Chapter 21 5 Months later

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(I was sitting at my desk at home one day and noticed 5 months has gone by and thought to myself was I supposed to do something this month.
But it didn't seem important to me at the time because 9 months has gone by)
Hey Heatblast can you come to the kitchen I wanna talk to you for a minute!
Um give me a minute I'm working on something I'll be down in just a second.
(I thought I did something wrong because he yelled that he wanted to talk to me or he's probably pissed that I didn't do the dishes like he asked.
I took my time going downstairs to try and avoid what was going to happen)
What took you so long to go down some stairs??
My legs hurt.
Was it because of yesterday?
What are you ta-
Oh I see what you mean and no that's not it.
Also I was on my laptop doing a video call for work.
Have a seat I want to talk to you.
W-What did you want to talk about?😅
Do You know what today is?
Saturday the 15th.😀
(He was giving me an unsettling smile like he was going to kill me As he was sliding his index finger around the rim of his tea cup raising a eyebrow)
Uhhh December 15th of a Saturday 2:21 in the afternoon chance of a snow storm later tonight.
🤨...w-what the fuck??
I asked ya what today was I didn't ask for the freaking weather forecast.
But thank you for letting me know that there's gonna be a snowstorm...
Why are you giving me the look?
If I did something wrong I'm sorry and I have no clue what I even did!
What are you talking about You didn't do anything.
I wanted to just have a little talk.
Then what's in the bags?
Oh I thought I should stock up on
Body bags.😑
Babe I'm serious.
I just got home from the store and I thought I would get the STUFF that we need ahead of time.
What stuff?
(He gave me the death stare while raising an eyebrow and I suddenly started to realize that the baby was due this month on the 20th)
That's great at least that stuff is out of the way until the 20th.😘
Do you even know what the hell I'm talking about?🤨
Of course I do my wittle wuv dove.
Okay Then tell me smart ass.
We where just getting prepared for the next gum drop to the family.
And you did a fantastic job hun.😘
I might give ya a surprise later today.
Umm no thank you.
And You do know you could have just said the baby but I uh guess that's alright too.
(I walked up to him and wrapped my arms around him and rested my head on his shoulder, sliding my hands to his hips)
Hey I'm just trying to have a little fun.
You do know I'm just joking right.
If I'm gonna be a dad then I might as well act like a child before the baby comes.
Plus it is now my duty to say stupid dad jokes and make a fool out of myself.
You already make a damm fool out of yourself.
And just do me a favor and don't get carried away like last time alright.
Wait what happened the last time?
You, Duce and clawd went shopping cart sailing.
Oooh yeah ha I forgot.😂
Maybe that's because you hit your head afterwards, you had to get 8 staples in your skull.
Hey I had fun that's all that matters.
Did You forget that you had to get 8 staples in your head.
But I had fun.
You were in the ER room for 6 hours.😑
Hun You know I've hit my head so many times You could probably use it as a cannon ball.
Haha probably.
Aaaaanyway can you do me a BIG favor love of my life?
(After wrapping his arms around me and whispering in my ear in a kinky voice)
Yes my wuv muffin.😊
Can you please make me a hot cup of tea.
Oh...okay you sure you don't want anything else??😐
And can you cuddle with me on the couch for a little.
I sure will my wuv muffin.
Sooo now is the best time and I know you probably don't want to do this but can we think of names for the baby if it's a boy.
(I kind of froze for a second.
I didn't really want to talk about that especially since I almost got a bonor after what Bill did.
Well Now we flaccid.
I kind of had no choice anyway since I was gonna have to figure out names for the baby at some point anyway) win.
Do you have any ideas or names I guess.
What do you think of Michael?
Ugh no.
Okay what about Jacob?
Fuck No.😑
The commissioner where I work is named Robert.
I forgot.
Well what do you think we should name him.
I don't know but I want him to have a cool name.
Something awesome.
Uh Like what?
There's no such name that is awesome.
Sure there is, you're just not thinking of any.
How about Kevin.
This isn't a Ed, Edd N Eddy story.
Also people with the name Kevin are assholes.
Alright what about James.
Maybe...but no.
You're funny that's a big no for me.
Max or mark.
I know a few people with the name mark and I hate them.
Alright sir what about Hades.
Aww That's adorable.
I'll keep that one in mind.
Ugh You know I was just joking about that one.
I'm not serious about it.
Actually you know what we can put Lucifer for his middle name?
Well...I don't know.
I don't think it's appropriate to name your child after a satanic person.
Plus don't you think it's a little dark.
Oh Come on Bill how many people do you know with a middle name like that.
His middle name shall be Lucifer ruler of the depths of Hell.
I have a strong feeling you and him would get along just fine.
I hope so.
I really want the baby to be a boy.
I know.
That's the only reason why you want a baby.
I rather have a son than a daughter.
I think you'll be a great dad.😘
I already call me daddy anyway.😏
Oh my god shut up.
And That's another thing we need to tone down on the sex when the baby comes.
Okay now you're pushing it.
I guess I can control my language but when it comes to us having sex I will not control that.
Once a week.
Four times a week and you still get the weekends.
So one day for you with no sex?
Can you even go one day without it?
Probably not.
Alright fine but still you need to promise me that you'll watch your language.
Okay that I can do.
I will admit I do swear a lot.
Yeah you do.
And fuck seems to be your favorite swear to say.
Yes it is my Biwy dearest.
I've been saying it since I was 12.
Now can we watch some T.V now?
(After we started to watch some crappy horror movies while cuddling on the couch and Bill began to fall asleep)
Hey...sweetheart wake up.
I'm going to take you to bed.
Can we please sleep on the couch tonight I'm really comfortable.
Alright I'll just get some blankets.
(Hey buddy long time no see.
Oh hey Jeff.😒
And I'm not your buddy.
Wow ok I just wanted to talk to my little psychopath.
I'm not a psycho Sebastian is.
You just control my actions.
Yeah okay.
Soooo are ya excited!
For what?
Five more days until the baby comes.
Oh shit I forgot it was five days.
How could you forget!?
No I thought it was two weeks from now.
Five days.
Why don't you taunt someone else's head for awhile.
Here's the thing I don't want to.
I knew I should've taken my medication today.
Anyway I'm going to bed.
Okay night asshole.
Good night C yoU Next Tuesday)
Hey you're back.
Yeah I just got some blankets especially your favorite one.
You really love that blanket.
Yeah because it's really soft and fluffy.
Your hair is soft.
And yours is fluffy.
And you're my sexy little chubba lub.😘
Shut up you dick.
I think you're the most handsome man in the world.😘
What about your obsession with Ryan Reynolds?
I thought you liked him?
But I married you.
And no matter what I'll love you always and forever.
I love you so much.😘
And I love you.😘
Goodnight my sweet blueberry muffin.
Good night my sweet angry sour cherry.
(He wrapped his arms around me and fell asleep.
I took his beanie off and tossed it on the coffee table.
The next day I woke up to Bill talking on the phone in the kitchen)
Hey who was that?
It was my dad.
How's he been.
Meh he's lived better days.
I told him we're having a baby and he wanted to know what we're going to name it.
Actually I don't know yet I haven't thought of any names.
Besides Britney and Roxanne are being assholes and they aren't going to tell us if it's a boy or a g-.
You really want a boy don't ya.
Fuck yeah I do.
At least he won't be bitching for five or seven days every month.
But what if it's a girl?
I rather not say.😑
Oh and you better watch your mouth around the baby.
Don't worry I will.
You tell me every day.
You're just like my mom
with that stuff.
Are you sure because you can't go one day without saying fuck.
Hey watch your mouth.
F you.
Good boy.
But do you want to think of names if it's a boy.
Not now I got to head out.
Uhhh it's a secret.
Heatblast you know I don't like secrets or surprises.🤨
I never said surprise.
Well can I come too?
I don't want to stay in the house today.
Okay alright.
But don't get mad at me if I do something.
What would you even do?
I don't know.
Probably something stupid.
(As we got ready Bill couldn't find his blue Bennie and started panicking)
Come on Bill we'll find it when we get back.
No I never go anywhere without it.
It means everything to me my dad gave it to me.
Okay calm down it's Alright.
I'll look upstairs and you look downstairs.
(I eventually found it under our bed)
Hey hun bun I found it!
Oh thank god and thank you so much.🥹
I might just give you a little something something when we get back home.😘
You're welcome BiwyBoo😊
That's weird...
What's weird?🤨
I thought I left it on the coffee table yesterday before I fell asleep.
But You found it so it's okay and I'm happy.😘
Okay Mr let's go before the place closes.
Wait where are we going?
I was going to get you new boots because your last ones were chewed up by Billy.
You don't have to do that.
And now that you're coming along I thought we can pick out a Christmas tree together.
It's not really Christmas when you don't have a tree.
Eeeeee I'm so happy.😁
My god Bill take it easy will you.
Can we decorate the house when we get back.😃
Sure why not.
Would you like me to make some cookies.
You're all the sweets I need.😘
Shut up kiss ass.🥰
I would like to fuck your ass.
Maybe later okay.
(After a whole day at the mall and getting the tree Bill and I decided to decorate the house)
Hey hun do you know where I left the keys to the shed.
Try looking in your office in your desk.
Alright I has found them.
Hurry and get the decorations there's supposed to be a snow storm tonight.
How about we go and make it a blizzard later tonight.
Oh my god.😂
Just get the decorations you doof.
(I love Christmas.
I always wondered when was your last Christmas before you died?
I think I was 28.
I can't really remember anything that far back.
Alright here's the bin)
Hey I got the stuff.
Hey babe can you get me the star?
Yes I can love.
And did you call me babe?
Yes I did.
Ooooo daddy likes it when you horny.
No I'm not and Shut up and get me the star I feel like I'm going to fall.
(It was adorable but after struggling a bit he finally got the star on the tree)
And there we go.
Can you do me a favor and get me the remote for the lights.
Sure thing.
(I give him the remote and he got really excited)
I can't wait😁
Well don't wait turn it on.
(When the lights were on Bill just stood there and stared at the tree)
Hey are you...alright?
Huh...Oh yeah.
I'm alright.🙂
I just really love the Christmas lights this year.
Yeah me too.
I'm glad I got the last white and blue ones.
I think this tree is better then last years.😁
I agree.
Did you want to do your yearly photo with the tree?
(We took a picture together in front of the tree)
I love the Polaroid photos we take.
I do too.
I get to display them in our holiday
photo book.😁
You got one for every holiday.
Don't forget I made that big one with all of our wedding pictures.
Now that you mentioned it where is it?
It's in your office on the book shelf.
Did you want to look back at it later?
Of course I do.😊
I love spending Christmas with you.😘
And I love spending it with you too.
We get to look back at all of our memories throughout the years.
Remember our first Christmas together?
Of course I do.
You moved in that night too.
Best present ever.
(He walked up to me and hugged me)
I love you so much.
Thank you for everything😘
You don't have to thank me.
But I want to.
I know I say it a lot but I love you so much.
And I'm so happy to finally start a family with you.
Me too.😘
Hey hun do you want me to make hot cocoa.
I just bought two new boxes and some candy canes.
Yeah sure.
You're not going to put whiskey in yours are you.🤨
Yes I was...why?
Can you put some in mine please.
Yes sir.
Do you want to watch a movie too?
Yeah Sure.
I'll go make some popcorn.
Which movie do you want to watch first?
The grinch who stole Christmas cartoon and the one with Jim Carrey.
You always want to watch that movie.
I only watch it when it's close to Christmas.
You've watched that movie during Halloween and Valentine's Day.
What can I say it's a good movie.
I thought you like mean girls?
I do.
I also like watching marvel movies too.
Anyway hurry up and put on the movie.
(After being drunk off of alcoholic hot chocolate Bill and I just laid down on the couch and watched a bunch of movies looked back at our wedding photos until we fell asleep.
We spent the entire next morning cleaning the house and what he calls "baby proofing" it as well)
So now that is out of the way, everything is clean, dusted, organized and child proof I think we're done.
You concern me.
It means good cheer.
I know but you still concern me.😘
Did you want coffee?
I was thinking about something else.
(I went up to him and grabbed his crotch)
~Oh great heavens.
What's wrong babe?
Came off too strong?
~No...take me.
(He grabbed my face and we started to make out and he took his shirt off and threw it on the floor)
~I want you so bad right now.
Why don't we take this to our room?
I want you right now.
~I want to do you right on the countertop.
But I literally just cleaned them.
Wait do me?
Did you forget it's Sunday your ass is mine.
~now Let's make them dirty again.
Jesus Christ hun.
(The doorbell started ringing)
Are you fucking kidding me!?
It's alright just answer it I'll wait for you in your office😘
(He put his shirt back on and went to my home office.
I opened the front door)
What in gods name are you doing here?
I thought I should stop by and say hi to my handsome son😘
Ew Don't touch me😑
Hi invisibilly😁
How are you?
I'm really good.
Oh I brought some things for the baby.
I'm not sure if it was a girl or a boy yet so I just bought a bunch of baby food, wipes and diapers.
Oh my god Thank you so much you're simply
the best🥹
Bill Don't encourage her.
Oh shut up.
It's so great to see you again Luna.
And I'm happy to see you two again☺️
I'll come by anytime if you two need any help with the baby.
Okay thanks ma.😑
We'll definitely let you know thank you.
I love all the decorations you two did.
The tree looks absolutely gorgeous.😍
I know I love it too.
We love to decorate especially on Halloween and Christmas.
Ma don't you have some important work related things to do today.
Oh yes that reminds me I have to meet up with one of my colleagues for a business trip.
Thank you for reminding me😘
Don't ever kiss me again.
Bye Luna come by anytime love you.
I'll see you two soon.
Bye sweetheart.
Okay bye ma.
(After she left bill and I put away all the baby stuff she got us)
It was so nice of your mom to stop by.😊
Why did she even get so much stuff for the baby?
Well this is going to be her first grandchild.
She's excited.
And besides I love seeing your mom.
She's the sweetest person I ever met.
You take her for granted so much.
Bill she and my father were never there for me when I was a kid why should I be nice to her.
I can understand you hating your father he's a prick i don't like him too.
But your mom is trying to reconnect with you after so long and she's the sweetest person ever.
I would have killed to have her as my biological mother.
I don't like her.
Now you're just being a turd.
Excuse me??
Relax I'm just making fun of you.
Hun I'm just saying she's the only one who's trying to make an effort to be part of your life again.
Please give her a chance.
Please for me?
...okay I'll try.
Thank you.😘
(Four days later Bill and I got a call from Roxanne telling us to get to the hospital now.
We got to Stitches house and went to see Britney and Roxanne at the hospital)
Is everything alright?
Roxanne: Britney is in the other room.
Heatblast: Is she okay.
Roxanne: well The baby is coming and she's screaming bloody murder.
Heatblast and Bill:  What!?😃What!?😰
Stitches: How come you're not in there with her?
Roxanne: I was waiting for you guys to get here and thanks for taking your sweet ass time now come on.
Stitches: just to let you know if the baby dies during birth I'm taking it's soul.
Invisibilly: what?
You're not taking their soul.
Stitches: I already have a collection of souls and I want your kids soul.
it'll almost complete my collection.
Heatblast: keep your soul sucking face away from my kid.
Stitches: you're funny if you think that I'm going to listen to you.
(When we got in the room Britney was laying down.
She looked like a mess)
Invisibilly: Hey Britney are you alright?
Britney: I'm fine... just in a lot of pain.🥺
Heatblast: wow hey you look like shit.
Britney: Gee thanks asshole.😒
Stitches: is the baby dead??
Britney: w-what??
Why would you think that?
Stitches: because I want its soul.
Roxanne: it's okay babe you did it.
I'm so proud of you.😘
I'm just happy that you're not gonna throw things at me now.
Heatblast: So uhhh...where's the baby?
Britney: right...behind you.

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