Chapter 15 Fucked up dreams

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(I went to sleep and I woke up to see that I was home not on earth but on my home planet Magma Opus.
I saw myself as a baby reliving the same god damm day over and over again.
I started to remember strange symbols engraved on my ship but I couldn't make out what they meant.
My flames started to turn white I started to lose oxygen and I fell.
I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock and noticed I was sweating.
I eventually got a call from Bill)
uhh Hey Bill.
Hey is everything alright?
You sound out of it.
Yeah everything is fine just a little nauseous is all.
Are you feeling any better?
Yeah a little.
I'm probably gonna go out to get some fresh air.
Alright don't stay out to long okay It's freezing outside.
Ok I won't.
I'm just going out for a few.
I feel like I'm suffocating.
I'll be home soon.
(I went out in the backyard and laid down on the hammock and just stared at the sky until I fell asleep.
I saw a dark figure with horns walking.
I ran to see who it was but by the time I got to the person they were gone I remember seeing the same thing when I was 16 back in high school in the auditorium back stage.
The walls started closing in on me when I opened my eyes I was in a bedroom and the concrete walls where all black with pentagrams on all four sides.
There was a cat bed next to the end table torn up by age.
I couldn't see the name on it because it looked like whatever was sleeping there ate it.
I heard a noise from inside the closet from across the room.
It sounded like someone was crying.
I slowly walked towards the closet door.
I felt a cold breeze over my shoulder.
Like the feeling of death.
I hesitated but I opened the door I saw a person with black and blue hair and red eyes trying to hang them self.
I couldn't really see there face but when I tried to stop them from kicking the stool
"I'm sorry it's all my fault you guys deserve better"
They kicked the stool and Everything went black I woke up and Bill was there shaking me)
Heatblast are you alright you seemed like you were having a bad dream.
Come back inside you don't look too well.
And I thought I told ya not to stay out long it's freezing out.
I know I'm sorry.
I lost track of time and fell asleep.
And your skin is turning white and your eyes are blue get inside and go to bed.
And don't leave the bed understand.
Alright mom.
What was that!?
Nothing Biwy dearest.😅
(Who the fuck was that?!
How the hell am I supposed to know.
All I know is that we never met anyone who looked like that.
And that was no vision that was a fucked up nightmare.
Who has a nightmare of someone trying to kill themselves.
Me apparently.
And You don't know anything you're just a voice in my head.
True dat but I know the people we meet and there is no one else with yellow skin besides us...I mean you.
I think we did but maybe I was drunk at one point and don't remember.
Maybe but I don't know I'm usually dead when you're drunk.
Well whatever I'm going to eat some ramen.
Please don't tell me you're going to masterbate.
What makes you say that!?
You always masterbate after eating ramen.
And I know the shit you think of is messed up.
Hey Ryan Reynolds is fucking hot!
Don't you dare say anything about my baby Deadpool!
Oh please we know you're never going to fuck dat ass plus all you do is hump the big Deadpool stuffed animal in your room when Bill isn't home.
Hey fantasy can be a reality if I just use my imagination. 🌈
You're a fucking idiot.
I like to think so.
But hey don't knock it until ya try it.
I'd rather fuck a person then a stuffed animal.
You know what I can't control what you do so do whatever the fuck you want.
What you're going away?
I'm just going until you're done doing whatever.
Are you serious.
I may be your gay thoughts but I have my limits)
You're just jelly that I have a dick and you don't!
Uhh what the fuck did you just say?☹️
(Oh shit he heard you)
Uhhh I-I didn't mean that towards you.
Than who was that for.
Who the fuck is Jeff?!
He's the gay thoughts in my head.
Bill I would never mean that towards you.
I'm sorry I keep forgetting you have D.I.D and you tend to get carried away.
Babe it's okay.
Now go in for the kill)
Heatblast Did you call me babe?
Yes I did BiwyBoo
(He started to walk towards me)
Are you still sick.
No I don't think so.
I think you are how about we go lay down
Bill if you want to have sex just tell me ok.
I don't I just think that you need a lot of sleep.
You seem out of it.
(5 hours later I got up and went to the bathroom and I started feeling light headed It felt my chest was caving in I got to the bathroom and turned on the shower and put on the cold water to see if it would help)
Hey are you alright?
Yeah just feeling a little light headed.
Are you sure.
Do you want me to get you something.
No I'm fine.
(The door opened)
Bill I said I was fine.
I don't believe you.
And why are you on the floor?
Because I'm comfy.
And it's keeping me from throwing up.
Makes sense.
Why is the water so cold??
This is why you're not getting any better.
It's not a big deal.
As long as I'm not throwing up I'm good.
You really need to start taking better care of yourself or you'll never get better.
Why do you care so much on how I'm feeling?
Because I care about you and I don't want anything bad happen to you.
Hey can you turn the water off for me I can't reach the knob.
Alright let's get you to bed.
Drag me.
I'm not dragging you.
(He put his arm around my waist and my arm over his shoulder and helped me to the bed)
I'm gonna get you some medicine I'll be back.
I'll be here.
If you're not feeling good tomorrow morning you're not going to work.
Bill I can't miss another day of work.
It's been one day.🤨
But still I don't want to miss a lot of work.
I'm sure they'll understand.
I'll give Moe a call tomorrow alright.
You can trust him right?
Alright...I'm gonna regret it though.
Just be quiet and go to sleep.
Night love.😘
Good night hun bun.🥰

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