Chapter Nineteen:

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Kimberley's POV

"Oh hey Sarah" I say, answering the front door, expecting Cheryl to be behind it.

"Cheryl asked me to pick Immie up"

"Oh, come in" I smile. "Imogen!" I call from the other room and she comes running from the kitchen with a juice cup in hand. "She's had her breakfast by the way" I inform Sarah and she nods and smiles in reply.

"Auntie Sarah!" She cheers running over to Sarah latching on to her leg then holding her arms up as a way of asking to be picked up. Sarah picks her up and balances her on her hip.

"You ready to go, chicken?"

"Yep, where's mummy?"

"Mummy's at home babe"

"Okay" she smiles before drinking out of her juice cup, her bright eyes looking around over bright orange cup.

"Say bye to Kimberley" Sarah tells her.

"Bye Kimba" she smiles and puckers her lips for a kiss. I give her a kiss and a cuddle before showing them out.

"See you soon" I tell them both before shutting the door.

Well done Kimberley, you've really messed it up this time, she can't even bear to face you to pick her daughter up. Well fucking done. I internally scold myself. I sigh and make my way into the kitchen.

* * *

Cheryl's POV

"Thanks for picking her up Saz"

"No problem, how come she stayed at Kimberley's"

"Well..wait..can I tell you something?"

"Yeah course you can" Sarah smiles.

"Immie go play with you toys yeah?" I kneel down to her level and she nods before pulling out her toy box.

I lead Sarah into the kitchen and shut the door slightly so I can still hear and see Imogen. "Cuppa?" I ask.

"Please" she smiles and sits down at the kitchen table. I make us both a cup of tea before sitting down opposite Sarah and sliding the cup across the table to her. "Thanks what was it you wanted to tell me?"

"Promise you won't freak out?"

"Why would I freak out?"

"Just promise you won't"

" can trust me, you know?"

"Yeah..I know"

"So, tell me?" Sarah smiles.

"I don't know how to.."

"Take your time"

I take a deep breath and quickly come out with it. "Kimberley and I slept together" I say quickly and look away from Sarah.


"Kimberley and I..we slept together..a few times"

"You what?!"

"Please don't freak out!"

"I'm not babe, I'm just shocked! What happened? How did it happen?"

"Well the first three times we were drunk but--"


"Let me finish" I sigh.

"The first three times we were drunk but the fourth time we were completely sober. I think it all started when me and Kimberley went to London, yano to that party? She kissed me at the hotel. We were drunk but we just forgot about it and then the next time we were drunk we ended up sleeping together and so on until the last time when we were sober but then I went out on that date with Mason, which was great, he's lovely and I like him. Then last night Imogen kicked off wanting to go see Kimberley and as per, she got her own way so I took her round and she fell asleep so I decided to stay and Kimberley kissed me and I just got annoyed and stormed out and said I'd pick her up tomorrow but I asked you to instead" I explain and take a deep breath.

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