Chapter Four:

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I side eyed Kimberley as I interacted with the giddy little girl in front of me. I knew she had questions, I knew she wanted to know why I hadn't told her. I was going to, I just didn't know how. I wasn't ashamed of my daughter, I loved her to bits. Just being a teenage mum hadn't really got the best reception from people in the past. I'd been immediately judged and I thought kimberley would judge me too. Kimberley is only four years older than me and has made something amazing of her life and here's me, teenage single mother who works in a club for a living. She's definitely going to judge me. The only person who never has and never will judge me is Sarah. My parents didn't even want to know me when I initially announced my pregnancy, only a few months in they came around the the idea and accepted it. There was no way I'd get rid of my baby. They help me a lot now but I've lost so many friends through it. Labelled a reckless little slut that wasn't going to make anything of her life. They were right, of course but I still love my little girl all the world and I wouldn't have it any other way. She had coffee coloured skin, long dark brown hair, big brown eyes and little dimples. Such a cute and beautiful little girl.

My mam followed in behind, placing a bag down on the table by the door.

"Hi Cheryl, how are you?"

"I'm good thanks mam, yourself?"

"Yeah I'm good. I'm not stopping, just came to drop the little one off. I got a phone call, he got called into work at the last minute so he asked me to pick her up. I'd of brought her round later if I knew you had company" my mam explained.

"No it's okay" I smiled

"I'm gonna get going now, I'll see you soon. Bye"


And with that, she left. Leaving an awkward silence lingering in the air. I tried not to give Kimberley any eye contact as I took my daughters coat off.

"Mummy who's that?"

"This is Kimberley" I introduced her.

"Hello, what's your name?" Kimberley asked her.


"Aw wow what a lovely name. How old are you?"

"Three!" Immie chuckled.

"Imogen, go play next door while I talk to Kimberley okay?" I asked and she nodded before leaving the room.

"I thought she was called Immie?" Kimberley spoke to me for the first time.

"It's short for Imogen"

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"I..I was going to, I just..didn't know how"

"What do you mean?"

"Well I thought you were going to judge me and not want to be friends with me any more"

"You know I'd of found out eventually?"

"I know..I didn't really think it through. I'm sorry for not saying..please don't judge me"

"Come here you daft cow, I'm not going to judge you" Kimberley giggled, pulling me into a hug.

"Good, I'm glad"

"She's beautiful, she looks just like you"

"Thank you"

"I'm guessing the 'he' your mum was talking about is her dad?"

"Yeah, he's lovely. We're actually really good friends. We finished on good terms so I'm glad of that. She lives between us both. She wasn't supposed to be home until Monday but he had to go into work"

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