Chapter 11 bringing back the past

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(So I'm going to do another time skip because I fucking can

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(So I'm going to do another time skip because I fucking can.
And I love time skips.
It skips the stuff I don't want to talk about plus this story is getting long enough.
Anyway so 10 months go by now and I took two weeks off of work because of our 10 month anniversary and I needed a vacation.
I had a lot of money saved up and I really wanted to give Bill a surprise.
I asked him to "spend a couple of weeks at my house")
Hey Bill I'm so excited you're here.
Me too.
Sorry if I'm a little late.
I was worried that you might have changed your mind.
Oh god no I would never do that.
My family was being a bunch of ass hats again so I'm happy I don't get to see their faces for a while.
Maybe forever...
Oh my lord I wish I could get away from them for an eternity.
Cut them off completely like a tumor.
That actually reminds me did you pack enough stuff for two weeks?
Indeed I did.
Are we going to the beach at some point?because you were very demanding that I'd bring a bathing suit.
Okay so I do have something planned and it does involve a body of water but I don't want to spoil too much right now
So I'll just tell you more over dinner.
Sooo What are you hiding?
I'm hiding nothing.
I'm just really excited to tell you what I have planned for the two weeks that you're going to be here for.
I don't believe you.
I feel like you're planning some kind of prank on me.
Whaaat me?
I would never do that to you.
...well maybe
That's a big fat lie and you know it.
Whatever you say boo.
You don't have to believe me if you don't want to.
That just means more fun for me.
Whatever you say.
Anyway I'm gonna go put my stuff upstairs and take a shower if that's okay?
Yeah sure I'm okay with that.
And I assume You already know which room you'll be staying in while you're here.
Shut up you weirdo.
Hey...if it's okay can I take a shower with you?
Of course.
Ya know I was actually waiting for you to ask.
Sure I mean We basically always take a shower together anyway.
Alright I'll see you in a few.
Would you like me to give you a "back rub"?
Sure I'm okay with that.
Now go upstairs I'll meet you in the bathroom in a bit.
(After he got settled in and we took a shower and went out for dinner)
So...what is it that you had planned for two weeks?
It doesn't involve any of your crazy shenanigans does it?
Oh thank you for reminding me.
And no it doesn't...well maybe.
Just one in particular.
You just have to find that out on your own.
Oh boy I Can't wait.
You're probably going to try and drown me at the beach aren't you.
Did you want me to?
I'd rather take a bullet to the brain.
Or the old fashioned noose.
I'm just kidding.
Uh huh yeah Sure you were.
I know how you are with that stuff.
You know me too well.
Oh I also have something for you.
You didn't have to get me anything.
Too late I already did.
And I can't return them so you're basically stuck with it.
I'm scared.
What is it?
(I slid an envelope on the table towards him)
There ya go.
Uhh what is it?
A card?
Shut up and Just Open it will ya.
Okay I guess...
I'm actually kinda scared to open it.
It's just an envelope for crying out loud.
Because I don't know what you're planning or what you did to this thing.
Bill I promise you I didn't do anything
to it...besides lick it shut.
Um Alright...
But I still don't trust you.
Just open it already.
Alright fine jeez.
You're so demanding today.
(He hesitantly opens it.
He paused for a while and stared at what was in it and looked like he was about to cry)
Bill are you...okay?
Why what??
You don't like it?
I probably shouldn't have chosen that.
No Why would you do something like this for me.
Because I love you.🙂
Are we...are we really going to Hawaii together?🥺
Of course we are.
Those are the tickets right there.
Otherwise I had fake ones made.
Y-You're not pranking me are you?
No no of course not.
I'm not that cruel.
(He got up from his seat and walked towards me.
He hugged me tightly and started crying)
Babe Why are you crying so much?
You do so much for me I-I don't deserve it.
Bill I do it because I love you.
And you do deserve it.
It'll be good for you to get out of the city for once.
Thank you.🥹
There's something else I want to ask you and I was thinking about it a lot the past couple of weeks...and months.
What is it?
I...Bill do you want to live with me?
Y-You mean like...move in with you??
That's exactly what I mean.
I want you to live with me.
Do you mean it?🥹
Of course I do.
I like when you're over and I feel less alone when you're with me.
Then yes.
Yes I'll live with you.
Did you want to go home?
We have to wake up really early tomorrow.
Yeah...I love you so much😘
I love you too.
(After we were done we went back to my house)
Hey heatblast?
Yeah what's up?
I know you just asked me but When do you think I should move in?
I don't want to rush this.
Well I was thinking Maybe when we get back from Hawaii that's when you can officially move in.
I mean You already have some of your stuff here already.
Of course.
I love when you're here with me.
I'm so happy.😁
But the downside is We would have to get the rest of your things when your family isn't there though.
I know...
But The first thing I want to get is my dad's comic books.
How many comics do you have?
Just one long box.
About 225 comics in all.
Alright so it'll be easy to just grab that and go.
You don't have that many stuff anyway.
Not really.
Just a bunch of clothes my art supplies and some other stuff.
I could probably pack a suitcase and a few boxes and I should be good.
I think I got some boxes in the attic.
But let's talk about this tomorrow okay.
Okay...Hey hun?
Yeah what's up?
Are you in the mood?
In the mood??
In the mood for what?
I don't know what you mean.
I meant are you in the mood for sex.
That's what you meant when you said in the mood.
What else did you think I meant?
I don't know...sleep?
It is almost midnight anyway.
I meant sex.
Well in that case then yes I am in the mood for that.
I want to be top this time please.
I'm down for getting my ass wrecked.
Please Don't say it like that.
I'm just messing with ya.
Although I do like it when you hold me down and-
Okay Stop talking!😖
Alright Alright.
You're a little flustered aren't you?
I'm not flustered.
I just don't like it when you announce what I do to you.
Come on you know I wouldn't say anything like that to other people right?
What happens in our bedroom stays in our bedroom.
And besides it's just us...alone.
You can do whatever you want to me.
I hate you.
I love you too.
Go upstairs before I take out the whip.
Aye, aye, captain,
(The next morning my alarm went off)
Heatblast turn your phone off.😖
We have to get up it's already 5.
Exactly turn it off and come back to bed.
Bill we have to leave for our flight.
Come on get up.
Ugh fine.
I'm going to be cranky all day because of you.
You can sleep on the plane.
It's Not the same as sleeping in a comfy bed.
(After we got ready and left we got to the airport.
We ended up staying at the Aulani hotel and I was amazed on how many pools they had and how big the hotel actually was.
Also the hot tub in our room was really nice.
He'll yeah it was.
It was awesome plowing Bill from behind in it.
Can you shut up.
Take your meds then.
Bill and I went to the spa most of the time.
He would do yoga and I sometimes would watch.
The view from were I sat was amazing.
Considering that I was staring at his ass the whole time)
Huh what?
You're just sitting there I thought you were doing this with me?
I was but now I'm just admiring the view.
What are you ta-
You're such a perv you know that.
I'm sorry.😂
I can't help it when you're wearing shorts like that.
You know I think we're done here.
Babe come on.
I'm going back to the hotel.
You managed to ruin this for me.
Oh alright.
I'll meet you there soon I'm gonna go to the gym for a bit anyway.
I don't want anybody taking my spot for the treadmill.
Okay see ya soon.😘
(I was gone for a while After coming back from the "gym" I came in the room and scared the shit out of him)
Hey there you are.
I thought you would be up already.
Come on get dressed where going somewhere tonight.
Come on what the hell dude?
I'm trying to sleep.
Stop shaking me.
Come on Bill please.
No we were up until 3 last night just let me sleep for 5 more minuets I'm tired And I needs to sleep.
But Biwyboo it's really important though.
Shhhh I needs sleeeep.
Go do whatever it is that you do when you're not trying to wake me up.
Come on Bill please we're gonna be late.
I made plans for us.
Uhhhh alright fine just let me take a shower first ok.
And you need one too.
You smell like sweat and shame.
Only sweat hun I just got back from the gym.
And I'll take one after you.
Don't you want to take a shower together?
That's fine by me.
Wait I thought you would have taken one after you got back?
Nah I got tired.
I saw the bed and just laid down and never got up.
I wuv you BiwyBoo.
I love me too.
Oh fuck you!
I'm just kidding.
I love you too.
And you don't have to get offended all the time I say that.
You know I love you.
I know...It's just.
Never mind.
What is it?
Is there something on your mind?
No why?
You seem a little tense.
You sure you're alright?
I'm just really excited for tonight.
Also I don't want us to be late because i did reserve it.
Since when are you so eager not to be late for something??
I have to rush you just so you can get out of bed for work.
I'm eager Since today my wuv dove.
My light of my life.
My beautiful little chubba lub.
Yes really.
Let us go in the bathroom take a shower and a quickie and get ready for tonight.
I have a bad feeling that you're trying to pull something and I don't like it.
I'm not trying to pull anything I just planned a nice dinner date for us before we go back home.
Huh okay so What's the catch?
No catch.
All I did was arrange a little dinner for us that's all.
Tomorrow is our last day here.
Okay but I got my eye on you.
Also You know I hate surprises.
I know sweetheart but I feel you'll love this one.😘
Depends on what it is.
Is it bad?
Well I can't tell you because that would ruin the surprise would it not?
I don't know what you're trying to pull but if this is some kind of prank you're dead.
If it's you killing me that's the way I want to go.
(I sat on the bed and watched him as he got undressed, my eyes admiring everything about him.
His long black and blue hair his face.
Those ruby red eyes.
I didn't care if he was a little chubby I loved everything about him.
Even his booty.
After Bill and I were done taking a shower he was having a little trouble trying to brush his hair)
You Need some help hun?
Yes please.
Do You want me to put it up in a man bun or a ponytail?
A ponytail please.
Low or high?
Low please.
Your hair is getting really long hun it's almost down to your knees.
I like having my hair long.
And it's only down to my hips you exaggerate about it all the time.
Still that's long for a guy to have his hair.
Also what do you want me to wear?
And where are we going?
Wear A tuxedo and it's a surprise.
But I don't have a tux.
I don't think I even packed one to be honest.
Did you check in the closet hanging up?
What you packed me a tux?
No I did something...a little better.
And why do I even need to wear one?
Because it's a date night.
Not the answer I wanted but good enough.
If we're just going out for dinner why do I need to wear a tux??
It's uh kinda...
But you'll see when we get there.
(When He opened the door he was so happy.
He ran right up to me and hugged me tightly)
Heatblast where did you get this!?
I bought it last night
Do you love it?
Yes I fucking love it!
Thank you so much.
How did you afford this.
I have so much money I don't have a clue on what to do with it.
But this is blue swade Dior.
I know I thought you would like it.
How did you find this?
It was kinda easy hun.
But I'm happy you love it.
And I love you.😘
Thank you.
Ha don't thank me yet.
We haven't even gotten to the surprise yet.
Heatblast you do know I don't like surprises.
And I thought the suit was the surprise?🤨nope.
But unfortunately looks like you got to leave your comfort zone tonight Billy boi.
Besides you liked that one.
I think you would love the next one.
Only because I love you.
And nothing bad has happened so far that has put us in any danger...yet.
You worry too much.😘
You can trust me.
Yeah...but sometimes I think a lot about our relationship.
Something good?
Well dating you I have to worry a lot and be very cautious. do have a point.
I almost gotten ourselves killed by Stitches.
(After we got ready and left I put a blind fold on him.
He kind of got a little annoyed after a while because I knew he didn't like blind folds)
Heatblast how much longer do I have to wear this?
You said I was only gonna wear this thing for 5 minutes.
It's been more like twenty...
I did say that?
Sorry love but just be patient.
There's been a lot of traffic.
Uh huh sure there was.
How much longer?
Just a few more seconds Okay just parking the car and..hear we..Are.
Okay Bill You can take it off now.
Finally I hate this stupi....
(He took the blindfold off and saw a gazebo by the beach surrounded by white and blue lights and Tiki torches and blue and red flowers everywhere and a table in the middle of it all)
Well wuv dove what do you think?
I'm...I'm lost for words to be honest.
Did...Did You arranged all of this?😧 took about a few hours.
But I'm happy with the end results.
We were literally spending time together every day.
Well I finished the last of it a couple of hours ago.
I only said that I was going to the gym just to fool you.
I knew that I had to do this while you were sleeping because It was the only way for you not to suspect anything.
And I know you don't like fancy things or surprises but I wanted to do something nice for you before we leave tomorrow.
you know to remember the moment.
Because it's been ten months since we've been together.
Also it's my first time being with a guy so let's make the most of it.
I-I don't know what to say.
You don't have to say anything.
(We got out of the car I gave him a glass of wine and we sat down at the table)
H-Heatblast I really don't know...what to say.
Hun I told you, You don't have to say anything.
I feel terrible.
You do so much for me I-I don't deserve it.
I can't repay you back either and I feel awful.
Babe you deserve to be happy and Don't worry it's all for you and it came out of my wallet Not yours.
Oh my god.
I should've known that you would do something like this.
Considering that you like to spend your money all the time.
I don't spend it all the time.
Just occasionally.
No But really Thank you.
You don't have to thank me yet.
Why's is that?
When we survive the plane ride back to Salem then you can thank me.
Why until then and not now?
So we can enjoy tonight before we suffer the end of tomorrow.
That's what I love about you, You talk like it's the end of the world.
And you make every day so meaningful and memorable.
Would you like it to happen?
You know the end of the world.
Yes but Let's live our lives first okay.
Happy ten months.😘
Happy ten months.😘
(I raised my glass)
To hoping that the atomic bomb doesn't drop while we sleep.
And that we have a amazing night.
There's something wrong with you.
I think the question is that what isn't wrong with me.😂
Everything is wrong with you and that's why I love you.
And I love you too Biwy dearest.
(After a while he noticed I was hiding something else.
I would make short glances at my pocket.
He kept making the death glare when I'm hiding something from him.
It's adorable but at the same time it's uneasy)
Um Heatblast Is there something on your mind?
I don't know...Not really why?
Heatblast I can tell when you're lying to me.🤨
I have no idea what you're talking
Heatblast Just tell me.
You keep looking at your pocket are you expecting a phone call or something?
Alright Fine.
I was going to wait until the end but since you're sooo damm excited to know I might as well show it to you now.
I'm not excited.
And What are you talking about there's more to this?!
Haven't you've done enough?
I mean this all looks really expensive.
I thought we were just having dinner?
Yes and no.
But I'm just hoping that deep down this wasn't all for nothing.
Why say that?🤨
Is something wrong?
You're kinda scaring me.
I may have spent a lot for all of this but there's one thing that I have that I hope you'll love.
And I've been trying to keep it a secret.
(I got up from my seat and walked towards him.
I felt like I was gonna vomit.
There was so much pressure building up in my chest.
It felt like my ribs were collapsing.
I felt like running away.
But I got myself together and took a deep breath in and I got down on one knee and held both of his hands)
Babe c-can I tell you something important?
O-Oh okay.
But you didn't answer my question.
(He started getting shaky and nervous.
He looked like he was about to cry.
I gave him a hug and told him that everything was alright)
Bill you were right there is more to this.
And there's nothing wrong But I need to get something off my chest before we leave.
There's something that I wanna say to you.
Something I wanted to tell you all week and I didn't want to tell you when we're home.
W-What is it you wanted to say?
Is everything alright?
Yes everything is fine don't worry.
But I think it's about time I finally told you because keeping it to myself is killing me.
Go it bad?
A-Are you breaking up with me?
Oh my god no.
It's nothing like that.
I wanted to tell you how much I love you and how much I care about you.
But You...tell me that almost every day though.
I know but Bill I-I love you so so much and I am willing to stay by your side until the day I die.
You mean everything to me.
Fuck it you mean the world to me and I want to tell you but I'm feeling holes in my chest.
Why do you feel holes in your chest?
Because I'm fucking nervous.
And I feel like I'm gonna vomit.
That explains why you're sweating.
And if you are going to throw up do it over there.
Look I know we only dated for 10 months and I-I'm falling for you each and every day.
But I never thought are relationship would ever last this long.
After everything that happened with me and the French whore I thought I would never be happy again.
But being with you, knowing that the love of my life was right in front of me all this time and I didn't realize it.
I felt so dumb.
Then I realized after you told me how you felt I knew I can be happy forever.
And I know this is corny but you basically saved me from a relationship that was never going to work and I thank you so much for that.
But I've been talking for to long and now and I need to say it.
Say what?
Heatblast please tell me.
(I took a deep breath in and went in my back pocket and pulled out a blood red diamond ring Bill's eyes widened in shock and his face was bright red and he began to tear up)
Oh my god...H-Heatblast....A-Are you-is that?
Invisibilly Demetrius Reagan.
I know I fucked up in my life and I made some bad mistakes here and there.
Made you embarrassed.
And I became your friend.
And almost put us in danger a lot but I never thought I would ever fall in love with my best friend...who I considered the brother that I never had.
I love you Bill.
You were the first person who ever gave a damm about me which is why I wanna ask you this.
I-Invisibilly w-will you do the honors by making me the happiest alien in the world even though you already being my wonderful husband till death do us part.
Oh my did all this...just to propose to me?🥺
I was gonna propose to ya yesterday but I completely forgot because we went to that party yesterday and I got a little too drunk.
But why today?
So I wouldn't forget and I thought today would be the perfect day.🙂
You kept all this a secret from me just to propose to me.
And it was a real pain in the ass because I wanted to tell you a couple of days ago.
I thought tonight would be the perfect time to do it.
I know that we only dated for ten months but it's seems like we've been together a lot longer than that.
No words can describe how much I love you right now.
Or how much you mean to me.🥺
Hun Is my gay ass yellow?
Yes it is.
And yes I'll marry you.
You adorable little idiot.
(He jumped on me and started hugging me and burying his face in my chest trying to hide the fact that he was crying.
I don't know if he knew but I tried not to cry as well)
I love you so so much.
I love you too but you're going to break my ribs if you keep squeezing me like this.
I don't care.
You're the only thing in this world that makes me so happy and the reason I want to live.
Bill please don't cry.
I can't help it anymore.
I'm just so happy but I don't know why I'm crying.
Hey it's okay.
You don't have to cry.
I love you so so much.
I love you too.
Wait...Is this why you wanted me to move in with you too?
You little shit!
You had everything planned out from the day you asked me to stay at your place for two weeks.
I did.
Honestly I didn't think that my plan would work.😅
I thought that you would catch on after I asked you to live with me.
I love you so much.
(He kept crying still holding on to me.
I brushed his bangs away from his eyes.
Just for the laughs I told him something that only he knows.
I grabbed his face and looked at him in the eyes)
Invisibilly your face it's it's leaking!
what's happening are you dying don't die on me now I only just made a new fwend in so long.
(He just looked at me and laughed.
He wiped the tears from his face and smiled)
Bringing back the past I see.😂
I can't believe you remembered that.
That was like 12 years ago?
Of course I remember that.
Why wouldn't I?
And you're not going to ask me what are those tin cans on wheels and how do the move
Are you?
Oh fuck you dick.
And to tell you I know that they're cars I'm not stupid hun.
Yeah now you do.
Hey don't judge me it's not my fault I was 10 years old with literally no edumacation.
I'm not judging you.
I'm simply telling you your mistake.
Oh fuck you.
And what should I bring?
Don't bring anything you're all that I need.
Come on let's go back it's getting kind of late don't you think?
You sure you want to leave we haven't had dessert yet.
I'm saving the rest of my appetite for you.
Oh ok so I'm guessing that you want me to pop a load of sugar in your tank huh.
You bet your gay ass I want you to.😏
(He grabbed my tie and pulled me to the car)
You really want to go back to the hotel don't you?
Yes I do.
I want you so bad right now.😘
Don't you want to stay just for a little longer.
I guess I can wait just for a little bit.
(We stayed on the beach and relaxed for a few hours and On the drive back to the hotel Bill really wanted to get in my pants a little early)
Wow hey not when I'm driving.
Why not?
Don't you want me to suck your dick?
Uhh yeah but not now I'm driving.
Can we pull over then?
Haha you're funny!😂
That's a no for me.
Come on hun.
I can do it while I'm invisible.
No one will see what I'm doing.
Then you'll just be a floating tux.
Also You can wait until we get back to the hotel...right?
We're only 6 minutes away.
Ugh fine.😒
Come on hun don't give me the pouty look.
I love it when you're sexually frustrated.
You just proposed to me and you don't want me to suck your dick.
I'm driving though.😂
You can wait...3 minutes can't you??
I want you to love me now.
(He grabbed my shirt collar and pulled it down)
Hey what do you think your doing?nothing.
You just have a little something on your neck.
(He started to bite down and suck on my neck)
~Jesus Christ.
You've been such a good boy haven't you?
We're already here.
~Come on save this for the bedroom.
~I want to do it in here.
I want you to Wreak me.
Take it off.
I'm not taking my clothes off in here.
I'm not talking about your clothes.
Then what are you talking about?
Take off your disguise.
I want the real you.
Bill this is a rental.
It'll go up in flames.
Ugh fine you're no fun.
We'll do it in your Cadillac when we get home.
You're funny if you think we're gonna have sex in my caddie.
At least take off your disguise please.
I want to see the face that I first fell
in love with. love me even without my monster disguise?
I do.
I'm not ashamed to say that I fell in love with an Alien.
I-I'm afraid.
Why are you afraid?
It's been so long since I hadn't been or seen my actual self.
I don't think I remember how to turn back.
Let's go back to our room okay?
(When we got back we got the rest of our stuff packed up for tomorrow)
Hey Heatblast?
Yes Biwy dearest?
Now that we're back Can we take a shower before we go to bed?😘
I'm guessing that someone is a little excited right now.
I have been.
You just kept me waiting.
You're the excited one.
Oh really says the one with the obvious erection Right now.
How about you take these pants off and prove it.😘
Yes really.
Go on Take my clothes off.
I dare you.😑
(He walked right up to me and put my hand right to the zipper of his pants.
And gave me a lustful look)
Go on you're so close.
But yet so far.😈
Come on can we go take a shower now and then you can say stupid things.
What do you mean stupid things like can I ride your Nimbus 2001.
Are you serious right now.🤨
Come on BiwyBoo it's the fastest thing alive.
And I'm not serious black but can i suck on your sorcerers Stone.
Oh my god Please stop taking.😒
Ok ok one more. more.
Bill do You want to go in the bedroom and use my invisibility cloak.
I have crippling depression now.
Aww don't say that it makes me want you more.
You get aroused by my depression?🤨
What N-No!
I just think you look adorable when you frown.
Okay So you think I look adorable when I'm sad?
Yes....I mean no!
That's not what I meant.
It's alright.
I think you look adorable when you're angry.
Do ya now??
You still wanna suck on my Basilis?
Fine I'll play your game.
Oh goodie let's hear it.😃
How about we go in the bathroom now before I start yanking on your golden snitch.😠
Ah that was a good one.
Now that I've got your attention let me get your clothes off.
God I hate cotton.
(He slowly unbuttoned my jacket and bit my bottom lip)
Do you got to be such a tease hun?
Do you want me to do this or not?
Do this.
Then stop talking.
~God it makes me hot when you talk to me like that.
(He kept rubbing me down to my crotch.
And I started to take his shirt and pants off.
when I was done he took the rest of my clothes off)
Do you remember?
How to turn back?
I think so.
But I don't want to hurt you.
You're not going to hurt me.
Do you want me to look away?
(You have to take the illusion chip out.
I's gonna hurt.
Where is it?
In my head...)
Hey hun?
Do you have a knife?
What why?
Do you have one?
In my bag.
If I sound like I'm in pain it's alright.
(I grabbed the knife from his bag and went to the bathroom)
Are you seriously going to cut it out?☹️
It's the only way to get it out.
(I stuck the blade in the back of my hand and cut the chip out)
Son of a bitch!
(Bill came in the bathroom)
Are you okay hu-😦
Yeah I'm okay.
I had to cut it out.
Why are you looking at me like that?
Look in the mirror.
(I looked in the mirror.
I almost was afraid of myself)
It's been so long since I saw my real self.
I'm...I'm a freak...😖
You're not a freak.
Look at me!
I'm not normal...I haven't seen myself like this since I was eleven I completely forgot what I looked like.
Look at me.
You're not a freak and you're not a monster.
How are you not afraid of me?
Because this is the you that I fell in love with.
Why would I ever be afraid of that.
(He touched the side of my face and looked at me)
Y-You're not scared?
I never was.
I love you.
You're the light of my life.
I love you too.🥹
(He pulled me back into the bedroom and shoved me on the bed)
Can I suck it now?
A-Are you sure you want to do this?
I'm sure.
I want the real you tonight.
(He started licking my dick for a little and began to deep throat.
I love it when he sucks us off.🥰
Me he's sucking me off.
Oh come on why can't I get some pleasure out of this?
Uhhh no because he's my fiancé not yours.
Doesn't hurt to share.
No fuck off)
Hey Is everything alright?
What...oh yeah I'm fine.
Do you want me to keep going?
Yes but why don't we take that shower now and get you cleaned up.
(We went to the bathroom and I turned on the shower.
Bill grabbed my ass and pulled me to his face)
Little grabby huh?
I like grabbing your ass.
Nice squishy stress balls.
You're a weirdo.
And I love you.😘
I am afraid that I'll hurt you.
You won't.
(We started to make out until I slipped on a bar of soap and fell back)
Oh my god Heatblast are you alright!?😧
Yeah I'm fine...just hit my head is all.😖
Are you sure you're fine.
Yeah I'm fine.
Alright you gave me quite the scare there.
Not yet.
(I grabbed his arm and pulled him in the shower and he fell right on top of me)
What the hell dude!
I got lonely.
Fuck you.
Fuck you fuck me.
(I got on my back and pulled Bill to my face)
Fuck me daddy.
As if I'm the one who wanted to get fucked.
Come on are you serious?
Yes I am.

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