Chapter Fourteen:

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Kimberley's POV

"Hey Saz" I say as I answer the door to an impatient Sarah who is repeatedly pressing the door bell.

"Hi, hello, toilet please and thank you" she says as she rushes past me.

"Upstairs, along the hall straight ahead"

"Thanks!" Sarah calls, already half way up the stairs. I laugh to myself as I walk into the kitchen, making us a brew each while I wait for her to return, I panic internally thinking that Sarah has come round to shout at me or lecture me about Cheryl, I wonder if Cheryl has told her, what if she hates me, she's gonna hate me, Cheryl's told her I know it, fuck sake Kimberley. It's been three days, we still hadn't spoken about it so Cheryl's bound to have mentioned it to Sarah. Well fucking done Kimberley. Before I can think anymore Sarah appears in the kitchen.

"So what do I owe this pleasure? Besides you needing a wee" I laugh, passing her the steaming hot cup, hoping she won't noticed my panicked state.

"Just needed a wee.." Sarah giggles. "No, I'm joking, I came round to ask if you've actually moved in here yet?"

Thank fuck for that.

"Yeah, everything's sorted now, near enough any way..why do you ask?"

" need a house warming party!"


"Yes, of course"

"Any excuse to get drunk Harding" I laugh.

"You know me too well but still you need to have a house warming party so what do you say?"

"Erm I'm not sure.."

"Come on Kimbers, don't be boring!" Sarah grins at me.

"Ugh go on then! I'll leave it to you to organise."

"Woohoo! Let's go shopping, you have to come shopping with me."

"Fine, come on then" I say, taking the last gulp of my tea before placing the empty cup in the sink, followed by Sarah's. I grab my car keys off the side. "Your car or mine?"

"Yours. Yours is better than mine."

"Okay, just let me get my sunglasses"

"Sunglasses?'s not even sunny"

"Without sounding big headed here but I'm pretty famous and--"

"Oh yeah" Sarah laughs, cutting me off. "You're so normal..I forget"

"Urm thanks, I think" I laugh, it's good to have normality in my life. I like normality, I like having friends that don't use me for my celebrity status and treat me just like anyone else, a normal person, a normal proper friend. It's really great and I love it. Normality is what helps keep me grounded, although the situation with me and Cheryl is far from normal at the moment. I push that thought from my mind as quickly as possible.

"Oi, stop daydreaming and get a move on"

"I'm coming, I'm coming"

Maybe I should of rethought that sentence, that brings back memories from three days ago. Kimberley stop. I tell myself and quickly follow Sarah out. I lock the door and go over to my car and unlock it for an impatient Sarah stood on the passenger side waiting to get in.

* * *

"Okay so we need alcohol and lots of and lots of that too.." Sarah says, more to herself than me as she fills the trolley with various sweets and crisps and other snacks.

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