'll See ya later.
(I had work in 2 hours so I got up without waking him and I got my uniform on and before I left I wrote a note and kissed him on the forehead and went to work.
[I'll see you tomorrow I promise.
I'm so sorry about yesterday it was Jeff.
I-I I couldn't control myself I hope you can forgive me and I hope that someday you'll understand]
As I got into my car and left, images of last night kept popping in my head.
I immediately put on music to get my mind off it but the images kept coming back)
Son of a Bitch!
What is it buddy.
I can't stop thinking about last night.
No matter how hard I try.
Why do you want to stop thinking about it?
Because I need to focus when I get to work.
And what Bill and I did was all your fault.
You're still not gonna let that go are you?
No I'm not.
You guys fucked like bunnies last night.
Shut up.😒
No seriously.
You guys did it like 6 times yesterday.
I'm impressed.
Why can't you meddle with someone else's head for once!
Why can't you leave me alone so I can have a normal life?!
Because I love you and you're my friend.
You're funny.
We're not friends.
We will never be friends.
You're just a gay ass hat that I can't get rid of and makes my life a literal fucking nightmare!
You're so impulsive that I just want to kill myself just to get rid of you!
You're mean.😖
I wasn't trying to be nice!
(As I got to work I kept telling myself stop thinking about him he's your
best friend he's like a brother to you.
but what am I doing honestly.
I don't even know anymore.
I may have thought that it felt good last night but I'm trying to think that it never happened.
That it was all just a dream.
I love him but not in that
way...I'm not sure.
7 hours later when I was doing some paperwork I thought about it again.
I got pissed and threw a paperweight across the room)
Son of a Bitch!
Wow calm down What is it?
Getting tired of this work?
I can't stop thinking about last night and the night before.
Well I can't help you there.
Just go away.
I really need to be alone right now.
And you don't help.
I do too help.
In what way do you help without me losing my temper or my sanity.
You make a good point.
Alright I'll leave you alone.
(I kept thinking about it again and again and I realized that everything I did.
Everything I said.
I think I was falling for him.
I known him for 11 years and we know everything about each other.
And the girls I dated barely knew me.
I know There's no one else in the world who knows me better than Bill.
Moe came in watching me slam my head up against my desk)
Uhh Hey Heatblast are...are you alright?
You've been slamming your head on your desk for almost an hour.
Is everything okay?
You know you could have just knocked.
But come in anyway.😑
You seemed a little off today.
Is everything alright?
Do you want to talk about it?
Actually Moe can I tell you something?
Sure What's on your mind?
I'm worried about you.
You haven't been acting like yourself lately.
You can't tell ANYONE about this do you understand me not even the guys.
Well what about Bill?
He uh...he already knows...I told him a couple days ago.
What did you do?
Sebastian didn't kill another family did he?!
Son of a nutcracker!
I can't keep filling out paperwork for that.
No he didn't I-
Did you just say son of a nutcracker??
Uh yes.
Trying not to swear so much.
But like I was saying he didn't.
I've been taking my medication.
Oh Thank god.
You had me scared for a second.😮‍💨
I really didn't want to have to talk to the chief about it and go through all that paperwork again.
It's uh it's about Jeffrey.
He did something.
Something bad...
Well What happened?
What did he do?
I'm sure it can't be that bad if it's Jeffrey.
Well to me it's bad...and I can't get the images out of my head.
How bad was it?🙁
(I told Moe everything that happened I felt like shooting myself.
I hate reimagining what happened over and over again.
But there's always that one point we're I have no choice and I have to bring it up and I needed to talk to someone besides bill and the voices in my head)
You had sex with Bill?!
I thought you guys were brothers.😨
(I shoved him against the wall by his neck)
Keep your fucking mouth shut.😠
And no he's not my brother we're not even related biologically.
We're friends only friends!
Okay okay just calm down.😰
I'm sorry I said that.
P-Please don't break my neck.
I actually thought you guys were brothers that's all.
(I let him go and went back to my desk)
I'm sorry for strangling you...
But No we aren't.
we just have a brother type relationship.
I'm so sorry for the longest time I thought you guys were blood related.
I was gonna say that Jeff has gotten way out of line this time if he was your brother.
What about the other times he's done something stupid?
Those times weren't as bad as this.
But why did you have sex with him?
I thought you were dating Rochelle?
I was until I caught her cheating on me with her Ex Garrot.
What the heck is wrong with her?
I didn't think that she would ever do anything like that.
Moonlight was right it's always the quiet ones.
Honestly I don't even care about her anymore.
Maybe it's because we didn't really spend a lot of time together I don't know.
I was...I was gonna propose to her.
And then Jeffrey-
He emotionally manipulated you to go to Bill's.
That's harsh.😔
Im sorry buddy.
You and Rochelle seemed happy together.
I can't even stand hearing her name!😡
Every time I hear her name I want to put a bullet through her granite skull!
What happened between me and Bill Everything I did, Everything I said I don't know what the fuck is wrong with me.
I should have just gone home right away.
And everything that I did wouldn't have ever happened.
Heatblast It's not your fault.
Jeffrey was the one who controlled you.
Did you take your medication that night?
At the time no I didn't.
I left the bottle in my glove compartment and I didn't think that any of that would happen.
I feel so fucking stupid!
I should have known that Jeffrey would try to do something.
Little fucking bastard!
(I ended up punching a hole in the wall)
Hey you were emotionally broken you weren't thinking straight.
And he took advantage of that.
I'm sure everything will be fine soon.
I had sex with him Moe!
I lost my virginity to him!
You didn't lose your virginity to him I did!
And I can't take that back No matter how much I want to!
I didn't know that you were a virgin.
It's funny because Bill said the same exact thing two days ago.😤
I didn't even know that Bill was even gay.
Neither did I but here we are!
What are you gonna do now?
I have no fucking clue.
It's just...what are the guys gonna think of me.
There probably not gonna wanna talk to me anymore.
Well...Valentine just came out as Bi.
From what he said he does it with more guys then girls.
So He's a man whore now?
I guess you could say that.
But everyone is cool with it I don't know why but hey whatever floats their boat.
I think it's weird.
I wouldn't tell him that you had sex with Bill because I'm afraid it's gonna give him ideas.
There's no reason for him to know.
He's not the one who had sex with his best friend.
But anyway I need to go home...
I didn't get that much sleep last couple of nights.
And I don't think I can stay up another hour.
I'll let the chief know that you're leaving.
Get some sleep alright.
I will...thanks again Moe.
Do you want me to tell the guys.
No I will...I'll tell them the next time we hang out.
Alright have a good night.
You as well.
Hey heatblast?
Do whatever you think is best.
I know you guys care about each other and it's not a bad thing to have feelings for a friend.
But...i know you'll pull through.
You always do when it's a rough situation.
Thanks moe.
Now go home and get some sleep I'll clean up your desk.
...And try to patch up the hole in the wall.
Yeah I'm sorry about that.
Just go home now before I change my mind.
(When I went home I tried to get rid of the stress and negative energy by meditating but it didn't help at all.
There was nothing else I could do so i decided on taking a shower and then I thought about last night again)
What the fuck am I doing.😣
stop thinking about him you fucking retard get a hold of yourself.
But Bill isn't here.
You can masterbate to him all you want and he wouldn't be able to hear you.
Please...just please get out of my head.
Haven't you caused enough damage already?!😖
But whyyy?
You can run but you can't hide the truth.
You know you wanna touch yourself.
Just shut the fuck up and leave me alone!
This is all your fault.
I can't even look at myself in the mirror anymore without seeing your stupid fucking face.
I may have controlled you to have sex with him but you still loved it anyway.
Every guy is gonna like sex no matter if it's with a dude or not!
A hole is a hole.
I just wished you never existed.
You ruined my friendship with him and I hate you for it!
Wow...that's pretty rude.
I just wanna fucking die right now.
That's not an option for you...yet.
Shut up...just shut up just let me take a shower in peace.
Sorry buddy I can't do that.
You knew what you were getting into when you came in here.
(After a few minutes of hitting my head on the wall I looked down and saw that I had an erection)
O-Oh my god!
What the fuck!
W-What do I do.
Only one thing you can do...masterbate!
I'm not going to do it.
Wow didn't know that you was a little bitch.
I-I can't...Bill is my friend I'm not gonna jerk off to him.
You have no other choice.
Go on release the stress.
It'll make you feel better.
It's just gonna hurt if you don't take care of it.
I hate you so much.
I'd rather cut my dick off at this point.
That's a little morbid.
At this point I don't care.
Just relieve yourself already.
I'll help ya.
(I can't believe what I was doing.
I was so disgusted with myself.
Bill was like a brother to me
And now I'm touching myself while moaning his name.
I just wanted to hide away from everything)
~Ah ah B-Bill.
M-Mother fucker.
See what did I tell ya doesn't it feel good.
I fucking hate you!
I'm just helping you.
Now quit masterbateing and try something else for a change.
(I started to thrust my finger
In my ass.
I don't know why but I loved how it felt.
I hate to say it but I just wanted him with me.
I was falling in love with him.
And I'm just trying to hide it)
~Ngh...What the fuck is wrong with me?
Why am I even doing this?
Because you love him.
That's a very strong word to use.
You do love him right?
~I-I I don't know.
We share the same thoughts you know.
I know everything you think or dream about.
Ah ah I-I think I'm gonna cum.
Do it for Bill.
You know you want to.
You love him so much you wanna cum deep inside him.
~Shut the fuck up!
(After I came I immediately rinsed myself off and turned the shower off and went to bed)
I can't believe I just did that.😰
Oh please you know you loved it.
I just wanna die right now.
I just want to die.😖
Hey just to let you know you didn't have to masterbate to Bill right.
You did that all on your own.
Well...I planted it in your head.
Are you fucking kidding me?!
You honestly thought that I was gonna stop you from doing that.
Fuck you!
Welp I'm gonna go.
Good night buddy.
I'm going to hell for what I just did.
(I got ready for bed after my shower and laid down in bed just venting to myself)
I don't know if it's true.
I do love him but I don't know if I love him in that way.
I mean He means everything to me and he's the only person who I ever knew when I came here.
He's like family to me.
I would do anything to protect him.
I'm just thinking about this too much.
But moe is's not wrong to have feelings for a friend.
I'm just making excuses aren't I?
I'm just making excuses to try to hide the truth.
I-I did like what we did...and...and...I-I do love him.😳
What i did was a mistake.
It was never supposed to happen!
I was supposed to come home and was a mistake.
Yeah A big...h-happy...oh my god...I do love him.
I love him.
I-I love Bill.
What the fuck!?
(I got out of bed and started walking around my whole house just talking to myself.
I was probably up until 4 in the morning when I finally tired myself out and went to bed.
I woke up the next morning and I took another cold shower and got dressed and went to Bill's house.
I needed to tell him how I feel...and talk about last night and the night before.
I got to his house)
Oh Hey Heatblast.
Uhhh how are ya.😅
I'm alright.
How about you?
I'm good...ish.
You look nervous.
Oh I just-
I'm just messing with you.😂
Do you Wanna come in?
Yeah sure Thanks.
You look...great.
Thank you.😊
You look nice yourself.
Are you okay you look like you haven't slept in days.
Well I have an answer for that.
I was up until 4 last night.
What why?
Because I couldn't sleep no matter how much I forced myself.
I also had something on my mind.
Also aren't you hot wearing that it's like 90 outside.
No not really.
I have the AC on so it's nice and cold in my house.
(He was wearing a scarf around his neck and a long sleeved Ocean colored shirt plus his hair was up in a man bun and he was covered in many different colors of red paint)
Uhh I guess you were painting.
Hmm oh yeah I was painting a sunset behind a city landscape.
What city?
New York.
Oh that's cool.
Why did you decide to paint New York?
I never painted New York before.
I also had this weird dream about these cat sisters in New York so I thought it would be a good challenge for me.
Why would it be a challenge?
Because of those cat sisters I saw.
In my dream they were hopping from the rooftops so I decided to paint them in the picture hopping from the rooftops in the background.
A bunch of pussies running around New York...that's pretty gay.
Um...was that supposed to be a sexist joke?
Was that bad??
But what do you think of it so far?
I'm working on it little by little.
I think it's amazing.
I can't wait until it's finished.
But why not finish the painting today?
Because there's paint everywhere and I don't want to make any more of a mess.
It kinda looks like you Just killed a unicorn.
(Taste the rainbow.
Slaughter the rainbow)
Ha Yeah it kinda does doesn't It.
I'm a real mess right now.
Oh and I got the note you left for me before you went to work.
Y-Yeah I just thought...I wanted to let you know where I was going when you woke up.
I also completely forgot about that.
You know you could have texted or called me right?
Uhhh... I thought the note was more appropriate?
But anyway thanks for letting me know.🙂
I do appreciate that you wanted to let me know.
No problem.
Hey Heatblast can I ask you something?
Uhh y-yeah what is it?
Who is Jeffrey?
You keep saying that name every time you yell when you're by yourself.
Uhh I'll talk to you about that later.
I don't think I'm ready to tell you who that is.
Oh I just remembered I'm making tea do ya want any?
uhh Sure.
What kind?
Pumpkin spice Chai.
Yeah sure I'll have some.
Okay I'll go get the cups.
(I waited on the couch and watched Bill as he struggled to reach the top shelf where the cups were.
As the step stool was shaking I couldn't take my eyes off him.
Look at dat ass.
Can you not.
Come on I mean what kind of 21 year old has a bubble butt.
He must do a lot of squats and yoga if he got an ass like that.
Just stop talking okay you're not helping)
Umm Do you need any help?😅
I'm fine...just trying to get the mug but thanks for the offer though.
(He came back with the tea and we chatted for a bit until I got the guts to say something)
Hey Bill Can I ask you something?
Yeah Of course what is it?
Bill do you wanna go out somewhere today?
You can pick the place if you want.
(I probably sounded stupid asking him out.
You guys gonna fuck later??
I love old friendly reunions.
What are you interested in doing?
No I was thinking maybe lunch.
Uh l-like a date?
Because we never go out for lunch.
Well I... I guess you could say that
I-I mean after we had sex I-I guess where Friends with benefits now.
Ha I guess so.
I don't want things between us to be awkward.
I also want to tell you something and I thought telling you during lunch was best.
Alright You have me convinced.
Let me just get cleaned up first and get changed into different clothes before the paint ruins my shirt.
Alright I'll wait.
You can help yourself to the rest of the chai if you want.
Uh Sure thanks.
(I watched him as he went upstairs looking at his hips move side to side when he walked.
He may be a little chubby but holy shit he got a thick ass.
C-Can you not?!
Then why are you staring at his ass?
I-I wasn't.
It's you doing that.
Sure...whatever you say fag.
Soon later he came back downstairs)
Hey I'm back...are you alright?
Oh yeah I'm fine I kinda dozed off for a second.
Okay so are we ready to go?
OH yeah I'm sorry.
Let's get going.
Alright lead the way.
(Ten minutes of the ride there it was just quiet i was getting kind of nervous)
Hey do you wanna...listen to some music?
Uh not really.
I was thinking...maybe we can just talk instead?
What do you wanna talk about?
It's probably something that you don't wanna answer to but...the nights you were at my house...d-did you mean what you said?
Uhh...Bill if I remember correctly I said A LOT of things those nights.
You gotta be more specific about what you say.
I meant Everything you said like that you loved me and...that I meant everything to you.
Did you mean that?
Or did you only say that because it's what I wanted to hear?
At the time I meant it as like I love ya like a brother...Something
went...wrong with me and...that's when things escalated.
I'm so sorry if I gave you the wrong impression.
It's alright...
Hey I'm sorry if I wasn't acting like myself.
I'm sorry if my behavior that night scared you.
I just found out that Ro-
That she cheated on me and I destroyed a lot of her stuff...And when I mean that I mean destroyed her house.
There was a lot going on with me and I had no one else to talk to.
I understand...
What we did...
What about it?
(Say it)
What we did was nice but i still thought of you like a brother.
Every time I say that...
Makes you feel uncomfortable....😞
Bill You do mean a lot to me.
And I really appreciate that you tried to make me feel better.
But Everything that we did the past couple of nights would you do it again with me...if you wanted too??
I'm sorry if I'm making you feel
No you're fine.
I'm not uncomfortable I'm just...confused.
I really do have strong feelings for you.
I know...
Oh Hey look we're almost there.
(We ended up going to Boston at a Irish pub called the whiskey priest.
After we got there we talked for a while for what it seemed like hours)
Hey Thanks again for letting me pick the restaurant.
No problem.
When was the last time you been here?
Before I met you.
When I was nine.
So thirteen years ago?
Yeah I came here with my dad.
Before he left, before my parents got divorced.
Does This place bring back any memories?
I hate to say it but no.
We only came here a few times.
My mom was with us two of those times.
I'm sorry.
Don't be it's not your fault Everything went to shit ever since my dad left.
He didn't want to leave but he really didn't have a choice.
You miss him don't you?
Of course I do.
Besides my sister Monica my dad was always there for me...Then I met you.🙂
I really should thank you for everything that you've done for me.
Bill You don't have to thank me.
You know I love helping others.
I feel like I owe you though.
It's alright you don't owe me anything.
Everything I did I did it because I care about you.
Thank you.
I'm sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable in the car.
It's alright.
(It was kinda silent for a bit between us)
...H-Hey Bill can I ask you something?
Sure what is it?
I thought about it a lot while I was working and when I got home.
And what you asked me in the car.
I needed to come clean with myself and tell you.
(Ha Come Clean now you sound like a drug addict)
Of course you can tell me anything.
Is it about me asking would you do it again?
Actually Yes.
Invisibilly...I-I think I might be gay.
Are you sure?
It's only been a couple of days.
Bill I know I know I'm going through a lot right now but...d-do you...wanna go out with me?
(I started to cover my face I was so embarrassed.
He probably thinks I'm stupid right now)
Are you serious is that why you wanted to take me out?
So you could tell me that you're gay and ask me out??
Keep it down and I said I think I don't know.
I know I lost my virginity to you and it was my first time kissing a dude but-
You did a lot more than kissing those nights.
Whatever That doesn't mean I'm gay.
But you told me that you think you might be gay.
I know it's just...😤
Jeez already blowing steam huh?
Shut up.
I-I...couldn't sleep last night without
I tried to think of something else but Just sleeping next to you made me feel
s-safer and that feeling that I wasn't alone was nice.
And the fact that I fell in love with my best friend was even better.
......did you say-
After we did it I-I started to grow feelings for you...but I kept telling myself that it was wrong and that we were like brothers.
I've thought about it a lot that's why I was up till 4.
I've known you for years now and I want to be with someone who really loves me for me and also understands me and knows everything about me.
And I think I already found that someone.
And I feel really stupid because it took me twelve fucking years to realize it.
Also I'm surprised that you were able to put up with my bullshit for so long. you really mean that?
Of course I do.
And this is me talking.
Not the voices in my head.
I love you.
And I hate to see you upset because of something that I did.
Leading you on.
And just acting like a complete idiot in general.
(Bill started to tear up.
I would too if someone said that to me)
I love you too more than anything else in the world.
(He grabbed both of my hands and I swear some people were starring at us.
I felt an urge to get up and leave but I kind of had an unwanted visitor.
I could feel my heart pounding faster, an a urge to vomit and I was under so much pressure.
Hey you really should be Praising the Lord Jesus Christ!!
The boy only has to touch our hands just to get us turned on!
Fuck you)
I would love to be your boyfriend and you mean the world to me.
Even if you're dating me as like an experiment.
Yyyyeah I'm Sorry about that.😬
Don't be.
You were bound to date a guy at some point.
And at least it's with someone you know and trust.
I guess so.
Just please promise me one thing.
What is it?
If it doesn't work out between us please don't pretend like I don't exist.
I promise.
I would never do anything like that to you.
Thank you.
Hey Bill?
Did you want to leave and go back to my house...and spend the night?
Yes...I would love that.🙂
Good because I feel like I'm gonna throw up because of my anxiety.
Alright that's understandable.
You're hair is a little pinkish too.
Yeah and Also can I barrow your sweater?
Um Can I ask you why?
I don't think it'll fit you.
Are you cold?
No I... I uhh I have an erection.
Oh my god.😂
You're such a pervert.
(He punched my shoulder)
You really need to control yourself in public you dunce.
Well I'm Sorry it never really does this when I'm out.
And I don't appreciate you calling me a dunce.
Sorry I was just kidding.
I know, it's alright.
Also your dick has a mind of its own?
I guess you could say that.
It's not every day that it looks for someone to please.
Then I guess you should control it better.
Sure whatever you say.
(I can't wait until we fuck his жопа
We finally got back to my house)
So c-can we start over?
I feel terrible about the last couple days.
And probably we can make up for it.
It probably would be better if we did.
So I've never been in a relationship with a guy before so don't make fun of me okay.
Don't worry I won't.
Besides it's kinda like dating a girl but a little different.
I think it's a lot different because they don't have a dick like guys do.
Okay...So...about you saying that you're Bi.
I stand by what I said.
No I know it's just...what if you turn out gay?
I don't'll probably take me a while but...I kind of like girls too...I think.
But you never had sex with a girl.
That doesn't mean I can't be in a relationship with one.
But as of right now I just wanna focus on us if that's okay.
Sure I'm completely okay with that.🙂
Okay now that's out of the way Let's go inside it's fucking freezing in here.
(Right when I was about to get out of my car Bill pulled me back.
He reclined my seat and got on top
of me.
It is getting steamy in here)
W-Wow hey I thought we're going inside?!
I don't want to wait anymore.
I want you inside me now.
And it's hard for me not to ignore the obvious boner you have right now.
Bro We're like two feet from the door to my house.
So I want to do it in here.
Well you could have at least said something to me when we were talking I wouldn't have said no.
Just Shut up already and kiss me you alien slut.
(We began Making out, tongues in our mouths and Bill started to unzip my pants.
Revealing my erection.
He moved his tongue around in my mouth licking my teeth and my tongue)
Wow wow Hold up.
Alien slut??
Why do you keep calling me that?
That's funny The way you acted when you were over at my house yesterday and the night before you seemed like you knew what you were doing when we had sex.
Also you're pretty good with that tongue of yours.
Even though I was a virgin I still know how sex works.
And I'm sorry about that.
I wasn't myself then.
I kind of had a lot going on in my head.
Don't be sorry hun It's really nice to see this part of you again.
Oh really?🤨
And how about I show you the part of me that you like?
Mmm Please and thank you.
Well your manners huh?
I'm just trying to be somewhat respectful.
(He began to take off his pants and boxers and his dick sprung up)
Someone is eager to get a taste.
I wouldn't say that but I would ask you if you want a ride.
You seem to love the car more than me.
What are you talking about?
I wasn't talking about my car.
Ohhhh...well then aren't you a horny boy
I guess only for you.
I can't wait until you fill me up.
Sooo I'm guessing that's a yes for the ride?
(He got on my lap with his face looking at me and started to put my dick in his ass)
Ngh...If you don't mind me asking do you have any lube?
I can only get the tip in.
No I don't sorry.
I didn't think we were doing it in my car.
Wait...Oh my god.
What is it?
I didn't realize that I took Betty.😰
It's just for one night.
This is my baby I don't want to get her ruined.
It's a car heatblast.
She's not just a car.
She's a 1967 Cadillac.
She's my rare gem.
Oh my god.🙄
We're not going to break it.
You act like we're going to break the seats.
Okay fine.
Just...this one time.
But I swear to god one rip or dent or even a scratch there will be hell to pay.
Yeah yeah don't have any lube?
Well then I guess I gotta deal with the after pain.
Yes Heatblast?
I'm so Sorry if I hurt you.
What do you mean?
(I grabbed his waist and pulled him down)
You Mother fucker!😖
I'm sorry I'm sorry I didn't mean to!
(He smacked me across the face.
His eyes began to tear up and he's covering his mouth.
You hurt him you bastard😱)
That...really hurt.😣
I'm so so sorry I didn't mean to hurt
I-It's fine.
I'm the one who wanted to have sex in
the car.😤
Then why did you smack me?
I don't know.
I'm sorry.
It just hurt so much.😖
Do you want me to stop?
You look like you're in a lot of pain.
Only a little...b-because you have a big dick.
Do you want to stop?
You're already in and there's no going back now.
Ah ah...Jesus Christ you're big.😮‍💨
(He was gritting his teeth)
I'm really Sorry.
N-No that's a good thing.
I meant sorry for hurting you but that works too.
(He grabbed my face and kissed me)
Are You sure you're okay??
I might bleed a little bit but I'm fine.
You'll what?!
I'm already dead it's not like it's gonna
kill me.😅
Are you sure?
I can't die a second time.
Besides I can heal faster than you.
Shhh shut up.
(He started to move his hips back and forth slowly.
He wrapped his arms around me.
I pulled him up to my face and started to bite his bottom lip)
I'm really sorry Bill.
It's alright.
And stop apologizing it gets annoying.
I mean okay.
Y-Yes Bill.
~Fuck me please.
Bill can we please finish this inside I want to fuck you on my bed.
I-I wanna do it...Ah here~
Are you sure?
You look like you're in pain.
But I love it.
Y-You feel good inside me~
You don't seem to stop even when it hurts?
It's alright I deserve to get hurt.
Don't ever say that.
~I'm...I'm gonna cum.
We literally just started.
Jesus Christ~
Um Are you okay??
~Why wouldn't I be?
Y-You got a little bump right here.
(I grabbed his hand and placed it on his stomach)
S-Son of a b-bitch~🤤
Wow Are you okay?
~Yeah why?
What is that??
What's what?
~Th-That's you
Excuse me?
How the fuck!?
~shhh stop talking.
(He started to bounce up and down)
What the fuck!?
~I-I told you.
~Oh fuck!
Right there ahh~
I feel like I'm dying~
Oh...I-Is that a good thing?
Yes you sexy faggot I love you.❤️
Bill...smack me again.
Smack me again.
Talk to me like you hate me.
(He slapped me across the face hard)
You get turned on by this you slut.
Do it again please.
(He slapped me again harder and pulled my hair)
You're such a perv.
You enjoy getting your hair pulled and being slapped.
~ngh...I'm gonna cum.
~Fill me up I can feel it.❤️
(He wrapped his arms around me and moving his hips in a circular motion and started to bounce up and down then he came on my face)
Jesus Christ!😳
How in the hell?!
~oh my god I love you so much~
~I love you too
(I stuck my tongue in his mouth and he put his tongue in mine and we continued to make out.
Never thought that your best friend would be so kinky and obsessed with sucking on your tongue.
Well technically he's like my boyfriend now.
Yeah and you better keep it that way)
You have something on your face.
Oh can you grab me a napkin in the glove compartment.
Why don't I take care of it.
(He got really close to my face and used my shirt)
I took care of it didn't I?
Yeah...with my favorite shirt?
You've had that since high school
Yeah but it still fits me and it's like brand new.
You're such an idiot and I love you 😘
(we stopped for a moment and looked at each other)
Yes babe.
I want to fuck you.
Then fuck me.
Then get in the back seat.
Well alright then.
(We got in the back seat.
It was kind of cramped because I had some boxes in the back)
You're gonna have to put your ankles on the head rests.
I forgot how tall you were.
I feel like a fucking spider right now.
Good thing that you're flexible.
Yeah I guess.
This is going to be so uncomfortable for me later.
You'll be fine😂
(My neighbor Kathy probably could see what was going on considering the fact my car window was down and I was moaning a lot.
I could tell my car shaking back and forth while he was pounding into my ass)
*Breathing fast*
~Jesus Christ!
~Fuck me daddy!
I love you.
~I love you too.
~Ugh...we at least have to try to keep it quiet.
You don't like this?
~No I-i love it.
Ya know it's just the neighborhood probably could hear us.
Let them hear.
I want all of them to know that you're mine.
You got it?
~Y-Yes sir
I'm surprised that you're letting me do this in your Cadillac.
Don't remind me I think I'll have a heart attack.😖
Okay weirdo.
C-Can you Fuck me from behind while you pull my hair.
Um Alright that's new.
(He turned me over and started to fuck me.
We kept going until I saw the time)
~Jesus Christ!
~I-Is there a problem?
It's already midnight I work at five in the morning tomorrow I-I mean today you get what I mean.
Okay I think we're done here anyway.'re telling me.
Actually wait.
Keep going.
You want me to continue?
Until you cum.
(After he finished I was out of breath)
And that's the first time doing it in a car.
Oh please you loved it.
~I did...very much.
You're face is red and you're smoking.
You really enjoyed that didn't you?
~I really did.
Bill can you pull out now so we can go inside I'm freezing my balls off.
~Ah fuck.
What is it?
Y-You came a lot didn't you.
Yeah I guess so.
I can feel it coming out of my ass.
Oh my god shut up and get your clothes on.
(We got our clothes back on and went inside and got to bed.
I started to cuddle right up against him and wrapped my arms around him and fell asleep)
Hey Heatblast?
Yes Bill.
I love you.❤️
I love you too.💙

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