Chapter 3 college hell

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(I'm just going to skip time because I can and some of you guys probably want to know what happens next.
So we graduated Monster High the year of 2018 and the next year Later we went to college and let me tell you it was fucking hell.
It was alright because Bill and I shared
a Dorm room together.
But him and I were like brothers so it kinda made sense to share a room together.
He wasn't really comfortable sharing a room with anyone else that we knew
But It made sense because he trusted me more and knew me the longest.
Bill put his marvel posters all over his
Side of the room like Infinity War, Spider Man, Iron Man, Hulk, and he had a big poster of Ant Man.
And I of course had Deadpool posters all over my side.
And I had a awesome one of Ryan Reynolds of him shirtless.
I-I wasn't gay at the time I was bi but-
I call bullshit on that one!
Shut the fuck up jeff!
Oh I forgot that's Jeff he's the gay thoughts in my head.😒
Hey guys!😁
I'm Jeff.
Or as he calls me a parasite.
Well it's true.
Anyway I was straight up until I stumbled upon a site on my phone during science class Freshman year.
And it was...a gay porn site.
We still have great memories right buddy?
Please stop talking.
Make meh.
So After I saw it I ran to the men's bathroom and I came back probably a half hour later.
Bitch we all know you were in there longer than a half hour plus you were also jacking off to it)
Heatblast where the hell did you go?
Class is over.
And why the Hell are you all sweaty?🤨
Uhhhh...Probably because I just got back from Hell.
You smell like regrets and disappointment.😑
Oh haha very funny smart ass.
You didn't answer my question.
(Wow that shit was awesome right buddy admit it you like it.
Shut up Jeff)
Hey you still there you're spacing out again.🤨
W-What oh...I uh went to the bathroom and I lost track of time.😳
That's a load of crap.
What were you really doing?😠
Hey were is everyone?
I literally told you that class ended.
Are you even listening to me??
What were you really doing?
So what's new for class work?
(Just tell him it's not the end of the world besides he probably watches porn too.
Yeah but not gay porn.
Oh please everyone watches porn.
I know we do.
You mean I do.
I'm the one who watches porn.
I practically make you watch it)
Hey Don't you avoid the question.😠
Do I have to tell you?
Yes you do.
Unless you want me to put pyrite in your bags
you might as well tell me.😑
Fine Fine I'll tell you back at the dorm room.
Just Don't bring the pyrite.
(When we finally got back to our dorm room)
Alright then...So are ya going to tell me or what?
Well...I was on my phone.
During class this add popped up.
Go on..
I didn't pay attention at the time because I was scrolling through songs on YouTube.
And I might of clicked the pop up.
Well What kind of pop up was it?
(A fucking awesome one let's say
And why the hell were you on your phone to begin with!?😡
I was bored ok.
Mr.Hackington sucks ass.
That's not an excuse for what you did.
You don't have to be too harsh.
And it was a gay porn site.
....I-I mean don't listen to that Last part.😐
(Admit it you like it and especially the black haired guy with the six pack and that big sexy Di-
You were looking at gay porn!?!
You missed a half hour of studying just to jerk off to guys fucking each other!
Wow Hey keep your voice down
I don't want the whole dorm to know.
Fine I'll be quiet.
But I'm still pissed off at you right now.
Why are you mad at me?
You don't listen or do anything you're told to do.
I'm always getting you out of trouble.
You seem to be caring about me a lot lately is everything alright?
I-I'm fine...
It's just you've been getting yourself into a lot of trouble lately.
Y-You idiot.
I...Bill I'm just trying to have fun.
We're in college and I want to have the best times until it ends with us graduating.
And I'm sorry.
I didn't mean to miss the rest of study.
Wait a second...
You lying little shit.
YouTube doesn't show gay porn adds.
You have to look that stuff up on your own.
I'm not lying.
Oh really?
Then you wouldn't mind if I saw your search history now would you?
Bill I can't believe that you don't believe me.
Well Being friends with you since we were 10 it's kinda hard to believe you when you do something bad or stupid.
Plus I know you and the look on your face tells me when you lie.
(Is it bad that I can picture Bill sucking our dick right now.
Oh my god please shut up.☹️
That's fucking gross)
Also Heatblast you do know that you'll fail for the year if you don't pass this test right.
Also This final exam will effect a huge part of your grade if you don't pass right?
Yeah yeah I know I know...
Is there anyway I can I make It up to you? have been working 40 hours a week sooo.
So what?
Sooo you're stuck with me until the end of next week and this weekend.
Uhh Well I guess I'll tell Rochelle that I can't hang out tonight...again.
It's only for the weekend she'll be fine.
(You don't need that bubble gum dumb dumb pink haired looking bitch Bill has a way nicer ass than her.
You're gross)
Good B-Because I'm going to help you study for Tuesday and you better pay attention alright.
I'm sure she'll understand it's not like you can't make it up to her later.
I don't know...she can be a real jerk sometimes when I cancel plans.
But I guess it's my fault anyway for missing the rest of class.
Where gonna fuck dat ass!
Why do I tolerate you?
Believe me I don't know either.
Can you please shut up for two minutes.
It is your fault.
You brought this on yourself.
I know...
Again im sorry Bill.
(Have you ever thought about smacking his ass or the thought of him naked in the shower?
What the fuck!
Hell no why would I do that.
Because he's hot.
If I was you I would be on my knees right now.
Oh my god shut the fuck up🤢)
Apology excepted.
And I hope you didn't have any good plans tonight because I'm gonna help you study.
Why not tomorrow?
Because dumb dumb you need to make up time that you missed today during study hall.
(This is your chance to fuck dat butt.
Shut up gay thoughts)
Omg I'm sooo happy.
Dude I can tell you're forcing that smile and you only say omg when you're being sarcastic.
Look Bill I really don't like staying in on the weekends.
And it's Friday which is my only day off until Monday.
Well That's to bad it's what you get for skipping a half hour of study time.
You can't be serious?
No I am.
You wanted to skip it's what you get.
So get your bag and textbooks and let's get to work.😁
Alright fine...but I'm not happy about this.
That's fine.
At least I can spend time with ya.
Not the way I wanted to but it's something.
What did you have in mind if I wasn't studying?
Oh I uhh😳
I thought we could go to the arcade and probably the movies after.
Maybe another day.
Now come on I don't want to study all night.
(I barely got any sleep that night
I ended up getting a B+ on the test but I really should be happy though.
I'm kind of glad that Bill forced me to stay back and help me study.
At least I know I'm going to graduate from this prison and I get to go back to my house on pelvis s.t.
Yeah I know most of the streets are named after bones in your body which is stupid.
But it's kinda funny.
I love the neighborhood I live in I just hate my neighbor Kathy.
She's one of those people who try to force their religion on ya but really you want nothing to do with them or it.
She's also very judgmental.
She automatically assumes that I'm possessed because my address has 666 in it and I'm also an alien.
I really hate people like that.
She sometimes makes racist jokes to me because I have yellow skin.
I got along with her husband Adam but he passed away from ALS 3 years ago.
So I didn't really have anyone else to talk to when I was cleaning my backyard.
Anyway So three years later it is June 19, 2021 and my 21st birthday was just around the corner.
I always hate being reminded of how old I am even though I was still young at the time.
My son sometimes makes fun of my age and other things but I guess that's the whole point of growing up...I think.
So I'm going off topic I know Bill is going to try to do something because I scared the shit out of him on his birthday last month.
It's a thing that we do every year to each other.
He scares me and I scare him it's like a tradition we started doing that after we graduated High school.
But I rarely see him.
I'm always working five in the morning till 12 o'clock
or 3 o'clock in the morning.
I only see him on Saturdays and I try to see my girlfriend on Sundays.
It's exhausting.
Working so many hours and trying to figure out how the hell I'm suppose to spend time with my friends.
It's really stressful.
I don't really get that much sleep to be honest.
I'd be up till 12 o'clock at midnight.
Because I sometimes get bad nightmares about my past even to this day.
And when I wake up in the morning I feel like shit.
Some mornings I don't even want to go to work because I'm so tired.
The only thing that can wake me up every morning is a ice cold shower.
Sometimes I would fall right asleep in my office at work and my secretary Iris would always slam a book on my desk to wake me up)

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