Chapter 8 Not again

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Bill wake up.
What is it?
I don't want to be alone.
I'm right here you doof you're not alone.
I know I just don't want to be the only one awake.
You look a little pail.
I'm alright.
I'm just feeling a little nauseous.
what about you?
I'm ok just really really tired.
Why am I not surprised You're always tired.
Yeah I guess so.
But I don't really sleep that much anymore.
It's kinda hard when my thoughts are being threatening.
I understand how you feel.😔
But hey you don't mind if
I...lay with you do ya?
Can I sleep next to you?
It's N-Not like that.
It's only just because I uhh...there's no place else to sleep.
(He looked at me not knowing why I wanted to sleep with him.
I couldn't look away from his adorable sleepy face.
God he looks so fucking adorable when he's sleepy.
Shut up Jeff!
But look at him he's so cute😍
Why can't you just bother someone else's head for once?
Sorry not part of my New Years resolution.
But look at him.
Makes me wanna fuck him again.😋
You're fucking sick in the head)
Alright but my bed sheets are in the washer machine though. you want to on the couch?
The...The small one?
No this one.
I'm a little to big for the small couch.
Uh...alright I guess so.
(I climbed over him so i was on the right side and draped my arm over him.
Just Laying so close to him I could feel the heat coming off of him)
Hey I'm Sorry that it's kind of cramped.
Are you uncomfortable?
No I'm fine.
Thanks anyway.🙂
Are you sure?
I can move to the small couch if you want.
No it's fine.
I was getting rid of that couch anyway 3 of the legs is already busted.
Oh alright.
I mean you did have that couch for a while.
But are ya sure I can lay next to you?
Aren't you gonna be uncomfortable.
No it's fine.
Plus I'm cold and I could use the company.
And you're really warm.
Well I'm basically like a walking volcano.
(He draped his arm over my chest)
A-Are you comfortable?
You're so warm I don't need a blanket.
I-Is that a good thing?
I love you.
I...I love you too.
(2 hours later I woke up to the sound of lightning outside.
Another thunderstorm.
Isn't it going to rain all week.
Jesus I hope not.
Do you think black Betty is okay?
She should be.
I parked her in the driveway.
She's a beautiful Cadillac.
I looked up at Bill to see if he was still sleeping.
He started to turn and let out a little moan.
my pants started to feel tight again as I looked down I saw I had a erection again)
Shit what do I do!?
Let me take over.
Just shut up that's why.
B-But he's sleeping.
(I grabbed the waistband on his pants and I pulled it down a little until I saw his dick.
I tried to hold back from touching him but I grabbed his cock and I started to move my hand up and down.
O-Oh my god Why am I doing this?
What the absolute fuck is wrong with me?
Why can't I stop?
Because my dear friend you want to jerk him off.
I started to feel a little hot and I couldn't control myself to the sound of him moan)
~oh shit h-heatblast. he awake?
Naw he still sleeping.
He be having a wet dream.☺️
How does he know that I'm even doing this?
He probably doesn't.
he's probably dreaming about you.
But why am I doing this?
I'm not complaining it's just what happens if he wakes up.
I don't know but this is sooo turning me on.😃
Let me try something.
(I pulled his pants down a little more and I got between his legs and started to lick his family jewels.
I slowly started to put his dick in my mouth, Not knowing i started to deep throat him.
he must be a really heavy sleeper if he didn't wake up while I was sucking his dick)
~Ah ah oh my god f-faster~
(I couldn't remember if I did this
yesterday but...sucking his dick made me feel a little more comfortable with myself and I just loved the way his dick feels in my mouth.
Hey Why don't we go for a ride?
A what??
Step aside chump.
I couldn't take it anymore, I stopped sucking his dick to take my pants off and to get on top of him.
He moaned again as his erection rubbed up against my leg.
I hesitated at first but I couldn't hold back.
I started to put his dick in me)
What is it buddy?
Too much to handle?
No It just hurts.
Well no shit dumb ass you didn't put lube on.
You know what let me take over again.
I'm not letting you taking over this time.
Alright suit yourself.
(My ass hurt so much but felt so good eventually the pain went away but only because my ass was numb I moved my hips front and back and I knew I hit that spot.
I can feel myself wanting to cum
But I'm trying to hold back)
Why am I doing this without him wearing a condom.
Because you trust him and you love him.🥰
Plus he's sleeping so-
Shut the fuck up.
I think he hit your G spot.
~What the f-fuck are you talking about?
That spot that gives us pure pleasure.
~Fffuck me.
That means he hit it again)
~O-Oh my god I-I...I love you.💖
See what I tell ya.
You love it...And you love Bill.
~Somehow this seems wrong.
But..but I don't want to stop.
For me it's not.
I wish I could feel what you're feeling right now.
But the look on your face says a thousand words.
I want to stop.
But you won't.
You want him fucking you.
You want to feel this pleasure every day.
You want him to pound your ass to the point you can't walk.
~Ngh...god he feels so good.
You know you want more.
(I kept moving my hips in a circular motion and it felt so good I couldn't hold back anymore.
After I made the mistake and came in his face he started to wake up)
W-What...what the fuck!?
Heatblast what are you doing!?😨
~Keep talking to me please.
Hey at least give me a minute to get up.
~I-I can' feel so
good inside me.
Y-You're smoking?!
~You're smoking too.
No you're literally smoking.
~That's normal
Please don't set my house on fire.
~I can't control it.
Force of habit.
(He grabbed my waist and started to pull me down)
~Ah oh fuck...I-I love you so
~Deeper please.
Heatblast get on your hands and knees.
(I got on the floor and got down on all fours.
I grabbed a ping pong paddle and then gave it to him)
Please Spank me daddy I've been a bad boy.
(He started to spread my legs apart and shoved his dick in me)
Jesus Christ Bill holy shit!😵
I said spank not fuck!!
(He spanked me hard and pulled on my hair)
What's my name?
(He yanked my hair harder)
Wrong answer!
Say it Louder!
~Jesus Christ Fuck me daddy!
(He shoved my head on the ground and thrusted hard again and again)
Do you want me to make your ass hurt.
~Oh my god Yes please.😩
Do what you want to me I don't care.
Pound me till I can't walk.
(He gripped my hips tightly and thrusted really hard.
I was moaning up a storm.
I loved what I was getting right now and I don't want it to end..not yet)
~Ah ahh
Oh my god Bill I want more go harder please I'm all yours!
(He spanked me a few times and I came all over the rug begging for more
He kept spanking me harder)
Call me daddy.
Do you like when I go hard?
~Oh god yes.🤤
Do you like it when I spank you for being bad?
Yes love.
(At this point I'm trying not to set a fire.
I hate having to control my power when I'm like this)
You're hair is literally smoking now.😧
~I'm trying so hard not to cause a fire.
It's starting to get really hot.
~I'm sorry.
I can't control it.
H-Hey Why don't you shut me up by putting your dick In my mouth?
(He thrusted hard one more time and pulled out.
I got on my knees and started to suck his dick)
~oh my god I love you.
(He put his hands on my head and pushed down and started thrusting.
after he came I stopped and sat on the floor trying to catch my breath.
I can't keep lying to myself anymore.
I admit it I love him)
I-I love you Bill so much...I-I don't want you to think differently of me.
Heatblast Nothing you say or do will make me think differently of you.
what if Scarah finds out what we've been doing .
She'll kick the shit out of you.
She hates me already.
Besides she's treated me like shit since day
She doesn't care about me.
Also I told you yesterday that I was gay and I'm going to text her that.
I want to break up with her.
I had no feelings for her at all I only had feelings for you and only you.
I only dated her just to make people think I wasn't gay.
But please don't cry okay I'm always here for you no matter what.
I'm not crying.
I'm just...trying to catch my breath.
I love you you big idiot.
(I laid down on his lap and He was holding me in his arms while He was pushing my hair out of my face)
I love you Bill.
And I'm sorry I'm so sorry.
There's nothing for you to be sorry about.
For what I did earlier.
Oh that?
Hey I completely understand You couldn't help it.
If you wanted to have sex you could have woke me up and told me I wouldn't have said no.
I love you.
And I don't want you to feel bad because you wanted to have sex.
I just feel terrible about it.
Hey shut up.
(He grabbed my face and kissed me)
We should get back on the couch.
Good night Bill.
Goodnight Heatblast
I love you.
I love you too.

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