Chapter Five:

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Kimberley and I were well away on the road to a good friendship. We had known each other three weeks now. She's been great with Imogen, not phased by her at all like I thought she would be. She was showing no signs of going home to London yet, I wasn't really sure how long she planned on staying in Newcastle but what I did know is that I didn't want her going back to London yet. It's safe to say I would definitely miss her hell of a lot. Imogen seems to be be getting on with her really well too, which I was glad of. I had seen Kimberley almost every day. She'd even stopped by at work when I'd been working. When she hadn't been around it felt weird not seeing her.

I had just sat down with a cup of tea with Kimberley before I got ready for work when the door bell sounded.

"Won't be a minute" I told Kimberley, leaving her in the kitchen as I got up off my chair.

I picked up the pace through the living room, avoiding all of Immie's toys all over the floor.

"Oh hey mam"

"Hi Cheryl, I'm not stopping. I'm sorry but I won't be able to have Immie tonight. I've had a last minute call in to work. Sorry pet"

"Ahh no worries mam, I'll call in sick or find someone else to mind her"

"Sorry again"

"Don't worry about it"

"I've gotta get off, I stopped off on my way in to work"

"Okay, see you soon" I said as I kissed her on the cheeks and she hastily left.

I sighed and shut the door behind me, walking back into the kitchen to where Kimberley was where I had left her.

"What's up?" She asked whilst dipping a chocolate digestive into her steaming mug of tea.

"My mam can't have Immie tonight meaning I'm gonna have to call in sick to look after her" I sighed.

"I'll look after her..I mean, if you want.." Kimberley offered but then quickly trailing off. I took a moment to think about it. I trusted Kimberley. Imogen and Kim got on really well so I couldn't see any problems and it was only for a few hours, Imogen would be in bed for most of the time..

"Do you mind?"

"Of course not!"

"Thank you so much"

"No bother" she smiled, passing me my now luke warm cup of tea over to me. I took a sip, scrunching up my face at the taste of it, no longer being hot. I poured it away.

"I'll shout her down to let her know....Immie?"

Shortly after Imogen came slowly stepping down the stairs, carefully holding on to the banister to give her extra balance and security. Kimberley and I met her at the bottom of the stairs and Kimberley picked her up as she reached the bottom.

"Do you want to stay with Kimba tonight, Immie?" I asked her.

"Why?" She questioned.

"Because nana is at work"

"Yeah!" She squealed, wrapping her arms tightly around Kimberley's neck.

"Careful Immie"

Kimberley just giggled before setting her down on the ground to go and play with her toys.

"I'm just gonna go and get ready for work"

"Okay babe"


"Right I'm off, I'll see you soon" I said as I walked in the living room, picking up my keys.

"Come say bye to mummy, Immie"

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